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Everything posted by MomentsThatMatter

  1. Congrats Desiree!!! Best of luck with all your plans.
  2. Congrats on your wedding Natalie!!! Best of luck with all your plans.
  3. Congrats and welcome to the forums. Lots of great advice out here. Best of luck with all your plans.
  4. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Personally... as long as you have a great attitude and keep smilin... you could get married in a paper bag and it would be beautiful! Best of luck with all your plans.
  5. Congrats Mary! Good luck with all your plans in sunny Jamaica!!!
  6. Congrats on your wedding Kelly!!! Best of luck with all your plans.
  7. Good luck with all your plans Constance!
  8. Congrats Kim!! Best of luck with all your plans
  9. Congrats... I know how exciting buying a house can be! I hope you get everything you want in it!
  10. If you send me 2 or 3 of your favorite pics... Let me work some of my magic on them! Our gift to you! haha Seriously... I will touch them up and send you something special. Just send us the untouched originals in full resoution attached to an email. Lincoln & Lori send them to: [email protected]
  11. Congrats Chrissy! Punta Cana has some beautiful beaches... You'll love it!
  12. Congrats Kristie! Best of luck with your information hunt... your in the right place for it!
  13. Congrats Katie and Max! Lots of Dreams brides on here to get information from. Best of luck. I think there is also a forum thread just for Dreams brides... check it out.
  14. Congrats EggonTop?!?! Best of luck with all your plans.
  15. Congrats Tracy! Lots of Jamaica brides on here so you should be able to find some great info. Best of luck and keep smiling!
  16. Congrats Donna! I hope you love and enjoy your time in Jamaica!!!
  17. Congrats Jenny! Best of luck with all your plans. PM me and I can put you in touch with a Wedding Coordinator that is very good. You can ask all the questions and get a feel for them.
  18. Congrats Kimmer! Its coming up fast and soon!!! I bet your excited.
  19. Congrats Lindsay! Best of luck with all your plans.
  20. Congrats Erika! You are right... this is a great site for brides. Keep Smilin!
  21. Congrats Kelsey and best of luck with all your plans.
  22. Congrats Carmen! Love the name.. good luck with all your plans!
  23. Best of luck Adrianne! Have fun planning your wedding.
  24. Congrats Meggan! Dreams Tulum is very popular... you should be able to get some great advice on here!
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