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Everything posted by ~*~Margie~*~

  1. Her website is Dream Images and her email address is [email protected]
  2. Danielle - Thank you. I think we are due right around the same date, I have 40 days left officially. Isn't it so exciting to see the nursery come together!? We have the furniture in too, I just have to get the bedding but I am in no rush since he will be in with us for the first few weeks. I am on the hunt for clothes though. I saved ALL my stuff from my first son and now I can't find anything that I saved from birth to one year, I have everything after that, but not the stuff I'll need first. Have fun at your shower, I hope you'll get everything you'll need. Amy - CONGRATS!!!!!! I'm sure she is beautiful, I can't wait to see pictures.
  3. She was reasonable for my budget. The cost was just the price of the trip/food for her and her husband who is her second shooter, she did not charge any additional fees. We got wedding day coverage and a trash the dress session the next day and we received all images in high res, edited on a disk with rights to print. With airfare and the hotel/all inclusive package it came to around $2000 which was right on budget for me. It may be a little more now because from my understanding, Our Lucaya no longer has the all inclusive option, so there may be more cost in terms of supplying meals.
  4. Just dropping in to see how everyone is feeling, I know some of us are getting close. I am 34 weeks today. I had a dream last night that I am going to go into labor at work on January 19 and that the baby looked EXACTLY like my first son as a baby. So, if dreams come true, thats only 2 more weeks, which as long as the baby would be healthy, I'd be fine with. I am so anxious to meet him in addition to feeling absolutely miserable and uncomfortable. My family keeps joking telling me no more babies but since each pregnancy is different, I won't rule it out. My first was a breeze, this one just happened to be harder . Hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the holidays with the new babies and baby bumps : )
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Laura22610 I like the casting for Alcide. I think that he is pretty close to what I pictured. I have seen him before. Was he on One Tree Hill, maybe? The actress they cast for Crystal was not at all what I pictured! I also pictured her little with dark hair. Maybe I will like her once the season starts. I am sure the story line won't be the same as the books anyway. It's funny...I watched the show before I read the books and I could not picture the Bill in the show in the books. I really don't like Bill in the books and the way he is described and acts is not at all like the Bill in the show. If I had read the books first I wouldn't have liked the person they casted in the show. I can't picture the Tara in the show having a relationship with Franklin Mott. That might be kind of weird for me. The guy they cast for Alcide is on One Tree Hill, he plays some bartender. I've never watched that show. Maybe the actress for Crystal will dye her hair, or wear a wig. The actress that plays Arlene wears a wig to have the red hair as described in the book so maybe they will do the same with Crystal, who knows. I'm not sure I ever really gave much thought to Bill's casting. I watched the show before reading the books too. I guess I was just so used to Bill on the show that I automatically pictured him without ever trying to picture anything else based on the description. I can't see the Tara from the show with someone like Franklin either, but then again, maybe that is why they cast him the way they did, to make him more dark and dangerous looking instead of an old "regal" looking gentleman the way he is in the books. I don't think they intend on keeping Franklin around too long anyway.
  6. Oh, and I have the name of the minister at home, I have to look for it. I remember her name was Bronwen Ann but I have to look at the certificate for her last name. She was great, spoke very clearly, added her own personal touches to my self-written ceremony and made it really special.
