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Everything posted by syl1115

  1. I hope your wedding is everything you wanted and more. Congrats!
  2. Congratulations Yari! So happy for both of you. Now go to Mexico and have a blast!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Oh shit, I forgot about my a few more things... Music, why is this so freaking hard? Get my yahoo waxed Eyelash extension Facial Yari, I thought this was the hardest part of the planning. I drove myself nuts trying to pick songs. Everyone thought I was crazy! They kept telling me, "it's not that hard". It was horrible. But stick with it and it will work out.
  4. I would make a separate appointment just to sit down and talk with your doctor. Explain your concerns and that fact that you feel rushed during each appointment. Maybe he doesn't realize what he is doing. For him it is a piece of cake, but for mothers-to-be, it is all new. Before you dump him, talk to him.
  5. I just love everything Juan Carlos Tapia does. You pictures are absolutely awsome!
  6. You did a super fantastic job on everything. I love, love, love the dress. Good luck to both of you.
  7. I feel your pain. I had people RSVP and not show up! I gave them a deadline of 9/1 for my 9/19 wedding and I still have not recieved all of the RSVP's. Granted the wedding is over, but it is just common courtesy. Some people just don't have any manners.
  8. I know how you feel. I wanted to have my wedding in Mexico, Jamaica or some other exotic island. But I had to be realistic about it for both myself and my guests. I wanted my guests to be able to afford to attend because I wanted them there on my day. I had to compromise and have the wedding in Florida and the ones that could afford it, went on the cruise with us. I am so glad I did it this way because a lot of family would not have been able to attend. Of course I wanted to have it my way, but in the end I would have had it my way without the ones I love.
  9. Everything looked wonderful. You looked so happy. I loved the reception dress.
  10. I loved it, it was so artistic. I spent the next 30 minutes looking at a lot more of theirs. They are all great!
  11. Yari, you did a wonderful job on everything! I am so excited for you. Just remember to have fun and enjoy your day becoming a Mrs.
  12. How can you post without the pics? lol I can't wait to see it.
  13. Welcome to the forum. You will get so much help and many ideas here.
  14. WOW. I am so impressed that you did this by yourself. They turned out great and you look great. I especially love the one with your feet on the headboard.
  15. I think we have spent so much time trying to lose weight for the wedding and now that it is over, there is a little room for slacking off. I know I ate 10 oreo cookies yesterday! And at my age, it is so much harder to get rid of the weight. Maybe I can get back on track now that I am back to work.
  16. Go Jacqueline, it's your birthday! have a great one and dance like you are in a music video!
  17. Haha - I had 4 suitcases just with wedding stuff. Since we flew Southwest, I made my daughter and her friend take one suitcase each and me and the FI took one each. We had 8 suitcases and 4 carryons! We had to rent a van when we arrived because my MOH arrived at the same time and she had 2 suitcases! It was tough but worth it.
  18. Congrats! It is going to be the best day of your life. Enjoy every moment. I can't wait to see the pics. Have a great trip and a wonderful wedding.
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