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Everything posted by lhsing

  1. i would go directly to the fmil just because i don't think she gets it. i don't think it's rude to say that you may want your mom to take a bigger role in this - or something like that since she is YOUR mom. you can say it in a way that won't offend her like: i really appreciate you planning this shower for me, but i would really like my mom to be a bigger part of this event (for whatever reason: you're really close to your mom or something). also check with your fsil to see if she mentioned your boundary conditions to your fmil. if not, you should ask her to do so... just my $0.02
  2. these are so cool! great idea. i'm checking out the website to see what else they have
  3. we're thinking about hawaii. not sure which island yet - we're still trying to figure that part out. we've been to oahu, maui and kauai. we like kauai best, but keeping in mind our guest, i'm thinking maybe oahu makes more sense? we still trying to decide
  4. welcome to the forum!
  5. lhsing

    another newbie

    welcome to the site!
  6. hi jen! welcome to the forum!
  7. lhsing


    welcome! this is a great forum!
  8. wow - these are beautiful! in terms of colors, i think it would depend on which one is your primary vs. accent color. i would use your primary color for the pocket.
  9. wow! i love love lvoe your pics1 the photographer did a great job capturing the emotions. everyone looked like they had a blast!
  10. happy hump day (wednesday)! does anyone have pics you can share with me on your floral arrangements for a tropical location like HI? i did a search, but couldn't find it in one location. i was looking for bouquets, bouts, flower girl flower balls, centerpieces, floral decoration for cake, and aisle... the colors i'm looking at are the bright green, pink, orange, and brown. if you have some pics, please post them here so i can get more ideas. the pics i have seen in the past have been more classic. i'm looking for something that is more modern and clean. thanks!
  11. hello ladies! i just saw the first posting for 2009 brides (january) and i though i would give july 2009 a try since that's when my wedding is going to be - yay! i know, i'm planning way ahead, but we've been engaged for about 6 months already so ima itchin' for some plannin' let me know what you've done already and where you plan to have your wedding! i've done some research (for islands in HI), but haven't booked anything yet.
  12. destination wedding really cut costs down. we were looking in sf and for 125 guests, it was close to $50k. with that amount of money, i'm sure i can have a really nice wedding in HI and pay for my guests' hotel stay! we'll see how it plays out. based on how many ppl we think we're going to have (~50), we plan to spend around $25-30k for the whole thing. that includes, ceremony, reception (dinner and cocktalis), flights and hotel for close family and then all the other stuff, like flowers, transportation, music, photography and video, etc. out budget is prolly on the high end, but it's still a lot lower than what we would have paid to have it in sf.
  13. if you really want to purchase photoshop, they give students a discount. i think it costs ~$200 for a student vs. $600. i love photoshop. you can do a lot with it, photo editing, invites, flyers, welcome bag stuff, etc... from my personal experience, i would buy photoshop again...
  14. Hello Ladies, I'm new to this forum. I've looked through threads and everyone seems to be so helpful. I'm trying to decide which island in Hawaii to get married on. Can anyone give me pros and cons of the islands to help me decide? Thank you! Linda
  15. wow - it looks great! beautiful pics! your wedding looked like a lot of fun
  16. lhsing

    Newbie Here!

    i would consider maui or kauai since i haven't set anything in stone yet on oahu. i just figured there was a wider variety of things to do on this island, incuding nightlife, etc. didn't see much or any of that on maui or kauai.
  17. good luck and have lots of fun!
  18. thanks, ladies! this will really help. i'm fairly new to this site and apparently i don't have enough points to open the templates yet.
  19. wow! it looks great! was it a lot of work? i was thinking about doing something similar... and was wondering if you cut everything by hand or...?
  20. hello ladies! i'm having my wedding in oahu next july and i'm working on invite ideas. under a budget so i'm looking to do this myself. anyone have any templates out there that you can share with me? thanks a bunch! linda
  21. lhsing

    Newbie Here!

    1. Linda Hsing 2. July 25, 2009 3. Oahu, HI
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