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Everything posted by texas_gal

  1. Well, we officially changed the date to May 30th! Finally things seem to be working out! All my family and friends are available that weekend, so I am pumped! How is eveyone else's planning going?
  2. PrincessVal, I haven't chosen a package yet, but we are definitely getting legally married here before we go. And I just found out earlier this week that one of my bridesmaids and some family have major conflicts that weekend! So now I am looking at the May 28th weekend. Nothing is set in stone but I will keep you posted! I thought a DW was going to be easy to plan! HAHA. If we keep the 25th that would be such a small world and we would have to meet! How are your plans going? What package did you go with?
  3. Courtney, could you send me the extras and menus also? I am having my wedding there April 25 and haven't had a chance to get them yet. Thanks so much! I will pm you my email! ~Ashleigh
  4. I dont know much about this place..I just started looking at it today. But It seems like the riviera princess and the sunset princess are at the same address on the princess website. so i guess they are connected? Do yall know anything more about this? Nina did you get my pm? Thanks again in advance for any pics and info! Ashleigh
  5. My travel agent has mentioned this resort as an option for my April 25, 2009 wedding. (Yay! We finally set a date and got our charter seats reserved!) Does anyone have any info and/or thoughts on this location?[/font]
  6. Well I think I have my locations narrowed down to the Dreams resorts. But I was wondering if anyone had advice on the choosing between the Tulum resort (which I have read tons about) and the Peurto Aventuras (which looks beautiful too, but haven't heard as much about). Any info and suggestions wouuld be greatly appriciated! THANKS!
  7. My name is Ashleigh and as far as date and location it is still up in the air! we are looking around Feb 09 in Rivera Maya, but nothing set in stone at this point. We have some big decisions to make very soon! This site was highly recommened to me by a friend of a friend and I cant wait to read on and get to planning!
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