  7. Hi MrsMiller2b, congrats on the upcoming wedding. Its exciting to see another Our Lucaya bride. As I said in my review Stephanie was WONDERFUL, one of the sweetest people I have ever met and she got everything right in such as short time. As far as vendors go, Kendall Knowles, the florist and the Our Lucaya Spa are the only ones I can really comment on. Unfortuately I do not know the name of the florist they used for wedding, I'm sorry. The only flowers I had was my bouquet and it was perfect. I sent a picture of what I wanted ahead of time via email and the florist delivered : ), they were almost a perfect match to the picture (some of the flowers themselves were different due to availablity) the colors were an exact match and the flowers were extremely fresh. The only other service provided by the florist was setting up my chuppa on the beach. I supplied the tulle and the hanging flowers and they assembled it. It ended up not being set up to my exact specifications, however, this was unavoidable due to the wind on the beach and was no fault of the florists. As far as Kendall Knowles, he was wonderful and polite. The video turned out beautiful. We did not have any special requests for him and he chose the music included on the DVD so some of it came across a little "cheesy" but it was a great video, well over half an hour long and commemorated our day perfectly. I am sure he would be open to requests in terms of what you would like in the video and music to use, we just didn't have time for this due to our exceptionally short planning process. One thing I will note is to discuss camera placement and his moving around to tape with both him and your photographer. Kendall did a great job with capturing things from every angle, but in doing so, he popped up suddenly in some of our pictures because it was hard for our photographer to avoid him in the shots she was trying to get. I am sure that speaking with him and working with your photographer, this could be avoided. The DVD was waiting for us at the Front Desk when we checked out of the resort 3 days after the wedding. The Salon and Spa at the Resort is small, and not very impressive at first sight, however, they do a wonderful job. The girl who did my hair (again, no name, sorry) listened to what I wanted (I had no pictures, but pictures would help) and she was able to do a beautiful style that I absolutely loved. Additionally, just before going to the Salon, I broke the comb off of my hair piece and was afraid I wouldn't be able to use it but she was able to secure it perfectly into my hair and it didn't budge. In terms of photography, I brought my own photographer with me so I don't know anything about the photographers that the resort offers. I do have a ton of pictures that I would be happy to share and will try to post them here soon, its a busy day at work and I can't do it today. If you have a facebook account, I'll add you as a friend and you could view my pictures that way, I also have pictures of our trip in general that shows some of the resort. Hope this was atleast a little helpful. Don't worry about the lack of contact with Stephanie, everything will be perfect. I had never so much as exchanged an email with her prior to arriving at the resort and had two short meetings with her 2 days before the wedding and aside from one little miscommunication about getting to the ceremony site, everything was perfect and I give all the credit for that to her.. PS..I just noticed you're from Dallas. If you don't have a photographer yet, I could recommend the one I used, she is actually in Austin and she is wonderful.
  8. Oh and Franklin Mott was cast. He's being played by James Frain, not a good looking guy, doesn't really fit the description of Franklin in the books in my opinion. Crystal doesn't really fit the description either but thats what creative license is about. ‘True Blood’: The Casting News Continues For Season 3 With More Vampires, Shapeshifters And Parents Hollywood Crush ‘True Blood’: Ryan Kwanten’s New Love Gets Series Regular Status Plus Alcide Speaks! Hollywood Crush
  9. New season starts June 2010. Just incase anyone wanted to know and hadn't seen it yet, Alcide has been cast!!!!!!! He will be played by Joe Manganiello. Looks like pretty good casting to me. I checked out some of the images available on Google image search and he's pretty hot. Crystal Norris has been cast too. She'll be played by someone named Lindsay Pulsipher. I didn't look into her too much cause it wasn't a casting I was particularly excited about since they are bringing her into the story earlier than she appears in the books.
