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Everything posted by photographerShay

  1. You've already got some great tips here....and I guess I'd just like to add to avoid harsh mid-day sunlight. If you must shoot mid-day then get in the shade if you don't have cloud coverage.
  2. I thought I would come back and update this thread for any future bride doing searches here Her website is: Finding a Minister for yourWedding or MySpace.com - Petra - 46 - Female - Cancun, Quintana Roo - www.myspace.com/minister_petra Petra's '08 pricing is $300 + travel fee of $20-$100 for areas outside of Cancun (there is also a fee of $50 your wedding is on a US or Mexican holiday, Sunday, or special date like 8/8/08, Valentine's Day, etc.)
  3. Morgan - where was your wedding? I wonder if your WC would be interested in me hiring her just for my ceremony....do you have a website?
  4. Thanks for the responses!! Bianca - do you have any info (website, email, etc) or suggestion on how to find Petra? Never mind...found her.
  5. Howdy y'all. I'm getting married in Akumal (south of Playa del Carmen) in Sept and although the hotel has one officiant they use, I wanted to see if you had any recommendations for an English speaking person. I'd like to compare prices of course, but I'm also concerned with thick accents and being able to understand him/her, kwim? ETA: I tried doing a search in this forum already but didn't find much so any help is greatly appreciated!
  6. I have a pair of the biker shorts style that I use for my work slacks. They do roll if I don't have them hiked up to my rib cage, and after a full day of work I'm really ready to take them off because my body is tired from being squeezed all day, LOL. I'd agree to buy them one size too big as I think this would still slim but not be too uncomfortable.
  7. Hey everyone! I'm so stoked I found this forum! (self admitted forum junkie here) My name is Shay, and I'm a photographer based in beautiful Utah, but joined because I'm getting married in Playa del Carmen / Akumal area of Mexico, Sept 24th. Wahoo!! Looking forward to getting to know everyone and share what tips I can....
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