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Everything posted by tylersgirl

  1. Another thing-I don't know if I mentioned this already, but I asked her if we could have the complimentary cocktail hour and she said yes. I told her that we wanted the cocktail hour to look like the first picture in the blog and she said okay. Also, she said that she is ordering the fresh flower cake topper for our cake and she said okay to my bouquet, but she did make a note that it might not look exactly like it does on the blog (the first bouquet pic)-that makes me a little nervous, but I am sure it will be beautiful!
  2. Thank you! We have changed our wedding from symbolic to religious as of today. I originally thought this was the same thing, but Ael said that they are except the symbolic doesn't make any religious references in the ceremony...so we changed it to religious. Also, just an FYI she said that the chair covers are included in our package (royal). I didn't even know that, so that was good news!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by sunsetbride1 Roo66 - I highly recommend trying it on. I wasn't sure if I could pull it off either; but it looks and fits so much better than you would think! Thanks Desiree! Btw, LOVE the new picture of you and Tyler - you both look amazing. I am dying to see your wedding pics; they are going to be gorgeous! Thanks everyone else... It's incredible how much a little positive feedback can make you feel better!!! Thanks sweetie! We both don't have long now at all until our big day!!! YAY!
  4. Josie-that's exactly what I was thinking! That makes me feel good that u noticed that b/c hopefully my wedding guests will do the same. About my bro and SIL-they are COMING! Yes, I am very excited. They aren't worried anymore and they are really excited about going. My brother text me yesterday and said that he is ready to go now, haha! Right now we have a total of 28 people going including Tyler and I. Hopefully we will have 30 by the end of next week (if another couple books that are on the fence about the trip). Whooohooo
  5. me too! haha~! I am not telling any of my gf's I am not legally a bachelorette! lol! I think we have decided on a new MOH dress for my sister. Here is the link to it. Stardust Maxi Dress in Beige - $44.00 : Fashion Dresses at LuLus.com It isn't here yet, so I am waiting to see what it looks like in person. Her other dress was short and colorful, but now we are all going to be wearing light colors...light khaki, white, beige colors, linen color (BM, MOH, Myself, and FI).
  6. Shannon-that sounds perfect. I am going to have to send the delivery person with a camera to capture his wowza moment, haha
  7. Shannon-the dress look so beautiful on you! I love the back-it is so gorgeous and sexy and makes your butt look perfect. Love it! Get well soon girl!
  8. CONGRATS MRS! Your dress was gorgeous! Loved it! All of your logo items were so cute and I loved your colors. Your brochure has inspired me!
  9. My goodness! I feel so bad for you girl! I would have gone Bridezilla on that courthouse clerk. I can't believe that they take y'alls license away for speeding! I have never heard of that. Thank goodness they don't do that here or I would never have a license, lol. *hugs*
  10. Erika-They look really great. Your guests will love them! I love your colors-they are very beachy
  11. MarieSam-I have been thinking about ya girl! I am so glad you are having a great time. Sounds like a blast! I can't wait to hear all about it and see your pictures!!!
  12. Josie~that is so great that you saved up all that $$ for the house. That is what FI and I plan on doing when I start my teaching job this August. I have seen the pics of your house and it is GORGEOUS so all that hard earned $ paid off. Also, don't worry about all the things coming up. You will be just fine. Maybe cut back on some unnecessary stuff (out to eat, gym memberships, etc-I am just using myself as an example ) Have a great time at all your events. Also, I think the kegerator was worth it-I have seen one and those are so cool, plus your FI hearts it! XOXO Hang in there
  13. Yes, I totally agree Leah. I wore fake eyelashes and I am so glad I did. It gave it a WOW factor!
  14. Great finds! Thanks for sharing! I am off to get the pink love bags! Do you know how much they were? Love everything! Are you putting the condoms in the bags, lol?
  15. Yeah, I really wanted alot of SLB stuff for myself and I am not seeing anything I like! Our store doesn't have ANYTHING. I didn't even see a single pair of bridal panties. I shopped for my friend last year and I found TONS of SLB stuff for her They had a huge selection last year! VS should know that just because the economy is bad doesn't mean women don't get married. The brides are the ones spending all the $$$, haha. Hope you find something you like I just ended up getting lots of really cute sexy lingerie from VS. I am planning on blinging out a pair of blue thong panties to wear on my wedding day. I guess we will just have to know we are SLB lol!
  16. You're welcome! We are going today to get my dad's outfit too!
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