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Everything posted by tylersgirl

  1. haha, you are too funny saying hillbilly AHR, lol. I am glad you found something that might work! I hope she says YES! Keep us posted...
  2. They added a few new pics to the top of the blog: RIU Weddings Playa del Carmen Mexico The fresh flowers look beautiful. BTW my siggy ticker looks so weird now! haha!
  3. CONGRATS MRS! I love your pictures! Wow, you looked stunning on your wedding day. Cheers!
  4. Welcome! I have always wanted to visit Savannah. Good luck with all of your planning!
  5. Yeah, I have never heard of that? What is it?
  6. CONGRATS! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience and photos with us. You look so beautiful on your special day.
  7. Welcome! You dont have long to go now!! Congrats!
  8. It just bumps the post up to the top of the page so that people who haven't seen the thread can see it. Hope that helps ya!
  9. stacey-that sounds great! Andrea-the olive dish sounds delicious!
  10. I am so sorry! I am sending lots of hugs your way. Hopefully she will realize that she should go. Good luck!
  11. oh gosh stacey! haha I have to wear my dress in 1 month to the day! I will have to make it for everyone else and fatten them up, haha and have a bit for myself! Erika-I will try the additions-I love heat!
  12. yeah, it sorta like a white, semi-sweet corn. it's found with the other canned corn. stacey-do you have the bbq mashed potatoes recipe? my mouth is watering!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ I need to hear more about this corn dip Desiree! It is to die for! Here is the recipe: Mrs. Mitzi's Corn Dip 1 cup sour cream 1 cup mayonnaise 2 fresh jalapenos seeded and chopped 2 cans shoepeg corn 2 cups colby jack cheese 1/2 cup of chopped purple onion-chopped finely salt and pepper to taste Just mix everything together and ENJOY! It is soooo good. We like it the best with Fritos or tortilla chips. Everyone fights over it
  14. These all sound sooo yummy! I love my FMIL's corn dip and definitely BBQ!!! Lots of BBQ!
  15. Thank you so much ladies!!! I am so excited!!!! Whoohoo! Also, thanks so much for the Member of the Month nomination. Y'all are so sweet! Josie-LOVE the siggy pic! very cute!
  16. Thank you so much everyone!!! I really appreciate the nomination! XOXO
  17. Yeah, I agree with the other girls I wouldn't change the location just because of her. When you plan a DW there are always going to be people (mine is my SIL) that try to put the attention on them by causing a fuss. My SIL said she wasn't coming to Mexico and when I said I would change it to Jamaica she said she wouldn't do that either, so I just decided to do what FI and I wanted to and stick with Mexico and lo and behold she is coming now. I think people just want to test you when you have a DW, so hang in there! Maybe she will come around. Good luck with everything!
  18. SDbeachgirl-As long as 80% stay at the RPRM then it is fine. I am pretty sure you will have to pay for day passes for the ones who stay at the timeshare. I know they are really strict about the 80% rule because she requested all of my guests information about what hotel they are staying at and their arrivals/departures/names ect. and she has said it several times. Hope that helps ya!
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