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Everything posted by syl1115

  1. I was watching TV and they broke in with a special report about US Airways plane crashing into the Hudson River when taking off from LaGuardia airport. They seem to think it was due to a bird strike, not terrorists. Scary.
  2. I sent mine in late, but it doesn't matter because AF got here yesterday and I am up 1lb. I suck! I just felt so crappy the last couple of days.
  3. January 9 - Jen (Jennifer Davis) January 16- Carolyn (Carolyn) January 23- Tati (tchuchuca) January 27 - Andi (Andi) January 29- Tina (~*petals*~) FEBRUARY February 3 - Danielle (daniellenderek) February 9 - Candiekiss (Candie) February 14 - April (litl_april) February 22 - Ana (Ana) February 26 - Katy (KatyKo) MARCH March 4-Cachet (cdc0427) March 17 St Patrick's Day - Lisa (lisaloo79) March 21- Danelle (missdanelle) March 21 - Bridget (Bridget810) APRIL April 12- Kristen (kristendotcom) April 15 - Erin (Erin6341) April 25 - Melissa (SgtPepperette) MAY May 9 - Lisa (Chiquita) JUNE June 5 - Jessica (Jess) June 5 - Helen (Helen_S81) June 28 - Heather (*Heather*) JULY July 1- Brandi (MsBrandi), Kaylee (KAMAY11) July 6 - Adrene (YoursTruly) July 10- Susana (Susanandmo) July 18 - Tami (foxytv) July 18 - Lacey (laycj1 July 25 - Deanna (deefalvey) July 29- Desiree (Tylersgirl) AUGUST August 04 - Amanda (BachataBride) August 15 - Abbie August 18 - Kathy (Cattie) August 22-Stacey August 25 - Jenn (JenniferLynn) SEPTEMBER September 15 - ErinB September 16 - Samie (lil_miss_frogg) OCTOBER October 1 - Kathie (Kathie) October 3 - Ashley (Soon2bePowers) October 13 - Kristy! October 18 - Kathy (paraisobeachbride2009) October 29 - Angel (Angel) NOVEMBER November 15 - Sylvia (Syl1115) November 20 - Kristie (aaronsgirl) November 25 - Ayita DECEMBER December 1- Tiffiney (Tiffiney01), Michelle (beachbride0 December 2 - Denise (FutureMrsLewis) December 8 - Casey (*Casey*) December 11 - Lisa (Lisab
  4. Sometimes it is hard for men to understand things like this. If he is not typically romantic, he probably thought your wedding vacation would be the perfect opportunity to "kill two birds with one stone" so to speak. I'm sure he is not trying to steal your thunder and I'm sure he would understand if you told him that you would prefer that your wedding day was focused on you and your FI.
  5. Welcome and congrats! You will find so many wonderful ideas here.
  6. Jenn, I'm so glad you made to Maui! It sounded like you had a heck of a time getting there. You looked beautiful and I'm glad everything else was great. Can't wait to see more pics.
  7. I've never heard of it, but I'm glad it worked out for you. By the way, congratulations on your wedding.
  8. 1. Fraggle Rock 2. Punky Brewster 3. Knots Landing 4. Growing Pains 5. Charlie's Angels 6. Facts Of Life 7. Small Wonder 8. Step by Step 9. The Love Boat 10. Bosom Buddies 11. The Wonder Years 12. Family Ties 13. Moonlighting 14. Living Single 15. My Two Dads 16. Blossom 17. Saved by the Bell 18. Who's the boss 19. Dallas 20. The Muppet Show 21. My so called life 22. The Smurfs 23. Three's Company 24. Knight Rider 25. The A Team 26. Dynasty 27. Today's Special (was this just a Canadian show? I'm not sure) 28. The Cosby Show 29. Wonderful World of Disney
  9. I would suggest contacting one of the TA's on the forum. Just click on the link at the top of the page and email them. They can probably give you some good advice based on the requirement that you have. Good luck and welcome to the forum.
  10. What a great price! And they have a ton of colors to choose from. I wish I would have found this when I was doing my DIY projects. I spent a ton on paper.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by sunsetbride1 If he doesn't wear it even after you get him a new one; then it's time to glue it to his finger or have a talk with him about it. I have the super glue all ready for him!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by carly I don't know, but I love looking at my husbands hand and seeing that ring there. It's a visual reminder of our wedding day and it actually turns me on! Don't repeat that though. Hahahaaaa Ha Carly, your secret is safe with me.
  13. I really love your pics! You looked lovely and I loved your dress. Fantastic and congrats!
  14. Stress affects people differently. I know that when my mother was so sick, I gained 20lbs and my sister lost 20lbs! I just ate everything and she just shut down. I started having the same issue lately since I was laid off. Money stress is making me eat again so that's why I HAD to joint BL5. I have gained 10 since the wedding in September. Not good.
  15. 1. Fraggle Rock 2. Punky Brewster 3. Knots Landing
  16. I did pretty good today since I was so busy. I keep trying to get my DH to get his junk food out of the house. He can eat whatever he wants and does not gain an ounce. I, on the other hand, can sniff an oreo and gain 5lbs. I did get him to gobble down all of the left over Christmas cookies in the house. I did not exercise today. Bad girl. Tomorrow is another day to do better. Good luck everyone.
  17. I have the P90X but I don't have a burner right now. Mine broke and I need to get new one but it is not in the budget yet. I would like to trade someone the Firm workouts if I can find someone to burn my P90x for me. It is 13 DVD's.
  18. Oh Crystal, I am so sorry you had the day from hell . I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. It was so nice of you to do all that you did for the bride. Keep us posted on the outcome.
  19. John Travolta has always been one of my favorite actors and my heart goes out to him and his family. It is such a tragedy when a child dies. I couldn't imagine losing one of my children.
  20. When my DH and I went to pick out our rings, the jeweler sized his finger and that was the size I ordered. Well, on our wedding day, he started complaining about it being to tight. We were married 9/19/08 and he had shoulder surgery on 10/31/08 and was unable to wear his ring due to swelling in his hand. Ok, so now the swelling is gone and he is still complaining about the ring being to tight. Mind you, he hasn't even been wearing it since the wedding. I suggested getting it sized and we took it to the jewelery store only to find out it can't be size because it is titanium. We will have to buy another ring! I am upset because I don't think the ring is to tight on his finger. He can get it over his knuckle without a problem. am I just being picky or does he just not want to wear it? He just seems to take it so lightly and I think it is important.
  21. Congratulations and I hope you have the most wonderful wedding day. Have a great time and don't forget to post pics when you get back!
  22. Great job! You did so much yourself. The bouquet and bouts are fabulous. Good luck and congrats!
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