  10. Carly, I can definitely see your point on these things. For me, it was different because I saw the show before I ever read any of the books. I didn't even know there were books till I started keeping up with this thread. So by the time I got to the books, the people on the show WERE the characters to me and I pictured them as I read. I don't necessarily think that they all fit the descriptions. As you said, bodywise, Anna Paquin doesn't perfectly fit with Sookie who is always described as round or curvy with an "ample" chest. And I am not sure I really like the casting of Bill, but I am so used to him that I wouldn't change it. I am certainly biased with my favorites but I think the casting of Eric is great. The only thing they have changed is his hair length. Throughout the books he is described with long flowing hair and he starts that way on the show in Season One but the producer/director Alan Ball said the hair was a wig and just didn't look right on Alexander Skarsgard so they did an episode where Eric is getting his hair cut to justify the change. I think anyone that reads the books is going to make the comparisons, but the worlds don't necessarily have to meld together, they can stand alone. Take Tara for instance. I couldn't imagine the show without her because the makers of the show decided to make her a main character, but in the book, the story stands on its own so well it doesn't matter that she's not there. I like the fact that they are making things a little different for the show because honestly if it was exactly like the books, I wouldn't watch cause I'd already know what would happen. But they do a great job using the main plot points and spinning some new story to keep it interesting. I am rereading some of them as well. I reread Book 3 to get ready for the season in the summer and Book 4 because it was my favorite. I am slowly working through them again. I haven't read Book 9 yet because I was waiting for it in paperback, but I just got a digital reader so I plan on downloading it instead of waiting till May. I hope you end up loving the show!!!
  11. So, still leaning toward the "normal" thing even after my appointment last night. She said it would only be a cause for concern if I had extended cramping along with the sharp pain and if it was a constant sharp pain, not something that comes and goes. She said if I had the cramping and constant pain that she would want to check for uterine rupture but since its a sporadic pain it doesn't raise any red flags for her. I guess me seeing red doesn't matter, I laid in bed in agony last night and thought I was going to squeeze all feeling out of DH's hand. Amy, I am due Feb 16.
  12. Hi ladies, thanks for all the feedback, sorry for the delayed response. Doc got back to me and says "its normal" (I hate that phrase). She said that it is most likely just intense pressure from the baby moving down into position and he is probably hitting the cervix directly with his fingers/hands. So now I just picture this baby trying to claw his way out. She also said that the sharpness could be my cervix thinning. She said some woman can actually feel this happening? News to me but...she's the professional. She said we will do an internal at my next visit to see if I am effaced, so that will be tomorrow night.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Margie- that sounds super painful! I was about to say round ligament pain, too, but I don't think it's suppose to be that bad. Have you contacted your obgyn/midwife about it? What did he/she say? I have a call into the office. I hate having to leave voicemails for the nurses. I have an appointment next Tuesday evening too but I'd like to know if it is okay before then. It definitely is super painful. I have had the round ligament pain, like when I turn wrong in bed or move too quick like Kat said but this is totally different and happens at the strangest times. I have been feeling like he was kicking or punching my cervix for a while which I was told is normal but on Thanksgiving, I was standing up and playing Wii and it was a sudden knife stabbing pain coinciding with what felt like movement from the baby and I literally just dropped to my knees in tears it hurt so bad. And in the past few days it happens when I am laying perfectly still in bed or when I am in my desk chair at work, so no sudden movements on my part trigger it.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Sounds like Round Ligament pain. UGH it's the worst. I had it a lot too. Esp when I made fast movements. Like jumping out of bed etc. I do have the round ligament pain too, often but its bearable. This has brought me to tears more then once and seems to be more associated with the baby's movement than my own.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by SheaS Hey ladies.... It has been forever since I have posted, so I don't even know most of you. Anyways, I am wondering if any of you have looked at the Chinese baby gender predictor, and if so, was the predicition right? I don't believe in stuff like this, but coincidently enough, it has been right for everyone I know! Please let me know if your results were right or wrong! Chinese Gender Chart to Determine Your Baby's Gender Thanks! Mine was wrong. Unless of course my ultrasound was wrong. Chinese chart says girl for me and my ultrasound says boy.
  16. Thank you for the info Angel. I read over the link but this is different. Its not effecting my legs or back, TMI alert but it literally feels like the baby is clawing at my cervix to get out, or like a knife in the same area. The pain is all internal in the lower pelvis and cervix area.
