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Everything posted by resehop

  1. Those pictures turned out so GREAT! Thanks for sharing.
  2. These pictures ROCK! You ladies are HOT HOT HOT!! I think you are going to give 09 a run for it! Can't wait to see those. Game on! ha ha
  3. Hello! You are going to love this place! So many nice people and neat ideas.
  4. Those are great! Looks like you are on top of your game. Wish you the best of luck and CONGRATS!
  5. No problem. Also, they do not have to have a model release technically. I just do it to cover myself. If it doesn't work for you, maybe you can sign up for RAFAEL IBAÑEZ giveaway on the forum.
  6. I will post what my contract is to give you an idea of what another contract is like, I can't speak for anyone else though. You mentioned that if you buy them who own them, they (photographer) still does but can outline what you (the client) can use them for (per contract). Please let me know if you need me to clear anything else up. 6. Limited copyright ownership of the resulting images will be transferred to the CLIENT under the following conditions: The images are the property of CLIENT for personal use and for the purposes of the reproduction and giving of photographs to friends and relatives. The images created will not be published or sold for profit without obtaining written permission of Sweet Memories Photography. 7. MODEL RELEASE. The CLIENT hereby grants Sweet Memories Photography and its legal representatives and assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs of the CLIENT or in which the CLIENT may be included, for editorial, trade, advertising and any other purpose and in any manner and medium; to alter the same without restriction; and to copyright the same. The CLIENT hereby releases Sweet Memories Photography and its legal representatives and assigns from all claims and liability relating to said photographs.
  7. I would strongly suggest that you talk to them. If their work is what you want then try to work it out. After all isn't that what a contract is about? Since I am a photographer I do not really understand why they would address different terms then what was agreed upon verbally. Verbal contracts, are legal contracts, it is just difficult to "proove" what was said. By no means should you settle after what was originally agreed upon. I will write statements to each of your numbers. 1. I am not sure their reasoning behind this. After reading the other terms you posted, I am not sure they would have a reason. I would ask. 2. They will not be able to control this (as you put it). It is a copyright issue. Ultimately they own the rights to the pictures. Some photographers are really picky about things like this. The way I look at it, is that it is a digital time and everyone knows how to use the computer, if they want to save themselves money let them do it. No different than buying carpet and putting it down yourself to save. That is just how I run my business though and I offer options of designing albums or giving clients the right to make their own (heck I even send them links for places they can go to do this). I think photographers will move to this in time. 3. Again, copyright. Just because you buy the disc doesn't mean you can do what you want. Just like when you buy a car. Why do they make it go up to 120 when it is against the law to drive that fast. Does not make sense. 4.Copyright. They have the rights to say how the images are used. Not sure why they would give you a CD and not let you do anything with it though. That is just mind boggling. Sorry that you have to experience that. I would talk to them about it if it is someone you really want. Otherwise I would take your business elsewhere. If you are already having these issues from the start, that should send up red flags to you about possible future issues. Goodluck and let us know what you find out or decide to do!
  8. It is because these companies are losing money. The government has them on restricts and they are not able to be a free market (based on supply and demand). With all the regulations, they have to put the puzzle together just right otherwise they will go under. Not sure if that makes sense but I would hate to be in the airline industry right now. AA is doing large lay offs as well.
  9. Welcome! I live in Texas too!! This is a great resource for all brides. Good luck with all your planning!
  10. I have and xti that I love. I have never used the xsi though. Also, canon is getting ready to release the xs which you can read about here: Macworld | Canon introduces EOS Digital Rebel XS I wish I could help more but the last in that series I got was the xti. I use it for my backup/fun camera when I don't want to take my 5D or 40D. Like when I go hiking, I love the xti because it is lighter and I don't have to worry as much about something happening to it. Good luck in your camera shopping. One thing I would suggest is to go to a camera rental store and rent them for a weekend and see which one you like better for what you are looking to shoot.
  11. We were dating for 4 years, engaged for 1 year and now married for 1 year! 6 years total It has been a great journey and to think it is only just starting...
  12. resehop


    I have been here 1 day and everyone is so nice. You will find a ton of useful information! Good luck
  13. That is what I am hoping to do with my photography. I think it is smarter to bring your own because then you have so many more to decide from because you can take one from anywhere. My suggestion would be to weigh your options ask photographers and get quotes! Good luck
  14. These are really good! You guys are too cute! Looks like you have a great photographer.
  15. Though primes are good, they have awesome image quality, I personally don't like not having any zoom. Smart that you went with Canon! Nikon is great camera, don't get me wrong, my issue with them is the noise is low lighting (though they have improved that in their newer cameras because of the CMOS sensor). Anyways....I think you will be very happy with your choice and let us know how you like it! Goodluck!
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