Heather---You have got to be kidding!!!! That is wrong on so many levels. You are nicer than me because I would have told her off! How dare she try to steal the spotlight from you on the most important day of your life. What a looney. I am sorry but I would say something to her or get someone to secretly destroy the dress...haha...Let us know what ends up happening!
My grandmother purchased me a set for HS graduation from Sears. It is the American Tourister brand-I still use it....I think it has been 7 years and I travel quite a bit. I just got a coach carry on from the coach outlet for christmas...
I love your colors. My MOH isn't carrying any flowers either-she doesn't care-its my sis-and I think it is a waste of money too. I like your idea for the GM too. I think that I would prob. go with a light blue shirt for the GM. Everything looks great though. Don't worry.... the colors don't look too dark at all.
I don't own a home so I can't get mine covered under homeowners. I need to get my ring insured bad...I am so clumsy and forgetful. After reading this I am thinking about using Jewelers Mutual. I need to do this ASAP.
Thanks for the info Jacilyn...Hopefully I can get them out around the beginning of March. I pretty much know who all is coming-I'm mainly sending out the invites to see how many ppl are coming to the AHR. I am so excited Ana de Roux is designing my invites as we speak! I will post pics as soon as I get them in!!
if you want to remove the stain try lemon juice....you can make a scrub of lemon juice and sugar and rub until it comes off...I hope that helps...next time just wash wash wash your hands afterwards
Yeah, I think Jason is into the brunettes. I like to DVR it and try to see if I can match up hands, haha....so weird!!! I can't stand the suspense. Yeah, Kat since he is so sweet it makes him hot! The stalker girl was soooo weird btw.
I like the city! I don't like Jay either...something is up with him! The dark headed girl she works with seems snobby. I like the other people and I really like the guy model that she dissed. He seems so cute and sweet
Help! My friends are throwing me a shower and they want me to pick out the food. I have no idea what I want, but I know I want a lot of food! Could you please post your favorite foods that you had at your shower/someone else's shower? Thanks so much! Desiree
This is so sticky....If I was in this situation I wouldn't register anywhere and hopefully my friends would get the message out that we are saving for a house, etc. and monetary gifts would be best. I wouldn't tell anyone that we wanted money myself though. That is just my opinion. =)
I really like the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader (I am partial being from Texas) and I like the Eva Mendes girl. Some of the girls this season seem totally off. I know y'all will probably kill me, but I am not that into Jason. He seems to wussy for my taste, haha. He is really sweet though. I can't believe Deanna is back on the show. I can't believe he would give her the time of day!
In your case, I just wouldn't register. Most guests will know to bring money if you aren't registered and then you can go buy your big ticket items. I wouldn't know how to register for the big ticket items without it seeming rude. JMO. Good luck girl!
I think it is rude....I would not like it if that happened to me. I understand that it is their vacation too, but most importantly it is your wedding. I could somewhat understand if you knew the friend, but you don't. I would just say that it is an intimate time between your FI and yourself and you would feel comfortable if she didn't bring the guest. Maybe she can travel with someone else she may know that is coming to the wedding.