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Everything posted by syl1115

  1. I think I would go with the flesh tone. That's what the picture looks like and I think it is very unique. But I agree with Weddingchick, you will have to see it on and take pictures to see how it will really look. If you are not trying to go with the "bare" look then I would lean towards the white.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Don't you feel proud!?! I know he won't win Texas, but I'm so proud that it's too close to call right now!! I feel like I'm a part of that! Woo hoo! I am very proud. Never say never about Texas. BTW you are getting married on my birthday! WooHoo!
  3. I got mine at Target. They were $12.99 each. I looked several places and online but could not fine anything reasonable. Then we ran across them at Target. I love Target.
  4. I think you should tell him what you really want. Will it be an issue for you if you get something that you don't want? If you can't spend the money to get what you want then save it for your wedding ring. You don't have to have an e-ring at all. A friend of my did that and has an amazingly beautiful wedding ring.
  5. Thanks for sharing. I could use a starbucks right now!
  6. I and my entire family voted for Obama. I to am very concerned with healthcare as well as our economy. I am concerned with McCain's economic plan and based on the position I am in now, unemployed, I am concerned with equality.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by SAM Last I want my son to treat everyone the same and not judge anyone by the color of their skin, their religion or their sexual orientation. I wish everyone thought and taught their children the same way. As a child, I grew up with so much hatred from people because my dad was African American and my mother was White. Thank you
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB The bill that passed here eliminates all benefits for all unmarried couples in addition to defining marriage between one man and one woman. So, technically, I should not have been covered under my husband's insurance before we were married because the state refutes domestic partnership. I know that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. My advice is to be sure that you are an informed and responsible voter before you head to the polls. That is so ironic. The company I used to work for allowed me to cover my FI as a household member and pay extra for his coverage, but the company I had to apply with when I was outsourced, would only cover a household member in a gay relationship. Their theory was if you are capable of getting married but choose not to, they would not cover a non-spouse.
  9. I agree, there is way to much judging that goes on in this country. I think that people should be able to love and marry whomever they choose. They are making a commitment to each other and that commitment should be accepted and acknowledged. Hip, Hip, Horray for California!
  10. I have 3 dresses for sale, but have not posted them yet. Yes, I know 3 dresses! It was an accident. LOL PM me if you want pics. Two are size 10 and was is size 16 but fit me when I was a size 12.
  11. Mishka, she is absolutely gorgeous! Congrats to you both.
  12. What a cutie pie. I can't believe he is being so patient while you take pictures. My dog would not participate like that.
  13. Listen to this crazy story. My daughter no longer lives with us so I told her to spend the night and we would get up super early to vote. Well she did and we went over to the school to vote. We got there at 6:10 am and there was already a line. My neighbors daughter came with us and we had fun joking around while waiting in line. We get almost to the sign up desk and I ask my daughter if she has her ID. She says "NO I left it at home since I cleaned out my purse" She did have her car payment statement with her address on it and she thought all she needed was something with her address. OMG, I can't believe that child. First, why is she driving a car without her license? Second, if you know you are voting and need an ID, why would you just bring your car payment statement with you? DUH! Then her girlfriend gets up there and all she has is a passport. A passport does not have your address on it. These are 19 and 20 year old girls. It is amazing to me how they make it out of the house on a daily basis! Now they have to go back and stand in line again, Kids! thats all I can say.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar Thanks Syl1115!! I haven't actually TRIED it, but I just gave it a good read-through and I THINK I can figure it out:-) One more question though...do you know what/if PayPal charges you as a seller...? ( I think they take a percentage of the selling price...no...?) Thanks! They do but it is such a small percentage. I think 1%. It is worth it for the piece of mind.
  15. Congrats to both of you. Hard work always pays off! LOL
  16. I just used my name. I was afraid that if DH got anything in the mail, he might open it then toss it somewhere so I would not see it. Then I would start harassing people about returning the RSVP!
  17. I did a google search for images on Old San Juan. I don't know if this will help. old san juan - Google Image Search
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