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Everything posted by FutureMrsLewis

  1. My mom comments on EVERYTHING that I wear, even if I wear a shirt that isn't my "colour". So she DEFINITELY would have noticed the panties showing through. The only thing is, she'd probably mention it in front of everyone lol This is HILARIOUS for us, but not so funny for the bride lol Oh my, could have been worse I suppose
  2. Yay! Thanks ladies! I was kinda worried and thought maybe I was just being a flake. But I'm glad so many of you agree with me! And I showed the dress to FI and FMIL and they both thought it was beautiful. If I said to FI that I want to walk down the aisle in a red tutu and a black corset, he'd just say "Sure, I don't care my love!" lol And Christie, I agree, that dress is definitely bridal, and very beautiful
  3. You're right Susie, I'm 23. I'm about 33 in my mind, but unfortunately that doesn't change the generation I grew up in. I had about 5 really close friends in high school, and they ranged from less than zero (I'm TOTALLY not kidding, she shopped in the kid's section at 17) to about 5. I was 16-18. I felt totally disgusting, and had only ever dated two guys until I met FI. But he's SLOWLY (I'm a stubborn one, I get it from my mother) convincing me that I'm beautiful, and I'm finally starting to believe it I've even gained 35 lbs since we first met, and he still thinks I'm beautiful. So it's taken a lot of years, but I'm finally realizing that beauty comes in all sizes And I'm actually glad that you can't see my ribs, because, as FI says, "Those girls need a porkchop!" lol
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle6114 Oooh oooh oh here is another one (this thread is awesome)!! My sister's best friend got married last year to a man she was only dating for 3 months. Not being known for proper ettiquette, she sent out her own shower invites a week before the date, demanding cash to "help them with thier honeymoon expenses" Cut to day of wedding, bride is wearing a 3000$ wedding gown that she made her mom buy her (nothing at DB was good enough for her), wedding venue is half empty because everyone including family is tired of giving to this ungrateful gift-grabber without any appreciation in the past and bride refuses to play music because she dislikes traditional receptions. Guests are made to eat in silence while new bride and groom stay outside, chain smoking and drinking with a few of their friends and virtually ignoring everyone inside. Bride trashes dress with spilled alcohol and melted chocolate, and has a "Nightmare before Christmas" cake topper, specifically to get back at her mom for taking control of her wedding plans. Did I mention mom is on a fixed income and is raising 4 grandchildren alone? What a sweet daughter. No we never got thank you cards, and yes they were married less than a year. What a waste of time and money for everyone. Hmm, she sounds like some of my relatives... lol And it's kinda funny that she had a Nightmare before Christmas topper, because she SOUNDS like a nightmare. Man, she'd get told so quick lol
  5. Those are HILARIOUS! And, are the reason why I no longer post on Facebook lol
  6. You ladies are really making me feel better I was nervous that everyone would think "Well, that dress is pretty, but she doesn't look like a bride", and Marc's mom thinks that I should tell everyone to shag off and wear what I want lol I just want to still look like a bride, kwim?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Only in Newfie do you have relatives that are not blood related!!!!! Sorry bad girl off topic I know, right? lol
  8. Hi, my name is Denise, and I am a curvacious woman... Sorry, felt like I had to do that lol I haven't posted in here yet because for a long time I've been ashamed of my curves, but now I'm starting to finally appreciate them for the first time in my life
  9. But what about the coloured dress? I found this dress: It's a Maggie, "Florence". I saw it on another bride on here and really liked it... Until I saw it in pink... Then I fell in LOVE!! You can see the full thing in pink on the Maggie Sottero website: Florence - by Maggie Sottero But now I'm not 100% sure... I LOVE the dress, especially in pink. But what do you guys think about wearing a dress that isn't white, or any shade of white? Will I look ridiculous? Everyone is already expecting a cheese-fest since we're getting married at WDW (which it definitely won't be), will this just add to the cheesy-ness?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ I think it is so awesome and a fellow Newfie...... That's a pretty cool coincidence. Oh, AND, I have a "grandmother" (not blood related, just called her "Nan") from Glovertown too Oops lol
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Oh My God!!!! I am on the floor laughing so hard. I went home this summer the first time in 15 years and took a girlfriend (Non Newfie) with me and she was freaking out because people were cursing at me when they spoke to me. I had people say " Jesus!!!! Where the *uck have you been"? or what the *uck have you been doing with ya self? My friend was thinking there will be a point when Sue loses it and tells everyone to stop swearing at her. However I am going along with the conversation. So now my friend and I call each other everyday will ask each other " How the *uck is you day going? Oh the best was when she heard my nephew ask someone "You got the time on ya cocky"..... Oh god I have tears in my eyes remembering her face. PS Your wedding day is one year after mine!!!! Only in Newfoundland do all of the "ladies" curse like sailors lol And I didn't even notice that we're a year apart, that's awesome
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl poor ginalyn! make sure have something close by that you can gouge your eyes out with, ok? Or in the case of mine, a barf bag lol
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 Biggest Loser 7 is already going to be better JUST Because a Newfie is among our ranks Darn Skippy! lol
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ I was born in Glovertown and raised in Gambo... moved to Gambo when I was 6 years old... Where abouts are you from? That is correct Newfie right? Where abouts!!! "Where abouts" is one way of saying it. Another one would have been: "Where's you from cocky?" lol
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 FutureMrsLewis, that was said like a true maritimer!! "a swift kick in the arse" hahaha I love it My dear, me mudder taught me dat! lol
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride This is actually pretty standard at all the weddings I've been to. The prices are usually lower than normal, but it's almost never an open bar. But then again I'm from Newfoundland & we are not known for "sipping"!! It would bankrupt the b&g to have to pay for the guests booze!! But things are a lot different there too - it's not uncommon to recieve less than $50 as a gift either. But the dinner plates at not overly expensive - it's all relative I guess! I agree with that 100%. I've NEVER been to a wedding with an open bar. It's either been cash bar or BYOB. If anyone was to host a wedding with an open bar, I can assure you that almost EVERYONE would get wasted! That's probably why we don't do it... Well, that and it would cost thousands of dollars lol And when both of my sisters got married, most "gifts" were cash in a card, usually $20.
  17. Alright ladies, I'm in too I need some motivation (and a swift kick in the arse!) lol
  18. Well ladies, I'm FINALLY going to start! I downloaded the pdf AGES ago, and have been too stressed out my arse to do anything about it due to these stupid A+ certification exams for school. Well, I wrote my second exam today and I PASSED! I'm so excited I could jump over the moon So I think I'll start on Monday Any other alternative to these protein shakes? Or is everyone basically just suffering through it?
  19. Fixed mine It was a smidge too big (500x375) but now it's good I love seeing pets, they're so darn cute! (Even that "unwanted" mouse lol)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus she even asked "so when's the wedding?" lol Too cute!
  21. Awwwww! That's the only word I need to describe all of that lol It definitely put a smile on my face, and I remembered how giddy I was when I first met Marc I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you! Keep us posted
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