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Everything posted by tylersgirl

  1. There was a thread on this last week I believe....Here it is: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t36063 =)
  2. I see that it says you are from Oklahoma...Where are you planning on getting married? I know this is out there, but maybe driving could be an option. Maybe someone (Aunt, Cousin, etc.) could drive her across the border...If you are getting married in Mexico it would work because y'all could just drive through Texas and cross. I live near the border and I have crossed before...also I have a friends mom who drives to Belize from Texas. Just a thought! I agree with the other girls...if you aren't getting married in Mexico just have someone fly with her and she can ride the scooter things in the airport to avoid the long walks to the gates. =)
  3. I know it is old school but Tae Bo really works! You can get the dvd at best buy or wherever!
  4. Oh, haha. I guess I just assumed face! Sorry! I use VS or Bath and Body Works body cream. Also, The Body Shop has a great body cream...it's called body butter.
  5. My advice to you is to either include none of them or include all of them. IMO if I was in your situation I would personally do the first. BM's are supposed to be girls that treat you very nicely. Sounds like the immature twosome don't treat you well! Hope that helps. Good luck!
  6. That sounds good please do! I still have 10 lbs I need to lose before the wedding =)
  7. This is so fun and interesting. I love hearing about each and every one of you! Here's mine: 1. FI and I met on a beach and we are getting married on a beach 2. I graduated with a degree in Marketing and now I am in school to be an elementary teacher (I hated the business world) 3. I have a brother who is 14 years older than me. I have a little sister who is 17 years younger than him 4. My SIL likes my sister better than me-its obvious 5. My FI and I haven't been apart longer than 1 night-we are best friends 6. I am from a small town, but I am a big city girl at heart 7. I HATE roses....I love tulips 8. Like many of you I hate to excercise...I do it because I have to--ughh 9. I am addicted to sweets-I have to eat ice cream or some treat before bed or I will leave at 11pm to get a treat, haha 10. FI bought me my dream ring-a Simon G 11. I don't have a wedding dress as of now...I can't find one I like 12. FI and I go to the beach almost every weekend 13. I hate seafood and most meats 14. I love the color pink and I don't know what I would do without it 15. I want a puppy bad, but FI doesn't like indoor dogs =( 16. I was a cheerleader in high school and tumbled everyday after school 17. My friends are fighting over who is planning my shower, haha 18. I am scared to death of crashing in a plane... but I still fly 19. I have been to Belize 3 times 20. I was in a sorority--ADPI--(are any of my sisters out there) 21. I have a spanish last name, but I hardly speak spanish at all...my grandparents don't even speak it 22. I have a wonderful family 23. I quit my job and I am not working now 24. I hate shorts and pants....I pretty much wear dresses and heels everyday 25. I am so lucky to have found this website-everyone is so nice and I love all the ideas!!!
  8. You can't change it yourself. In order to gain points you have to be active on the forum. You get points for posting new threads and for any posts you make. Hope that helps ya!
  9. I say the more bling the better! I love what you have done so far and I think it will look great all blinged out. I think it is worth the $$$
  10. Congrats! I love the name you picked out!
  11. WOW! Everything looks adorable! I love how you etched the glasses yourself. I didn't even know that was possible, haha. You are too crafty!
  12. Do they drink wine Maybe you could give them their favorite wine along with a Lolita glass Lolita® Wine Glasses or personalized wine glass. I have one of these and they are sooooo cute! You could also put wine charms in the bag along with cute cocktail napkins...Just an idea!
  13. haha, oh no! Yeah, I agree with you on something a bit more personal and creative. I will put my thinking cap on.
  14. That is great advice Carly! I agree with just not having a MOH. You do need to call her and make her say yes or no. If this is any indication how she is going to act as your MOH you might not even want her there anyway IMO =) Good luck and keep us posted on what she says.
  15. That is great advice Carly! I agree with just not having a MOH. You do need to call her and make her say yes or no. If this is any indication how she is going to act as your MOH you might not even want her there anyway IMO =) Good luck and keep us posted on what she says.
  16. That is so sweet! Your mom sounds like a very special person!
  17. haha...yeah, my FI was like "what is that", haha. He likes it though. Guys are so funny. I LOVE her aprons. I am thinking about getting my mom one. =)
  18. Everything looked amazing. You looked so pretty! Where did you get your fans if you don't mind me asking-I love them. Also, did you bring your own chair sashes?? The resort photographer did a great job! Congrats!
  19. I don't blame you. IMO I would just go ahead a find another agent to handle everything.
  20. I got my hostesses a monogrammed spa wrap from Smarty Pants Custom Embroidery Boutique Joy was so sweet to work with. She is affordable, fast, and gives bulk discounts. Our spa wraps came out super cute!!! I definitely recommend her!
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