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Everything posted by syl1115

  1. This is so true. It fit me to a T. I would go out with my friends on our bikes in the morning and not come home for hours. We played in the woods. We hitchhiked to the park when we skipped school, lol. We never sat in the house watching tv except on Sunday when we watched Disney and Wild Kingdom. I also remember a time when one kids mother came up to the school and punched out the principle. But nobody sued. We live in such different times and people are afraid to let their kids be kids so they lock them in the house with entertainment. Both parents have to work instead of being home when the kids get out of school, so some are raising themselves. Sometimes I want things back the way they were when people trusted each other, respected each other and your neighbors were allowed to help guide your children onto the right path.
  2. I don't think you have to give specific information on the reason for postponing. Just say "due to unforeseen circumstances, the wedding date has been changed to Dec. *****". Some may ask questions so you may have to come up with a temporary story until you feel more comfortable telling them about the pregnancy. I wish you the best of luck in your pregnancy and I'm sure everything will be fine.
  3. I agree, it is very generous of you to cover the accommodations for your guests. I would just write them a note of thanks.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis Wholy moley... if she admits that the work was shoddy, she needs to come good for it. PS> that is fantastic grammar in the handwritten letter. LOL, I thought so too, but I didn't want to kick her when she was down! See, there I go again trying to be nice to her.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by 2bebridejamaica OH BOY!!! This is a doozie... why oh why do we do this to ourselves... we have your dress issues, my flowers issues... Seriously, they just need to shut up and deal with what they did and how crappy it all was... give you your money back and stop with the BLAH BLAH BLAH hardship story. My paperwork through the BBB is in and waiting on that along with the stuff from the Consumer agency... I won't have any idea till after we get back from the wedding whats going on.. She is just lame Slyvia... I know. I was just reading the last post on your issue. What is wrong with people? You try to treat them with some respect and they screw you. At least you have a lot in writing. Mine is just my word against hers. I do have the shitty dresses!
  6. Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. My DH is having surgery today so I am sitting in the waiting room reading and planning my new business venture! This is going to be a lot of work, but fun! You girls (and guys) keep me going and keep me positive. I don't know what I would do without my BDW girls (and guys).
  7. Did you ask her why she found it so funny? I thought it was very heartfelt.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel I'm sorry about your job. It's good that some people did do something for you. But when one door closes another one opens. You can do anything you want to as long as you believe in yourself. Good luck with everything. Thanks Angel. Today has been one hell of a day. BTW I like your siggy, you guys look good together.
  9. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30286 Well, today was my last day of work. It was so emotional for me. I hated leaving all of the wonderful people I worked with for more than 20 years. The funny part was HR collected my Nextel phone, laptop, keys and ID badge at 10:00 this morning but the HR lady said she didn't care what time I left so I dodged the security guys and took many photos with my friends before I left. I am kind of disappointed that a couple of the girls I have worked with for such a long time, and knew about this for the past two weeks, did not even bother to take me to lunch or get a card. One department in the building actually put on a big potluck for us. Two of us were let go and the new outsourcing company made one an offer. Of course he is the lowest paid so that is why he received an offer. I however, did get a non-paying job at a consignment shop. I want to learn the business and maybe open my own shop. I don't want to jeopardize my unemployment, so I am doing it without pay. I did get a nice severance package from my employer, so I think all will be ok for a while. I guess I just have to figure out what I want to do when I grow up! No more computer work though.
  10. A while back some of you may remember the fiasco with my wedding dress and the seamstress that ruined it. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t26328 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t28110 Well, when I found out she messed up the BM's dress, I went to see her and she agreed to buy the dresses from me. At the time she didn't have the money and asked me if I could wait a week. I graciously said yes. I actually waited two weeks then called her, she gave me another pity story and asked me to give her a little more time. I said, ok but I would like to get it before the wedding. The week we were supposed to leave, we were hit by Gustav winds and power was knocked out all over the city. I tried several times to call her but there was no answer. I finally got thru two days before the wedding but had to leave a message. I told her I would like to come get the money and leave her the dresses the day before I leave. No response. When we returned from the wedding on 9/25 I waited a couple of days and called her again. She said she would have it soon and she would call me. I haven't heard a word from her, so I filed a complaint with the BBB. This is her response. I cannot believe the bitch lied like she did! I think I have been more than fair with her and I certainly did not harrass her! I don't know how to address this and I am looking to you ladies for some advice. Do I call her? Do I go see her? Do I respond to her answer? Do I take her to Small claims court?
  11. I love her! She is such a sweetie pie. My little Fefe is grounded right now because she ran off on me a little while ago.
  12. I have been LMAO! That is the best costume! You guys looked great.
  13. Wow, they are great! That was a lot of work though. You did so many. I was tired only making 25 of mine. It must have taken a lot of time but they are great.
  14. I to felt guilty and it was even worse for me because I was marrying the same man a second time and asking people to spend money to come. Granted our wedding was in Florida and I paid for the cruise portion for our children as well as using all of my timeshare points for rooms, most people only had to pay airfare. I spent about 6,000 for everything including the cruise for 4 people. It made it even worse when I returned from the cruise only to find out I was losing my job because of outsourcing. I now feel, maybe they were right, I should not have spent the money. But I loved it and it was one of the best days in my life. Everyone is still talking about how much fun they had and that makes it worth it.
  15. It is very pretty and your nose is fine! BTW love your little doggie and the pumpkin.
  16. That is wonderful news. I'm sure every little bit helps. It's to bad that she isn't coming to the wedding.
  17. You are so beautiful. I love to look at your pics. Keep them coming!
  18. That dress is absolutely gorgeous! I too was on a mad search for one particular dress and ended up wearing another. But I do love the one you picked. I hope it is perfect for you.
  19. Congrats and happy wedding day! I hope it is everything you dreamed of.
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