1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?
I was recently laid off from my job. But when I was working, I was a PC Support Specialist Senior at a local bank in Columbus. I am now thinking about changing careers and would like to get into digital design.
2: What is your favorite hobby?
I love the beach and anything that has to do with the beach and the ocean.
3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?
I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I love that the entire family gets together and we have loads of fun.
4: What is your greatest achievement?
Raising my girls to be independent and achieving individuals.
5: What is your favorite animal... and why?
I love my little Fefe (some kind of mix) but I really love Tea Cup Yorkies.
6: What is your dream trip?
My dream trip would be the Greek Isles. Ever since I saw the movie The Sisterhood of the traveling pants!
7: What is your fav food?
Chocolate from Germany. My mother was German and her sister used to send chocolate from Berlin all the time. Both have since passed and I miss it.
8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?
I would have to say my mother. She came to this country not speaking a word of English, but she learned. She learned how to cook american food, live the american way but also to incorporate her German heritage into our family. She didn't even learn how to drive until she was 48! She taught my sisters and I how to be strong women.
9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?
Blue, because it is the color of the Ocean.
10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
This is a hard question because I haven't been everywhere. But for right now, it may be North Carolina. Raleigh to be specific. It is only an 8 hour drive to Columbus and my girls, and a short 2 hour drive to the BEACH!
11: How many siblings do you have?
I have 1 sister older and 1 sister younger. Yes I am the monkey in the middle.
12: What is your biggest fear?
Not finishing what I start. Running away when things are tough.
13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?
Egg Nog cheesecake
14: Do you have a nickname?
Is B*tch a nickname? LOL Some people call me Syl
15: What causes do you support?
I support all cancer societies and AIDS.
16: What is your guilty pleasure?
BDW. I can't stay off of this forum.
17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why??
To remove all pain. I watched my mother during her battle with Pancreas cancer and it was the worst thing to watch.
18. How old are you?
47 Will be 48 next Saturday
19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?
Buy a home for my stepdaughter, donate a lot to the Cancer Society and Hospice. Then go to the Greek Isles.
20. What gadget to you not need, but still want?
Ipod touch, blueray DVD player, new stereo for my car with satellite radio
21. What is your favourite T.V. show?
If I had showtime it would be The L Word, but since i don't I would have to say The Next 48.
22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"
After we broke up the first time and I moved to Columbus. We were apart about 3 years and I could not get him out of my system. Then we got married. Then we got divorced! Ten years later, I still could not get him out of my system so we got married again! DUH
23. What is your favorite item of clothing?
Big sweat shirts and/or Steeler gear.
24. How many or do you want children?
I have 2 and 1 stepdaughter and want 0 more. I'm waiting for grands.
25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?
Jerome Bettis, Mohammed Ali, That's it I think.
26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?
I would be someone over 5' with firm boobs and no cellulite.
27. Is there anything that you regret doing?