I'll try to keep this from being too long. My FI and I have been dating for over 5 years and we have a 3 year old son together. I was beginning to get really impatient that he hadn't asked yet and was beginning to think he never would. He had joked our entire relationship that every time I mentioned marriage, I pushed it off further cause talking about it meant it was expected and he wanted to be able to surprise me. I had told him once that I wanted to get married at Disney World, as it is truly my favorite place on earth, but if I couldn't get married there, then it would be a perfect place for a proposal because I am a total Cinderella fan. After that, he assured me that he would NEVER propose there, again, because I would expect it. So, this year my mom and dad invited us on vacation and we planned a family trip to Disney World. We booked everything in April and traveled in June. People I know said "Maybe you'll come back with a ring" and I said "Yeah, and maybe hell will freeze over!" I went down there with no expectations, tried not to even think about it because it would just disappoint me. The whole week went by in typical fashion and the on our last night there Magic Kingdom was open late so we went to catch the fireworks that we had missed earlier in the week. As we sat and watched the fireworks it popped into my head for the first time and the disappointment hit. When the fireworks were over my mom came over and asked if I was sad to be leaving. I said "That, and call me crazy but I had kinda hoped he'd ask while we were here" and then I let it go. We walked further into the park and my parents and brother went on some rides and we planned to get over to Fantasyland so my son could go on the carousel. We walked up the ramp to THE Castle, me, my son and my FI holding hands, and just as we got to the tunnel he says to our son "Hey buddy, you want to see something really fun and cool?" I thought he was gonna pick him up and show him the lit up carousel through the tunnel so I started to look around when I hear him say "I have been rehearsing this in my head all week.." and when I turned to look at him he had an open ring box and was heading down to get on one knee but I grabbed him before he could and he had tears in his eyes and said "I know I am not Prince Charming, but I was wondering if you would marry me?" I was crying so hard, it was perfect, with our son and my family right there, it couldn't have been any better. On a funny note...I had another ring that he had given me on that particular finger and do to the heat and swelling, I couldn't get it off. So we have a picture of the two of us tugging at my finger to get it off so I could put on the ring I had waited so long for. I found out that he started planning this the day after we booked the trip and that my family had known all along and my mom spent months listening to me being impatient and couldn't say a word. She actually held the ring the whole week we were there and slipped it to him while I was watching the fireworks. It was just wonderfully planned and I finally had my Cinderella moment.