Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa
well i hear you about what your friend did to you but you shouldn't punish your other friends b/c of someone else's F up.
also - being a small business owner is cool but friendships are NOT businesses - they are personal and i can bet your friends will be personally offended by your actions if you ask them to sign contracts, etc. b/c it basically says "i do not trust you" plain and simple
lastly, as for 'laying into you' --- you asked what we all thought - the girls are just being honest so please don't take it like you are being attacked - you really did ask everyone's opinion!
Well said Alyssa! You shouldn't treat your friends like they are clients of yours. If my friends asked me to sign a contract I would laugh in their face and be really offended. I think that it is totally fine to ask the BM's to pay for their own wedding attire. Actually, I didn't even have to ask my wedding party b/c everyone knows that it their responsibility to pay for their own attire. I have always paid for my own attire when I am in a wedding party. I understand you don't want to be out the money, but it is just a chance that brides have to take if they want to pay for everything themselves. Even though you think it is semi tacky, why not just get the BM's to pay for their own attire-that way you don't even have to worry about the contract and if a BM backs out they will be out the money, not you?? Just a thought. Just try to think of things from a friendship view not a business view. Hope that helps!