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Everything posted by tylersgirl

  1. BEAUTIFUL!!! Your eyes are so pretty and your hair looks perfect!!!
  2. I am planning on having my reception at Chili's I think. I'm going to do the semi-private reception and I am planning on bringing my Ipod with a Bose system to play music. I heard from another bride other than Archie510 that the cake isn't anything special. We booked the two story jacuzzi suite and we are having the Royal wedding. I am planning on going with all the ladies to the spa so I hope the services are good!!! I am getting soooo excited! Archie510's pics look beautiful!
  3. We are having ours 2 weeks after our destination wedding
  4. All of the garters look great! I haven't ordered mine yet, but Etsy had some really cute ones so I will prob give that a try.
  5. My FH is amazing!!! He treats me like a queen and he is so respectful of me. He is an honest, caring, smart, and funny person and he never meets a stranger. I love him more and more everyday and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. This is a great thread BB2B!
  6. Maybe send out a response card with your invitation and have the guests choose which one and mail it back to you--kinda like an RSVP card-or if you are using an RSVP card just add the food choices to it and have them circle which one, etc.
  7. I have waxed everything! Lip, Eyebrows, and Brazilian before. The redness only lasts a few hours for me. The upper lip waxing doesn't last too long though-a few weeks tops. I have decided to start using a hair remover-I use Sally Hansen and you just brush on the remover, wait a few minutes and you are hair free! Samanthag-Brazilian hurts, but it is worth the pain...you just have to make sure that you have enough hair for the wax to grab ahold of(TMI, haha)...I drank a glass of wine before to ease my nerves and the pain!
  8. That was precious!!! I loved the poodle climbing the ladder, haha!!!
  9. Congrats Amy! I'm near Houston and I am having my wedding in Playa too! Good luck with all the planning!
  10. I think it will be fine with the beach breeze. You could always bring raffia hand fans to cool your guests and FH off. I am getting married in August and I heard it's super hot in Mexico then, so I am bringing the fans along and I am going to ask for a table with pina coladas and strawberry daquiris for my guests to grab as soon as the ceremony ends.
  11. Yummy! I will definately make this! Thanks!! Where can I buy the dried cherries? Is it near the prunes at the grocery?
  12. Welcome!!! I say go for it! Do what y'all want to do! I think you could probably find somewhere. Just ask your travel agent for some suggestions or I'm sure some people on here will help you! Good Luck
  13. I think it is fine, but just drop hints for him. Little things like, "this would be nice to wear to the wedding" or give him some color options to choose from. =)
  14. Beautiful pics!!! I love your dress and your BM's dresses!!! The picture by the lighthouse is breathtaking
  15. Yeah, I say trust your instinct too. I didn't have that experience with my wedding planner, but I did with my bakery. I had called and had a great convo with her and then when I showed up at her house for a tasting-it was like she didn't really remember what we talked about at all-or even remember anything about me. I ended up still using her bc she is the best and I know she does great work, but it made me feel unimportant. I do know that the bakery is very busy but still....
  16. I love it Kathy!!! It looks perfect. I am planning on bringing lots of maxi dresses. My FI loves them! =) You will look great in that dress!
  17. I saw some at pier1 the other day...I didn't look at the price. They were fall colors though
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