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Everything posted by tylersgirl

  1. I don't know and I am a teacher, haha. I think I would put "and". What did you end up deciding? Let me know
  2. I love everyone's siggy pics! I love to put a name with a face
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE PS: Girls go here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t45352 and vote for TylersGirl - I'll die if she loses.......she's SO deserving! You are so sweet girl!!! I am losing as of now
  4. Loved your review and pics! Spreckles looks so cute. You were a beautiful bride. Congrats MRS.
  5. Shell-When you are in photobucket there should be somewhere where you can change the settings to medium size (320x340) photos. It is right under where you click to download....it says "Reduce to: " and then has a drop down box beside it. Click the drop down box and select medium. Hope that helped you. I am sorry if it was confusing!
  6. Everything really looks wonderful. I can't believe your mom made that veil-it is gorgeous! You are getting married 3 days after me
  7. I think I found them girls!!! Here: "I Do" Wedding Shoes Rhinestone Appliqué by Mindy Weiss*::*Wedding Gifts*::*Good Things Wedding Favors
  8. During the winter I use Tan Towels. They are super easy and work really well and you can use it on your body and face! TanTowel, Inc. | Sunless Tanning, Best Self Tanner, Tanning Lotion | Manufacturer of the Original Sunless Tanning Towelette | Sunless Tanning | Self Tan | Tanning Spray
  9. Are you uploading the pics from Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket ? Do that and then copy and paste the IMG code. Hope that helps!
  10. linzangel-I bought my new initials in rhinestone stickers from Michael's and applied them to the bottom of my wedding heels-they look really cute! Just an idea for you. The I Do stickers are so cute.
  11. Yes, I agree with Kathy! What a great group of ladies!
  12. I love that you started this thread because I contantly procrastinate and just look at BDW Today, I am procrastinating writing our wedding announcement for the newspaper and waiting for FI to get off of work
  13. WOW! Your photos are freaking fantastic! They all look so beautiful. I really love how y'all had the bird fly the rings in-how cool is that? Congrats!
  14. Hi girls-I am not a GPP bride, but FI and I went to the GPP in Punta Cana a year ago on vacation and it was amazing. The resort is seriously huge and everyone was very nice. The water was so beautiful-we had a great time. We stayed in the Royal section and the room was nice and spacious and we had a great view. Good luck to all the GPP brides. PM me if you have any questions!
  15. We are doing the ceremony at 5pm with a mariachi band playing, then a cocktail hour, then a dinner reception at an on site restaurant. The night before we will all be eating dinner together as a group-kind of like a welcome dinner.
  16. Oh no! I hope everything works out okay for you in the end. I am sending positive vibes to you!
  17. Awww- I am very sorry!!! I am sending lots of hugs your way!!
  18. Just a helpful hint to the new girls who want help uploading a signature/ticker: Always copy and paste the IMG code after you make a ticker. There are lots of different ticker sites, mine is Free Event Tickers If you want to add a picture in your siggy/signature then you will need to upload the photo(s) to Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket . Once uploaded, then copy and paste the IMG code (should be below the picture-there will be lots of codes so make sure you get the right one) and then come onto BDW and on the top of the forum click on Quick Links then select Edit Signature. There you will have a space to paste the IMG code. You can then hit preview to preview your new siggy! Make sure you save it! Hope this helps!!!
  19. I love it!! It is so original and cute. The arrangement looks great as well. Does the eiffel tower have a special meaning or do y'all just like it?
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