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Everything posted by tylersgirl

  1. I saw some really cute luggage and passport holders in the new VS Xmas Catalog...we are getting a gift together too(mainly for him). A big flat screen for the bedroom
  2. Welcome!!! Punta Cana is gorgeous!
  3. I don't have any suggestions, but I just wanted to say that blue is really pretty!!!
  4. We are having an AHR from 7-12pm downtown on the top floor of a building. It will be beach themed and we are going to have catered food, bar, cake, and a DJ. Also, our photographer is going to play a slideshow from Mexico. I didn't have to call the caterer because venue has a contract with a company and they take care of it. Good Luck Girl!
  5. Very cute pictures!!! I love the thank you one...are you using it for your thank you cards?
  6. everything looks so great. you look beautiful in your dress.
  7. Hey and welcome to the forum!!!
  8. tylersgirl


    Hi and Congrats!!!
  9. My friends are inserting a special page along with my shower invite that will say where we are registered and have directions to the shower. I'm not expecting any presents at my DW. =)
  10. I am just eating less. I cut my portions in half and I have already seen a bit of a difference.
  11. Yeah, I have booked and received confirmation and talked on the phone and emailed her. She hasn't sent any price lists or anything to me yet...maybe its too early. I see you are getting married there really soon! Congrats! Please let me know how it is. I have been speaking to the WC Vanessa Pedraza. There aren't too many of us from the RPRM on BDW!! Thanks for responding girl
  12. Heather-I love the camo bags! The guys will LOVE them! As for the girls I like the rainbow seagrass ones. They are cute! I can't decide on which I like best for the girls-the dotted bag or the rainbow seagrass bags for sure
  13. I am a drug dealer...jk...I am a Pharmaceutical Representative
  14. That was the exact dress that I drove 2.5 hrs away to look at in a boutique. I was for sure it was the dress I wanted until I saw it in person. It didn't look like I thought it would in person. I personally thought that the online pic and info was very misleading. It is still pretty, but just not what I thought.
  15. Do they offer a cocktail hour at the RIU Palace Riviera Maya? I have talked to the WC and she didn't mention it and I didn't see anything about it on the website!
  16. I have had microdermabrasion and glycolic acid and it really improves your skins tone and texture and leaves your skin feeling really refreshed!!
  17. Congrats and welcome from one Texan to another! You will love this site!
  18. I am going to book with Norma (Houston Boudoir) as soon as I lose some more weight. She does wonderful work. If anyone is interested in sharing costs please PM me.
  19. I would say the same as Cattie and Morgan. Cocktail dress for sure and suit for FI. You can always add a coat or a pair of trendy looking stockings to your dress to stay warm.
  20. Hi! Welcome to the forum! You will get lots of great ideas and feedback on here.
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