  17. Just wondering if any other mommies here experienced sharp stabbing pain around the cervix when baby was moving? First happened on Thanksgiving and the pain dropped me to my knees and had me in tears and it has happened a few times since. I have been having BH contractions but this is different. I'm 29 weeks.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Jessica Ok, I know who got kicked off for the girls, but I totally wasn't really paying attention to the episode in general. Who got the boot for the guys? Kevin - "The Hip Hopper"
  19. Congratulations Amy!!! That's so exciting.
  20. Well ladies, I am about to re-read Book 4 because I just need an Eric fix. Sadly enough I have a pic of Alex at my desk like some teeny bopper girl with a crush so I plan on glancing at the pic while I read : ) Sad, I know, but my job is boring : )
  21. Well, for the most part I agreed with the bottom 3, Kevin and Karen, Channing and Victor and Mollee and Nathan, but......I don't agree with which girl ended up going home. I think Channing is a gorgeous dancer and deserved to stay to come out of her shell a little more. I think Karen proved in that Broadway routine that she is a "good" dancer but the main thing she has going for her is her sex appeal. Just a little disappointed in the judges choices. I agree with Erin, they seem to be trying to lead people along dropping lines about who's gonna be top 10 and are going easier on couples that they like.
  22. Another week goes by and I still don't feel connected with this season. I had really hoped that 6 would be better than 5 but in all honesty, I think the last time I truly had a favorite or felt wowed was in Season 4. I mean, S4 I had a favorite from day 1 (Twitch) and everyone else was SOOO likeable and so good, I just don't see that again this season. I also think that the judges are being too nice sometimes. I was not impressed at all with Mollee and Nathan last night but they got positive comments. Was it better than the previous week, ofcourse, how could it not be when the Samba they did was AWFUL, but it still wasn't great. And for Nigel to say that Nathan has the potential to be the best boy they have ever seen, I think he's delusional and they just like to use that "the best ever" phase too often and loosely. I mean, look at someone like Travis who was exceptional at everything in S2 and now his choreography just blows me away, and I don't think Nathan could surpass that. I just wish Travis' choreography could be danced by better dancers. Ryan and Ellenore again, were good, but I think the judges exaggerated how good. I think you could even see some of the disappointment in the choreographers themselves, like Tyce. The judges gave Channing and Victor good reviews but Tyce did not seem all that excited about what they did with his choregraphy. You can tell when Tyce is excited, he doesn't hide it. He just seemed like "mehhh" last night. So far if FORCED to chose a favorite, I'd pick Russell for the boys and Katherine for the girls, but even they don't always wow me. I hope things pick up in the top 10. It took a while in Season 5 too but eventually Jeanne and Phillip(even though he wasn't top 10) won me over, so maybe someone will jump out at me soon.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I did the same thing Margie, didn't watch Generation Kill. But, I may have to check it out! A lot of times networks will choose actors that have done shows for them before. Maybe I need to watch so I can be on the lookout for Alcide? Yeah, I read a rumor that they may cast a guy name Rudy Reyes from GK as Alcide. He's looks like he'd fit the part and is pretty hot too. http://www.holamun2.com/files/images...ation-kill.jpg
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Matt is doing great. He's 3 1/2 months and now sleeping through the night (8-9 hours). He's a very happy baby and only gets fussy when he's bored or sleepy, other than that he just kind of chills. Here are a few pics of him: Halloween: [img http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk92/lezsoto/mattscoobydoo.jpg[/img] The Halloween costume is toooo cute. My 4 year old LOVES Scooby Doo. Maybe next year when the baby is here he can be Scooby and my oldest can be Shaggy : ) Andrea, CONGRATS!!!!!!! Penelope is beautiful. And Congrats to all the new mommies just joining us.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Speaking of Eric.. hee hee... Alexander Skarsgard plays a marine in Generation Kill, another HBO show (mini-series). My hubby loves shows like that so we were watching it and he keeps calling Alexander's character Eric instead of Brad! Too funny. My husband watched that when it aired originally, but it wasn't my type of thing so I didn't watch it. That was also before I knew Eric was in it, so I may have to revisit it : ) Ofcourse, then DH would know that that is the only reason I am watching it.
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