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Everything posted by bumbles

  1. Congrats and happy planning!
  2. A pashmina for walking along the beach at night sounds so cozy! If anything, they can also use it on the plane I always get so cold planes.
  3. Ladies who are married or have visited Paradisus: Did you consider long tables instead of round ones? If so, how did you make your decision? I like long tables, but I don't know how that will work in terms of space and set-up. We're expecting up to 60 people, so long tables might not make sense. Thanks! In regards to points, they are so easy to accumulate! Share your ideas, opinions and words of encouragement to other BDW brides. I tend to be more of a "words of encouragement" member since my creativity dept needs a little help! The give-and-receive relationship among members through the point system is what keeps this forum alive and flowing with ideas. I'll def post a planning and post-wedding thread when the time comes.
  4. Thanks for calling Lauren. I'm glad Daniela is still there. Typically, she's been great at responding to emails, so they must be busy these days. I agree that acknowledgement of the email would be nice esp since it's been weeks! One of a few downsides of being a DW bride Btw, I think that doc you PM'd me about is at home. I'll send it tonight.
  5. Hmm... I see that Perla's email is [email protected] Whereas, Daniela and I were communciating using [email protected] Perhaps Perla hasn't seen my email b/c they have separate addresses? So confusing.
  6. Sandra, Daniela is/was my coordinator. It has been 3 weeks since I sent her an email and haven't received a response. I am wondering if she is still with Paradisus too. Your day is coming up! How exciting! Are you getting your makeup done at the Paradisus spa? Missy, THANK YOU for the helpful document. The reception floor plan is really helpful to those who weren't able to visit the resort beforehand!
  7. How long does the process take? Do I have to drop it off and then return a couple hours later? TIA!
  8. Welcome Lauren and Bill! Glad to see another Paradisus couple
  9. My dress is coming in sometime this month. The anticipation is killing me! Is anyone else still waiting for their dress?
  10. Robin, did Paradisus charge a vendor fee for the dj? If you don't mind me asking, what quote did you get for dj service w/ Mannia? I contacted the resort's preferred vendor and it is way out of my budget. Has anyone heard from Daniela? I haven't heard from her in a while
  11. Welcome back Robin! You looked amazing on your wedding day! Meredith, AH! That is so ridiculous!
  12. Congrats to Robinbood and glavas on your recent weddings! Also, congrats egsarah on setting the date! Yamille, I'm having paper fans in case it's super hot. I found paper ones for under $1 at Luna Bazaar. I don't know if they're easier to pack than rafia fans...hmm. Meredith, did you get any info from Paradisus on the slideshow? I emailed Daniela w/ a bunch of questions on centerpieces, canpoy, spa, etc. but had forgotten about this part. I'll post info as soon as I hear from Daniela! So far, there are 40 ppl in our group! I think 10-15 more will be going I'm sad though because a number of ppl can't attend due to the recession and job insecurity A major need-to-do: contact swank re: dj/ipod (avoiding this b/c it's probably expensive) I am nervous about the make-up service at Paradisus -- I went through a few reviews and I don't think anyone at all has had their make-up done there. I think I can do my make-up given a few tips an artist, but I just don't want to! Maybe I'll do a trial at Paradisus and be my own back up just in case. What are you ladies doing?
  13. I just ordered the orchid hair flower from Late Bloomer. It should arrive in a couple weeks! Star Orchid Flower Hair Clip
  14. Have a fun wedding-planning break! I did that for two months Nov-Dec. It was so nice not to do anything, although I did continue to look at BDW and other sites. It was fun to look at what everyone is doing without feeling the need to make a decision or take action on anything at all
  15. Susana, your monograms look gorgeous. I love the variations you have! Did you make them or who was your vendor?
  16. I am SO glad for you guys. Have a wonderful time in Jamaica!
  17. I'm sorry Becks. That's so rude and annoying! I hate snobby pet owners who think they know everything or believe their method is the only way to raise animals. It reminds me of those parents who would say, "Oh my, your one year-old child isn't playing the cello and learning Farsi yet? What's wrong with you?" Post some puppy pics!
  18. I don't know if I should get cups or travel cups with lids. Thoughts? How do guests use the cups? Sorry, if this is a really silly question! Do they use it at the pool, like go to the bar for refills? I can see how travel cups can be useful for excursions! Thanks!
  19. Bump! I am using paper bags for OOT gifts and came across this thread w/ great inspiration pics. Has anyone used Papermart?
  20. FI looked into it a few months ago. He said that you have to be married for a year by the time of the actual assignment to ensure that you will be placed in the same location. Double check that though.
  21. How rude and immature! I think you should reply to the likes of "MP is a great resort and will certainly not be boring with everyone hanging out there!"
  22. We hand-wrote in print about 75 invitations. It wasn't bad at all since we started early. Be sure to take a break... my hands were getting tired and I noticed that the writing started to get crooked lol... re-do!
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