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Everything posted by SAM

  1. FI and I are planning on going back to Europe for our honeymoon on our 1 year anniv. We got engaged in Venice, so we knew we wanted to go back. The plan is to fly into Paris, take the train to Provence then into Italy; Venice, Cinque Terre, Tuscan Region, and Rome. If we have the $$ and time we will try to make into Germany or Czech. We will stay in my FMIL timeshare either in Rome or Paris so this should save us some $$. We will spend about $8-10k which includes everything and spending money. We plan on taking the train throughout the France and Italy, it's easier and cheaper.
  2. Wow, sorry to hear about the crazy check and the spa...ouch. I'm happy your wedding day turned out wonderful for you
  3. Thank you so much, this is very helpful!
  4. Sounds great, I'm so excitied. Who did your make-up?
  5. Your photos turned out great! I love your cake topper, very cute.
  6. Hello Daniela and Welcome to the Forum!
  7. SAM

    Hello Hello!

    Aloha fellow Hawaii Bride. Welcome to the Forum!
  8. Congrats & Welcome to the forum. This site should be very helpful for you.
  9. I went to a conference in San Francisco this morning and I must say I could feel the excitement in the air. Everyone was talking about the election from the cab driver, to the hotel staff, to the people riding on BART (our metro). It was mentioned several times that last night in San Francisco all of the streets were filled with people; honking their horns, cheering on their balconies, sipping champagne, etc.
  10. Holy Crap! I just looked at tickets. For the swearing ceremony it starts at $600 to $6825!! Barack Obama Inaugural Tickets | 2009 Presidential Inauguration. According to another website they will passing tickets out to Congress and US Reps first. Obama Inauguration: Tickets, Hotels, and Everything Else I'm now thinking of holding a small get together for friends and family so we can watch this as I highly doubt we can we attend (as much as I would love to attend).
  11. hummmmmm. I would love to go but not sure if I can swing it. We have the DW in April. If we did, this is something I would want to take my 12 year old son to as I would ant him to experience this moment.
  12. I am so sad and upset that Prop 8 passed, which basically states that "marriage is only between a man & a woman".
  13. Thanks for the information Dina!
  14. I am so happy and overjoyed to say that we have a new President Barack Obama! I called my MIL and we both cried over the phone. I will say that I thought McCain's speech was great and he bowed out very gracefully! YES WE DID!!!!
  15. I really like the eco friendly favours website- I like the lavender seeds.
  16. Great Photos! Macho Nacho is adorable.
  17. I am voting NO on Prop 8 and most of my family and friends are doing the same. When people ask me "Aren't you scared your son will learn about same-sex marriage". This is what I say. First they don't teach about marriage in school! Ask my 12 year old son! Second I believe everyone has the right to marry whom ever they wish and "church/religion" needs to stay out of politics. Last I want my son to treat everyone the same and not judge anyone by the color of their skin, their religion or their sexual orientation.
  18. I read the McCain artilce in Rolling stone- WOW! I know it's biased but still WOW! Read it for yourself... Make-Believe Maverick : Rolling Stone
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