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Everything posted by syl1115

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by MsSunshine Great video highlight! I was tearing up watching it Congrats! It was fantastic! I'm still crying! This will be something that you will cherish forever.
  2. I'm going to do it! I have gained 10 lbs since the wedding and I can't stand it! I look like a little rolly polly piggy.
  3. I agree that it would save you a lot of money, but it seems like it is important to your FI to have everything legal in Mexico. Is he being sentimental or is he just worried about what others will think/say?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by edssbride09 I confess that i have no interest in planning anything to do with my wedding right now... i know i should be all excited about favours, oot bags, decor, menus... i am a chick after-all and i should be all "bridal"... but i want nothing to do with any of it... I just want the day to come and be a big, fun, romantic party! I confess that if I could, I would do it all for you! I loved doing mine so much.
  5. Ok, that is very weird that my post from another thread ended up here.
  6. OMG the place is fantastic! I am waiting for my daughter to get engaged so we can have a wedding at a place a lovely as this!
  7. I love your dress! Everything looks great and I hope you had the time of your life. Can't wait to see more! Congrats Mrs.
  8. I think we have all been through it. I had a big blow out with mine right before the wedding. I was trying to do everything and he was doing nothing! It is just a stressful time for you but I wouldn't worry to much. Just take a deep breath and relax. Everything will fall into place and the wedding will be beautiful. If you need help with anything, just ask BDW and we will help you. I'm not working right now so I have all kinds of time on my hands! LOL
  9. Everything looks great to me! I love your dress and I can't wait to see pics of you in it. I bet they are wonderful!
  10. My confession tonight is ..........I invited my sister and her ass@* boyfriend to Christmas dinner and I hope she declines. I really do not like him and he becomes more of an arrogant ass when he drinks. I felt obligated to invite him because of her and I felt obligated to invite her because it will be the 1 year anniversary of our mom's death so I thought it would be easier to deal with it together. Would it be rude to tell him to stay home? LOL
  11. You looked so beautiful and happy. Your daughter is just gorgeous! She reminds me of my daughter when she was little! You guys looked like you had a great time, I'm glad everything went good. Congrats.
  12. You looked so beautiful and happy. Your daughter is just gorgeous! She reminds me of my daughter when she was little! You guys looked like you had a great time, I'm glad everything went good. Congrats.
  13. You looked so beautiful and happy. Your daughter is just gorgeous! She reminds me of my daughter when she was little! You guys looked like you had a great time, I'm glad everything went good. Congrats.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 I will make you feel better! My FI didn't even know where we were going. OMG I am LMAO! But seriously, my DH did not want to participate in any of the planning and when I did ask is opinion on my DIY projects he didn't like them, wanted to change them, etc. So I stopped asking and did my own thing. The only thing I needed him to do was pick his outfit and carry the suitcases!
  15. I am so sorry to hear this. I was robbed last March (while I was out shopping for wedding dresses) and it was a horrible feeling. The bastards kicked my tiny dog too. The only good thing is the police got all of my stuff back. I know how it makes you feel, just be thankful you were not at home.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan yes, I planned on doing the little wrap around the pony tail. My hair is wet & in a bun as I type. I'm going to try the other ways this weekend. I had to start with the easiest. I'm tempted to photoshop in your head, abbie. When I do mine wrapping around the finger, it looks like this! Just one big one.
  17. I take mine, when it is still wet, and wrap around my finger using a brush. Then I pull my finger out.
  18. What a cute funny story. It made me smile.
  19. I cannot relate to insomnia at all. I have the total opposite problem, I can't stay awake. If I sit still for more than 20 minutes, I will fall asleep. I am asleep in less than 2 minutes when I go to bed. This feeling is just as bad. I used to fall asleep in meetings at work, movies anything that required me to sit still.
  20. Everything looks amazing! I used your reception table inspiration for my memory table and cake table. I just love the BM dresses also.
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