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Everything posted by trance_angelx0x

  1. If I am around I watch it on tv, otherwise I will watch it online on the weekend when I have time. I am also very sick of Izzie, I think that actress is a biatch and thinks she is so much better than everyone else.
  2. Agreed. If you really wanted to mend things with your father (and vice versa) it would have been done by now right? So why put yourself in an awkward position when like you said, it's a party to celebrate YOUR engagement.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by anna_c The bouquet and boutonniere are included in the package. I'm not sure why they list them as extras as well. But when I meet with Maritee next month I will ask her about that because I'm still not sure if they are able to get the flowers I want or if they have very limited options, otherwise I will have my mom order the flowers since she lives down there. Where were you advised that the bouquet and boutonniere was included in the wedding package?
  4. I stayed at the Gran Bahia Principe (just beside the Riu Palace) and I kept telling people " I WANT TO BE THERE!!". The architecture is just amazing and I've heard nothing but good things about the Riu Palace from travel agents. Congrats!
  5. Is it maybe because you are taking the package that only includes a reception supper for 10 people? How many people are coming?
  6. Hello.. I went to the GBP 2 years ago for a wedding and the couple had chosen to not have a private reception. The supper was at the Garden Grill and it was DELICIOUS! They have a terrace outside that's fully covered and that's where they put you. There are 3-4 stairs and then a glass door to get into the rest of the restaurant so it is VERY private. There wasn't any music or anything but the supper lasted 2 hours and then people just went to the disco!
  7. I think it's more probable to come up if you aren't having a wedding down South. Because when you are down South, you forget what day of the week it is anyway, not like you have to go to work. I would just tell them to frig off and don't come then hihihi
  8. ohh i thought this thread was going a totally different way so I closed my door to make sure no one would know I'm reading this.. hehehe Definetly go for it if both of you agree. I've known people who've done this and they said it was worth it.
  9. guess I'm a bitch too because I would tell him to make his own fricken supper! It can definetly become a habit and then it can become time consuming for you. I'm sure the last thing you want to do at the end of a long day at work is to spend 2 hours making 5 different meals! I do this every night anyway because I don't eat a lot of pasta or rice, I'm more of a veggie person so I end up making veggies for myself and pasta/rice/potatos for the FI.
  10. that is really umm.. special. I feel for you. Definetly a good time to re-visit his committment to your wedding.
  11. I am booked for January 17 to January 24, 2010. I booked through a travel agent so they did all the work for me!
  12. I hear you sister! I was so peeved when I read this headline on CNN. You get a bonus when the company does well, not when the government needs to bail you out! This is all over the place, there is no regulation for bonuses. Even before the recession, when companies were doing not making profits the CEOs and management would still get huge bonuses even though they did nothing (ie: bring in more profit). Here in Canada yesterday the headline was the top 10 crown corporation salaries. These heads of Crown Corporations are making more money than the Prime Minister and giving themselves raises every year and huge bonuses and at the same time telling the rest of the public servants that they need to accept less pay raises because "times are difficult right now" yah, uhh huh!
  13. Umm no. Sorry, you shouldn't be apologizing. It's effing rude to say someone is an ugly bride. I don't understand why your FI is asking you to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. Maybe having a huge fight in front of everyone wasn't the greatest idea but when girls are pissed we usually just flip out and don't think straight. If your MIL was ready to apologize for calling you an ugly bride, then maybe both of you could apologize for the huge fight thing. Still in my head I'm just like what a friggin bitch! Ugh, that's the rudest thing I've heard in a while! So sorry this happened to you, you really don't deserve the aggravation. PS: I'm sure you are a lovely bride.
  14. Hellooooo. They way I went about this is by going to a travel agent and getting their wedding brochure for Mexico, Dominican and whatever else they had available. These brochures go hotel by hotel and explain the cost and what's included in the wedding packages.
  15. Many thanks for all the pictures! Looking forward to getting married there. If you could PM me the spa price list I would appreciate it. Merci!
  16. ok this makes me soooo glad I have a dog. I agree with the suggestion of putting something in the bowl (a ball, can, water bottle). Anything that makes them work for food should slow them down.
  17. We had major winds yesterday in Ottawa (50km/h plus gusts at 70km/h). Went from 7-8 degrees to -16 overnight plus the windshield factor. I went for a short walk with my dog and the wind was pushing me down the street. Poor dog's ears were flying all over the place, he looked so stupid (and I probably did too lol).
  18. What about FI? You can whip his ass with a ruler, hehehe.
  19. I honestly don't even know what to say here. People are retarded. Listen to your heart, what does it tell you? What does your FI think about all this?
  20. Nope, nothing yet. I was told it would be mid-April that pricing would come out (got the information from the wedding coordinator at the Majestic Elegance).
  21. I agree that it is very rude of these people to invite themselves and their children to your wedding. If you don't want kids at your wedding, stick to your guns. It's YOUR wedding. You won't regret having little snot heads yelling and screaming while you are trying to say your vows (not saying all kids are snot heads). Since it's costing you a "per person" fee, I would definetly advise your family not to invite anyone else, and if they do, then they (the family member who invited these people), should pay the fee!
  22. Spring is coming soon, I promise! We got a cold snap a few weeks ago, was around -35 for 3 days. It really does not make you want to even leave the house to do anything at all.
  23. Best of luck, I hope these changes will have big and positive impacts on your life.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by lscilley Thanks ladies for keeping this list updated I am so busy lately with wedding planning, school and planning to move to Australia! Take me with you?
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