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Everything posted by syl1115

  1. If it is a causual daytime thing, I think the pink chiffon is a little to dressy. I pick #3. It looks really good on you and it is a little more casual.
  2. Does a Chug count? Part Pug and part Chihuahua. She is 13 years old and is missing some of her front teeth (ok most of them) so her tongue hangs out of her mouth when she sleeps.
  3. Ok, so I was off of work on Friday and my daughter and I searched for a new BM dress. When we finished, I went to Merle Norman to see if they could show me how to apply eyeshadow correctly. Well they did a complete make-over on me. I was worried I would look like a hooker when I left, but it looked really good. The FI was working so when he got home about 9:00 he looked at me. Then he kept staring at me. I said "what?" and he said "wow, you look really pretty." It made me feel good. He kept staring at me all night.
  4. OMG Alyssa, I missed your post. Some neighbor cut the cable line and I was without internet for hours. Have a wonderful time I know your wedding will be wonderful.
  5. Ok, I have a really funny story about break-ins. We live in a very nice suburban neighborhood outside of Columbus, Ohio. Well, one evening in February I came home a little late, 7:00 pm, because I was shopping for wedding dresses. I was on the phone with a friend of mine and I pull into the garage and get out of the car. I tried to open the door from the garage to the house and it was locked. I got off of the phone with my friend and in my mind I cursed the FI for accidentally locking the door into the house. I didn't have a key on me because I had given it to my sister so she could feed the dog while we were away the weekend before. Well, I figured I would call my sister and ask her to bring the key, but while I was on the phone with her, I noticed something weird in the garage. The cover for the dog door was off! I immediately thought, someone broke into the house. I decided to get the neighbor and we walked around to the back of the house. There were footprints in the snow and the sliding glass door was unlocked! I freaked and called the police. I was not sure if someone was in the house or not, but the dog was not barking. Well, the police came and we went in. Everything looked normal. The dog ran down to greet me but she still was not barking. We walked around the house and I noticed that things were missing. Three laptops, all of FI's watches, dufflebag (which they used to cart our stuff out of the house). The FI came home and the police dusted for fingerprints (just like CSI!). They made me go through the house again and make a list of everything that was taken. Well, they didn't get my jewelery because I had it in a hidden drawer. BUT, when I found out what they did take, I started laughing. The policeman asked me what was wrong and I told him nothing. He said if they did something I had to tell him, so I told him that they stole Mr. Purple! He started cracking up. Long story short, they found the duffle bag the same night when these guys tried to rob another neighbor but he called the police and they ran. The police brought the duffle back so we could identify our items. They pulled everything out one at a time but when they got to Mr. Purple, the policeman said "I'll let you get this out, Ma'm. I was so embarrassed! They started making jokes like, "does he sing, I love you, you love me?" Like Barney. Let's just say I hope to never be pulled over by any of them! BTW, they did catch the guys. I threw Mr. Purple in the trash. Such a violation.
  6. I have been lifting heavy for a while. I am currently benching 100lbs. I do 400lb leg press. 60-70 lbs on back and I stagger weight on arms up to 20 or 25 lbs.
  7. Welcome to the forum. You will find a lot of help and ideas here.
  8. I have been looking for the same thing and can't find it.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel Man thats awful you have to deal with this less than a month before your wedding. It's a very pretty dress. I've been searching to find who can ship it faster than 4-12 weeks. I did find a site that has Extra shipping options and they have 3 day, 2 day or over night. I would call them to confirm. It's worth a shot. I hope it helps. Forever Yours # 77113 : Bridesmaids : MyDress4Less Thanks for looking for me. They have a great shipping option but production time is still 1-4 weeks. We are going to do some serious searching this weekend. Since my colors are pink and brown, it may be easier to look for a dress in brown.
  10. It was Forever Yours styl3 77113 in Coral This is the one we are going to look into at David's. We may be able to get it quickly.
  11. I ordered it online from BestBridal prices.com back in February. It was a Forever Yours. I don't have enough time to wait for another one. I think I'll just drink a glass of wine and go to bed. I don't have to work tomorrow, so I need to put Bridezilla to bed. I am going to demand all of my money back from her tomorrow. Thanks for listening to me vent.
  12. I am taking both dresses back to her and asking her to pay for all of it. I was lucky enough to find another dress for myself and have it altered and it is perfect. Unless she gives me the money back, I can't afford to pay for another dress. Then what do I do? Ask my daughter not to walk me down the aisle because she doesn't have a dress? I know it shouldn't matter what color the dress is that she wears, but I'm being selfish. I wanted both girls to have the same color dress when the escort me.
  13. GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! We went to David's Bridal and found a dress for her. It, of course, is not the same color but it fits her perfectly. No alterations needed (thank goodness). I tried to get one in brown, but they did not have anything in stock in her size. But this was close enough. We are going to use a brown ribbon instead of the one that came with the dress. I feel so much better. AND.......I went to see the original seamstress, with both dresses in tow, and she paid me for them! I am a happy girl again. So I went to Merle Norman and had a make-over. Now I'm gorgeous! I think I'll go dancing tonight! Thanks everyone for your help and words of encouragement. You were right, it always works out ok in the end. Ok, a few weeks ago I told you about my wedding dress being ruined by my seamstress, well she also had to take in the top on my daughters BM's dress. And you guessed it, it was a mess. So I found another women that does alterations and my daughter took the dress to her. She took the dress apart and put it back together the way it was originally. The only problem is that the first seamstress cut the top and now it does not fit over my daughter's boobs. We cannot add any material to the dress to fix it. I was trying to be nice to the first seamstress and only had her refund the money for the alterations. I assumed someone else would be able to fix her mistakes. Well the mistake was on me! I am so upset. The wedding is in 22 days. Where am I going to get another dress from? I have been crying all evening about this. Then to top it off, the FI is trying to fix the toilet because it keeps running and he screwed up a part. So I go to Lowe's to get another part. I'm in the store and he is trying to explain it to me, but I just don't get what he is talking about. Well, he was frustrated with the toilet and I was upset about the dress so I hang up on him and find one of the floor guys in Lowes to help me out. I buy the part and bring it home. The FI takes it out of the box and proceeds to tell me that "I got ripped off" because there was something missing out of the box. That was the last thing I needed to hear. My daughter and I have been looking online at David's Bridal to see if we can find another dress, but the colors are off. Then as the cake topper, the dog peed on my carpet!
  14. the pics are great. I was laughing and my co-workers thought I lost my mind.
  15. I just saw your thread and in reading it, it brought back so many memories. My sister was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma two years ago and underwent Chemo and a stem-cell transplant. My mother recently passed from Pancreas cancer. There is a wonderful site, Caringbridge.com, where you can post a journal and other well-wishers can sign your guestbook. This was a wonderful and inspirational site that my sister could update regularly with her progress. I wish the best for Alice and please tell her to stay strong! She has a wonderful support system in you. I will make sure to visit the site and sign-up for the newsletter.
  16. You don't have to tell me twice to stop the inner/outer thigh machine! I'm done.
  17. OMG! I have been reading this entire thread and LMAO! I know my co-workers are wondering what the hell is wrong with me!
  18. I just bought one too. Used the code. I'm dying to try it out. I might need it on my wedding night. bummer
  19. I am mixed and have very curly hair. I don't usually use oil because it is to heavy for my hair. I am going to try and get it straightened before I leave and my daughter is going to do an updo for me. I usually just wear it curly in the heat. It is much easier but I don't want to do that for the ceremony. I plan on using a lot of hairspray and pins.
  20. My sister belongs and she loves it. She just started working with a trainer and she was so sore yesterday. No pain, no gain!
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