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Everything posted by tylersgirl

  1. I hope you had an amazing wedding Casey! I know you looked beautiful~CONGRATS!
  2. I hope you had a wonderful wedding Michelle! Congrats MRS.!!!
  3. Jac-I really like pair #1! I think they are too cute. They look a bit nicer than the other pair!
  4. I thought RHNJ was okay...I will probably watch it again, but those ladies seem a little off...I like the Vegas girl too! She seems the most down to earth.
  5. Hey Josie-Tyler and I decided not to do engagement pics and we are just going to take a snapshot of ourselves to put in the paper b/c that was the only reason we were going to do epics. I saw a couple the other month in the newspaper that were dressed nicely and it was just a snapshot and I thought it looked better than the other posed pics in the paper. I say go for it!
  6. I am so glad you made a thread on this! I HATE my hair up. I think it looks so unnatural on me and I am planning on wearing it all down. I hope the wind isn't too bad!
  7. We bought one for our engagement party and it was a cute idea...I was disappointed in the size of the platter though. Here is the site we bought ours from: Gracious Bridal Wedding Favors, Personalized Gifts, Bridal Shower Favors. I bought the stand that comes with it and we have it in our kitchen.
  8. I am so glad I just saw this!! Thanks for all the great playlists! My DJ has been asking me what I want him to play at my AHR.
  9. Vikki-that was such a great email that you sent FMIL-very well said. I am so happy to hear her most recent response!! YAY! She sounds very supportive and excited about being your #2 mom-that is so cute she wrote that!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa well i hear you about what your friend did to you but you shouldn't punish your other friends b/c of someone else's F up. also - being a small business owner is cool but friendships are NOT businesses - they are personal and i can bet your friends will be personally offended by your actions if you ask them to sign contracts, etc. b/c it basically says "i do not trust you" plain and simple lastly, as for 'laying into you' --- you asked what we all thought - the girls are just being honest so please don't take it like you are being attacked - you really did ask everyone's opinion! Well said Alyssa! You shouldn't treat your friends like they are clients of yours. If my friends asked me to sign a contract I would laugh in their face and be really offended. I think that it is totally fine to ask the BM's to pay for their own wedding attire. Actually, I didn't even have to ask my wedding party b/c everyone knows that it their responsibility to pay for their own attire. I have always paid for my own attire when I am in a wedding party. I understand you don't want to be out the money, but it is just a chance that brides have to take if they want to pay for everything themselves. Even though you think it is semi tacky, why not just get the BM's to pay for their own attire-that way you don't even have to worry about the contract and if a BM backs out they will be out the money, not you?? Just a thought. Just try to think of things from a friendship view not a business view. Hope that helps!
  11. Thanks so much girls! Lisa-I love Vegas! I hope you had a great time! Josie-that is too funny! You must have changed your username instead of your title. I like that you are just JOSIE now! Katie-Yes, you can change your username. You just go to the vb plaza menu up at the top of this website and then select most sold and you can see what people have "bought" and there you can "buy" different things with all the points you have racked up. That is how I changed my user title and colored my username and underlined it and stuff. Sounds like you are about to be one busy girl!
  12. Yes, I totally agree with Aimee. I had my nails and toenails done. I put on individual false eyelashes. One last minute thing I thought of that FI will like: I brought one of my FI's button down dress shirts and just wore that and panties and high heels. Just bring lots of lingerie and heel choices. Also, I brought tons of jewelry. I did put on an all over shimmer lotion and it made me feel great, not anything with major sparkle just suddle and my photographer loved it. I had a couple drinks and I was good to go. You will do great! I can't wait to see the teasers!
  13. I thought it was a Woot! Woot! like a happy holler, haha! haven't heard of it either! Thanks, I am headed there now!
  14. haha, Yamille you are too cute! Congrats!!! YAY!!! That is so funny you are the camera friend. I have one of those and I am always so glad she is around b/c I hate taking pics!
  15. Yolanda-I am so sorry sweetie! I hope that they have the heart to bring it back or somehow you get it back. I am thinking of you and sending you tons of hugs. That bastard!! I am so mad at whoever took your package
  16. I will say a little prayer for you! Get well soon!! We are all here for you!
  17. I agree with Carly! Plan your own get together and then she will not have an excuse!
  18. Vikki-I am really sorry you are going through this. I would be upset and have hurt feelings too, but it sounds like she does want you to be a part of the family and she is glad y'all are getting married-so that is a good thing. I know that you are upset that she isn't going to have a get together, but maybe they have other issues going on right now that y'all aren't aware of. Just a thought. ex: finances, time, ect...I know it was a let down, but at least she didn't say that they don't want to do anything for y'all at all...maybe right now is just a bad time for them. I wish you the best!!!
  19. Congrats!! Your pics are beautiful!!! I love the ones of you in your dress!
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