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Everything posted by MomentsThatMatter

  1. Congrats Laurie! Welcome to the forums and good luck with all your plans.
  2. Welcome Theresa and good luck with your plans in Jamacia! Keep smiling!!
  3. Congrats Claire! Good luck with all your plans... this a great place to figure out all the details.
  4. Congrats John Paul and Abby! We also love Playa but we are bias. Good luck with all your plans.
  5. Welcome and congrats Kelley! Good luck with all your plans and keep smiling!
  6. Congrats Meghan and welcome to the forum. This is a great place to get started!
  7. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! This site should help you with all your plans... keep smiling!
  8. Congrats and welcome to the forums Roxann! Roxann!!!!! haha
  9. Your test worked... the mic is on! Welcome to the site.
  10. Congrats Cyndi! Welcome to the forums and best of luck with all your plans.
  11. Hola Shannon and congrats! Best of luck with all your plans and welcome to the forums.
  12. Congrats Jen! Good luck with all your plans... this really is a great site for it.
  13. Welcome Lady Diana! We to love the Mayan... hope you do to. Good luck with all your plans.
  14. Welcome to the forum Heather! congrats and good luck with all your plans. Keep smiling!
  15. Congrats Tami. This is a great forum for making plans. Hopefully you will find what you need here.
  16. MomentsThatMatter


    Congrats Karla! Lots of Moon Palace brides on here so you should be able to find some good info. Keep smiling!
  17. Welcome to the forums Elli! Hopefully we can help with your plans. Good luck
  18. Congrats Mikey! Good luck with all your plans! Is it legal in Maui?
  19. Welcome to the forums Courtney! Congrats on your upcoming wedding... a cruise would be sweet.
  20. Congrats Monikia! Good luck with all your plans. Keep smiling!
  21. Congrats Wendy and good luck with all your plans! We all deserve a second or even third chance at happiness! You just keep smiling and it will all work out.
  22. Welcome to the forum and congrats! Good luck with all your plans.
  23. Congrats Starlene! I love the name. Good luck with all your plans. I think you need a tickerfactory.com
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