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Everything posted by tylersgirl

  1. Jetsbride-Yeah, only 3 months! I can't believe it everytime I look at my ticker! I will be posting pics of everything soon. I have my BD pics on the 11th, then I have my shower on the 30th so I will be sure to share. About your sis-yes, she needs to back off. I am exactly like you I love AI's and I don't like cruises. She needs to realize this is about you-not her, haha BTW what is your first name b/c I hate just calling you jetsbride?
  2. Thanks for that too bc I was about to go to a smaller, cleaner SWM near my area! Now I will have to go check out the dirty big one, haha!
  3. Aldergray- So the doc said no to the Tamiflu prescription? Why? Andi-That is great news! I am so glad y'all are having a great time!
  4. Josie-Those are the cutest pics! I love your house and that is so fun that y'all had wine to celebrate. CONGRATS
  5. I guess I am just lucky! Neither sides have complained once!
  6. This is a pic of mine, but I have a 2 ct. round center stone instead of the princess. You can't tell from this pic, but it has pink diamonds on the sides underneath
  7. Yeah, I agree with Jac. I have been several times to Belize and I ventured off and went towards the border of Guatemala. I didn't take anything and I am fine It is totally up to you. I don't think it will hurt to take them if its just a little while for your honeymoon.
  8. Thanks so much for sharing that. It is so nice to hear from someone that actually lives in Mexico! Thanks
  9. Thanks for the shopping tip! I am headed to wal-mart today!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda hey girlies watch this and maybe have your freaked out guests tune in! Cafferty File: Tell Jack how you really feel Blog Archive - Has swine flu story been overblown? - Blogs from CNN.com Thanks for that story Jac! I just sent it to my brother and my SIL. I wish I could do this to her
  11. Congrats from a fellow Texan!!! What an accomplishment!
  12. Gosh, your BM's just need to keep their mouth shut. I have worn horrible BM dresses before and I didn't say a peep b/c it wasn't my wedding! The nerve of some ppl. That is so weird about msbettyb! Maybe she changed her mind about a DW. I hope she is okay! Yeah, this is now the RPRM Brides/Dress Thread! haha
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Oh, and also - I just decided I'm going to go make a "Visionary Board" RIGHT NOW! I'm putting out good thoughts, and sealing them on paper/in writing! I encourage you all to do the same! Get a big poster board, markers and lots of magazines and photos. Cut out pics of the beautiful sun, beach, your hotel, location, you and your FI, your families/friends, etc. Maybe this will help us all to get through this and REALLY channel our positive energy!! WHO'S WITH ME!? My mom does this and she swears by it!! I think that it is a great idea. Oprah even said that she does it.
  14. Good! I am so glad you found a great BD photographer! Their work looks AMAZING! I can't wait to see your pics!
  15. Chloe-that is awesome you might be doing a site visit. I wish we would have done one. Let me know when you will be there!
  16. Chloe-Yeah, I have a feeling they will either try to rebook or just feel really dumb when the hype all dies down. I really like dress #1. #2 is pretty but yeah, it looks a bit too formal. What brand is the first one? I can try to help you find the sizes you are looking for online. I think the colors are really nice!
  17. Thank you Katie! p.s. I like your new pic! Y'all make a cute couple.
  18. Yael-I am so incredibly sorry! If there is anything we can do let us know. Please don't hesitate. You are going to be a beautiful bride and have a gorgeous wedding wherever you end up. I wish you the best and tons of hugs! *huge hugs*
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by latown9958 let me rephrase that - some people are canceling weddings who do not have to and their weddings arent even until two and three months away - others have to ( military, canada, etc) which they have no choice in the matter and I feel so bad for all of you girls being forced to. But just know it will be great no matter where you end up Yes, some people have canceled weddings that are 2-3 months out but that is because they have had important guests cancel/hardly any guests etc. and it isn't the wedding they have planned to have, etc. Whether brides are forced to cancel or whether they feel like they need to cancel on their own-both are sad! Everyone has different circumstances and I wish everyone the best no matter what they decide to do.
  20. Hi there and welcome! There are a few RIU's in Playa, but I am getting married at RIU Palace Riviera Maya in a few months. We have a thread going about our resort. Feel free to look through it and join in if you want: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25118-30
  21. Melissa-this is a tough one. If I were in your shoes though I wouldn't use her because she doesn't seem very prompt at returning calls/emails. That is my pet peeve! That would make me really nervous that she would possibly act like that and it will probably get worse after you sign a contract, etc. That's just my opinion. Regardless, I know your wedding will be beautiful! I don't think you are being an anxious bride at all.
  22. Lisa-that stinks! Maybe your guests won't realize that he dropped out until y'all get to Mexico.
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