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Everything posted by syl1115

  1. Sorry, I will try to post it again when I get home. I am blocked at work.
  2. That was so cute. You did a good job. I love the little girls faces when you kissed. What was in the big glass. It looked yummy!
  3. They are beautiful. I love the colors of your BM's dresses.
  4. OMG, I love them all. This was such a hard one for me. I love #1 but since it will be near Christmas I chose #3.
  5. Well, I did not have a "pro" photographer like most of you ladies did. I just could not justify spending that money. BUT, I did have a junior photographer take pictures at the wedding and I created my own wedding slideshow. I have been working on this for a little bit and I don't like the quality of the pics on Vimeo but I am posting for you ladies anyway. This is a private video on Vimeo
  6. I have always made more money than my hubby. Right now he is in school full time and finishing up his degree. He works parttime in his field, but I don't think he will ever make more than me. Then again, I just got laid off so maybe he will.
  7. OMG Reg, I just assumed you were over 40! How stupid of me. I'm sorry if I offended you!
  8. Welcome to the forum. It is so nice to have another DW bride over 40. Although, I just came back two weeks ago from my DW. I had my wedding in Florida. Not driving distance for a lot of people, but they did not seem to have a problem with airfare. I did send save-the-date card about 8 months prior to the wedding. There are so many wonderful places in the USA to have a DW. Keep looking and let us know what you decide.
  9. Ok, I'm going to jump on the band wagon with everyone else. I love #1 but #2 looks wonderful on you.
  10. Those are the cutest things I have seen! I love it. I wish I would have known about this before I got married. I didn't have a cake topper because I couldn't find one that I liked.
  11. Congratulations. I'm sure it means the world to your Dad that he was able to attend your wedding. You are a wonderful daughter to arrange this for both him and you.
  12. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to post. I know you guys have been on pins and needles waiting to find out what happened! Well, it went as I expected. My job is terminated as of November 2. The company is outsourcing our IT department and they are offering us positions at the new company. I have until Monday at 10:00 am to put in an application with the new company. They will interview us and make a decision on making us an offer by 10/17. Here is the kicker, if I don't put in an application and go through the interview process, I am not eligible for the transition package which is 21 weeks of pay. If I find another position with my existing company or any other company, I do not receive transition. If the new company makes me an offer up to 10% less than my current salary and I refuse the offer, I don't get transition. If they do make me an offer at 10% less than my current salary I will start working for a company that sucks! I will not retain any seniority, I will be starting out with no vacation, 1 sick day for every 73 days worked, horrible medical benefits and 6 holidays. I currently have 20 vacations, 5 sick days, 3 personal days and my birthday off. Not to mention 7 paid holidays. The new company is offering a bonus for anyone they hire if they stayed employed there for 1 year. WTF? Is the company that bad that they don't expect us to stay for a year? I think the plan is to put one of their employees in with ours so they can learn everything then they will terminate us after the first year. The transition package will then be based on our 1 year with the new company. I don't know what to do. I am a senior tech and I know that the new company does not pay their techs very good. I can't imagine that they can even come close to the 10% margin on my salary. So, I think I will be out of a job come 11/2. The whole thing seems kind of shady to me. They were very evasive on some of the questions people had. I am so upset that companies today treat loyal employees like they are just a number. They have a claim in Columbus to be the "Hometown" bank but they don't treat us like "hometown" people. It's all about numbers. I think this will backfire on them in the long run. What makes it really bad is that I am the one providing health insurance for us. Hubby works 16 hours per week and goes to school fulltime. I never thought it would happen to me.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Tara Oh my gosh, that's the pits. With the economy the way it is, there is no job security. I lost my job with a subprime mortgage lender three years ago nearer to the beginning of the mortgage slump. Subprime was the first to go. But, now I have a very good job with a amazing company and Fi is also working for them as well. It's really a wonderful situation. My point (since I've started rattling on) is that everything happens for a reason. So if it is to be, something better is around the corner. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I work in the mortgage department of a bank. Two of the worst industries out there today.
  14. I feel so bad for you. But just remember the Tequila is right around the corner! I'm sure everything will work out for you. Don't worry about posting your planning journal. We will see it when you return. Just have a wonderful time.
  15. What? You posted without pics? I can't wait to see them, I'm glad you are happy with them.
  16. I have worked at this company for 21 years as an IT Support Specialist. Today we received an email invite to an offsite meeting tomorrow at 3:00 pm. It is a mandatory meeting. Well, that was not such a big deal except we were given just a little more than 24 hrs. notice. That seemed very strange. Well I began getting phone calls from others in the department in other states and they also received an invite to an offsite meeting in their area. My boss does not have a clue what it is about and his boss will not take any phone calls from him. His boss then sent an email stating that he cannot discuss the details of the meeting and all must attend. He must be notified by email only if someone cannot attend. WTF! They have been trying so hard to save money so it didn't make sense that they would hurriedly schedule meetings at hotels in several states for a meeting to tell us we are doing good. They have cut back so much that out trash is only picked up three times per week and the toilet paper is so thin you have to use an entire roll! Why then would they spend money to reserve hotel meeting rooms? I think they are planning to outsource our services. We are onsite IT repair and provide exceptional service to our customers. When they have a computer related issue, we are right on it. Just to be on the safe side, I started packing up all of my personal stuff in and on my desk. I have a feeling that when we are told tomorrow, we will not be allowed back in the building to collect our stuff. Since we are IT, they will not allow us anywhere near the systems. This would be such a lovely wedding present as we have been married only 17 days. My husband (sounds funny) is only working part time and going to school. Ok, I know I am projecting but it just seems like common sense that this is a layoff scheme. In the past, they have had layoffs Tues-Thurs only. I know that I will get about 6 months of severence pay, but man 21 years and this is my retirement gift? I'm not going to worry but I will update you tomorrow. I should know by 5:00. Keep your fingers crossed that it works out ok.
  17. What a guy! It sounds like you had a great time. Happy Bday.
  18. Yay!!! The moment you have been waiting for. Have a great time and a beautiful wedding.
  19. You did a marvelous job. I love it all and your guests will love it also. Congrats.
  20. I love the song "The Sea" by Morcheeba. I am using it in my photo slideshow.
  21. How many of each do you need? I have 4 parasols. PM if interested.
  22. I agree with Kate. Find another seamstress. BUT DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST! I don't want you to be in the same position I was. My seamstress ruined my wedding dress and Bridesmaids dress. We had to get new ones because they could not be repaired. Get references and ask for examples of his/her work. Check the BBB also. Good luck.
  23. Congratulations Monica and Chris. I hope your day was wonderful.
  24. OMG! You did such a wonderful job! Everything is beautiful and looks so professional. Just don't do like I did and forget to use the parasols. LOL You are going to have a wonderful wedding and your guests will be so impressed.
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