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Everything posted by syl1115

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by aimeeyonke dear Madison drivers, 1. the left lane is for passing. it is absolutely NOT okay for you to sit in the left lane and drive the exact same speed as your buddy next to you in the right lane. it traps everyone else behind you, and it is RUDE! you need to speed up, and get over so I can pass you and your buddy. 2. use your blinker! i cannot read your mind. you paid for it- and it's actually easier to use your blinker and drive than it is to talk on your stupid cell phone and drive. 3. get OFF my ass! it only makes me drive slower. if you want to pass me, then pass me. but please don't drive right behind me. it's creepy to look in the rearview mirror and think you are sitting in my back seat! I second this entire statement for the entire state of Ohio.
  2. Sounds great. I wanted to do that but my suitcases were full!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Beautiful!! I want a sister!!! You can have my other one. I'm still mad at her for not showing up at my reception!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE I love your new siggy pic Sylvia! Thanks, that's me an my girls! They have this goofy thing they do everytime we go to the beach. Bay Watch Babes. So I joined in this time. It was so windy and my oldest daughters hair was a mess! We laugh everytime we look at the picture.
  5. syl1115


    Welcome Darlene.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 Hi!! How many floating candles are there Thanks :-) I only have the one package of 4 candles.
  7. I paid $167.00 for my cake for 30 people. That included delivery and setup. Mine was very simple.
  8. They both sound good. I am trying to stay away from desert since I gained a few after I got back from the wedding. At my age it's easy to put it on and hell to get it back off!
  9. they look really good. There is clear double sided permanant tape that you can get from scrapbooking stores.
  10. I have to agree with you Morgan. I am a "do it myself" type of woman and when I decided to strip, sand and stain my deck before my daughter's graduation party last year, Rob said he would help me and he worked on power washing that stupid deck in the rain for 6 hours. That meant more to me than anything else he could have said or done. He was soaked to the bone!
  11. How funny. My sister that "rocks" lives in Cherry Hill, NJ! Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline That is such a thoughful gift! Aw I would have cried too! Sisters rock!
  12. syl1115

    New to BDW

    Welcome to the forum.
  13. Wow that sounds like such an interesting book. I am not the touchy feely type of person and I don't usually use words to express my thoughts or feelings. I guess I am somewhat like you Morgan, expressing my love through acts of service. I enjoy doing things for people if I can. It's very strange, my two sisters are the same way. I wonder where it comes from? My mother was very verbal and touchy feely.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by syl1115 I have worked at this company for 21 years as an IT Support Specialist. Today we received an email invite to an offsite meeting tomorrow at 3:00 pm. It is a mandatory meeting. Well, that was not such a big deal except we were given just a little more than 24 hrs. notice. That seemed very strange. Well I began getting phone calls from others in the department in other states and they also received an invite to an offsite meeting in their area. My boss does not have a clue what it is about and his boss will not take any phone calls from him. His boss then sent an email stating that he cannot discuss the details of the meeting and all must attend. He must be notified by email only if someone cannot attend. WTF! They have been trying so hard to save money so it didn't make sense that they would hurriedly schedule meetings at hotels in several states for a meeting to tell us we are doing good. They have cut back so much that out trash is only picked up three times per week and the toilet paper is so thin you have to use an entire roll! Why then would they spend money to reserve hotel meeting rooms? I think they are planning to outsource our services. We are onsite IT repair and provide exceptional service to our customers. When they have a computer related issue, we are right on it. Just to be on the safe side, I started packing up all of my personal stuff in and on my desk. I have a feeling that when we are told tomorrow, we will not be allowed back in the building to collect our stuff. Since we are IT, they will not allow us anywhere near the systems. This would be such a lovely wedding present as we have been married only 17 days. My husband (sounds funny) is only working part time and going to school. Ok, I know I am projecting but it just seems like common sense that this is a layoff scheme. In the past, they have had layoffs Tues-Thurs only. I know that I will get about 6 months of severence pay, but man 21 years and this is my retirement gift? I'm not going to worry but I will update you tomorrow. I should know by 5:00. Keep your fingers crossed that it works out ok. UPDATE******** My husband (wow that still sounds funny) called me at work today to tell me he was offered full time employment WITH BENEFITS at his current job. A guy gave his notice today and they want him to start fulltime 10/31. I lose my job and he gets one! How lucky is that!
  15. I am so glad you used PayPal to make the payment. It is the only way to protect yourself. I hope you do get all of your money back. A lot of those vacation auctions are scams. They like to nickel and dime you to death.
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