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Everything posted by FutureMrsLewis

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by bikegirl We went with blue and brown. However, I am having THE HARDEST time with the blue! I wanted a beachy blue - I bought pashminas that are a light turquoise, but all the invitations I like are sea glass (light greenish blue) or tiffany blue, all the inspiration boards I like are peacock blue, etc. Lol! I'm going to end up with chocolate brown and a gazillion different blues! I'm beginning to have black with a gazillion different pinks, so no worries lol I'm just having black and "pink in general" lol
  2. If you have any questions about Disney, feel free to ask me We're getting married there in February 2012
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by natalie1987 I always wanted Black for my wedding but not sure now that I am having a destination wedding..any opinions on Black for a destination wedding in punta cana? Black goes great with fuschia, bright orange, or turquoise, all of which are definitely "beachy" colours Or, have all four! Why not? lol There are no rules with destination weddings, that's why they're so awesome
  4. My sister had a potluck wedding... And the paper streamers and plastic flowers... Styrofoam plates and plastic cutlery.... That's why I'm going to Disney! lol
  5. Why is it that I see couples every day who are DESPERATELY longing for children, and yet are infertile for various reasons, and then I see dozens of pregnant teens who don't even want to be pregnant, or girls/ladies who just gave birth treating their babies like cabbage patch dolls to be carted around and displayed for attention. How is that fair?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by rosieposie for many of the mexican resorts, if your photographer is a guest, they waive any outside vendor fee, so that could work for you. you may be like us who found one we loved, then looked at lots of others and ended up with the first one we loved. the photographer is the person documenting the day you would have been planning for a long time, so its ok to be fussy! good luck! PS: your monogram is really cute! i love disney but my FI didn't go for it =P I think that's definitely going to be us... She was the first one I found, and she's pretty expensive compared to the others, but I've fallen so in love with her work that I'm willing to pay extra And thanks for the compliment, thankfully FI doesn't care where the wedding is and he's well aware of my Disney love! lol Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Honestly, I'd probably bring one. That way you can easily communicate, you can visit them in person, possibly do an engagement session, do all your in-person ordering, etc. Plus, then you have them for more than just a few hours. I would definitely go that route. That's exactly what I'm thinking. It would be easier to have meetings and such before we go and lay it all out on the table in regards to what I'm looking for and the pictures we would like to have. Plus, then I can go pick up the photos when they're ready instead of having to wait for them through the mail and avoid any hassles due to possible mistakes
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by rosieposie why don't you ask browse a few of the photographers in the Orlando area and see how their work and pricing stacks up against the 2 from NL? it also depends on your budget. the knot and mywedding.com have listings of US vendors. you may also want to put into your budget any extras charges you may have to pay for with your NL photographer - such as flying their assistant down (if required or optional), do they require a food allowance, and does your wedding venue (disney) allow for you to bring your own photographer. i hope that helps a bit! Disney does allow outside photographers, but they charge $90 for the first three hours, and $30 for every hour after that. I'm thinking if I bring my photog as a guest, I may be able to escape that one I don't mind paying that though. Disney has their own photographers that are included in my package, but I don't want those. They take nice pictures, but not what I'm looking for... I'm too fussy lol Quote: Originally Posted by JENISE I would say do your research on both sides (which it seems you are already doing) That way, it'll be easier making an informed decision. $4300+travel seems really pricey but maybe that's just me! What I really wanted to say is that I TOTALLY LOVE YOU MONOGRAM. OMG, I think it's the cutest one I've ever seen and very fitting to your wedding. Good luck making a decision. It seems pricey to me too, but I LOVE her work so I'm folding lol And thanks, I tried to find a suitable monogram FOREVER, and finally I threw this one together one day out of desperation and it actually turned out well
  8. Just to add to my above post, I've gotten price quotes from two Newfoundland photographers, one starts at $4300+travel for pics the day of, plus a TTD the next day, the other is charging around $1500+travel... They both came highly recommended, and the first photographer ($4300) does AMAZING work, and it's EXACTLY what I'm looking for, but I still don't know if it's better to bring a photog and pay the travel or use someone from Florida and then worry about the pictures being shipped... Decisions, decisions...
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by pamphilia hi ladies! i have been on this site for months and just came across this fantastic thread! i am definitely a curvacious girl, but am hoping to be a little less so for my wedding. you would think that an imminent wedding would keep me from eating all of the wrong things and sitting on the couch too much - but it hasn't! i haven't tried on dresses yet. i am scared. i am worried i will be totally disgusted with how i look. i lost a lot of weight a few years ago (went from 218 to 175), but then i moved in with my FI, and gained 90lbs. NINETY POUNDS! i went all the way up to 265 and i am working my way back down (currently 245). anyhow, when i look in the mirror, the person looking back at me is not the person i know, and not the person i feel like. so, i am wanting to get down to about 180 for my wedding. i have lots of work to do. thanks for listening, and i am looking forward to chit chatting with you guys! I understand gaining 90 lbs, I gained 50 since I met FI. But, thankfully our FI's still love us, otherwise they wouldn't be FI's, they'd be EX's lol And congrats on the loss so far! Every 5 pounds is a sack of sugar that you're not dragging around anymore And 10 pounds is a sack of potatoes So welcome to the club, we're always here for motivation and support
  10. I just couldn't do without Disney... I even postponed the wedding for a year just so I could have it at Disney. Once I realized I was willing to do that, I KNEW it had to be there
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by bsf&jpg thx u!!! the FI looked at it and was like.... "oh.. nice.. so like I was saying..." I dont think he got it.. maybe when he see's the BIG PICTURE he will appreciate it more. I think. Bahaha! I think our FI's are related... Or at least on the same brain wave lol But no worries, they're gorgeous Great DIY! I may try this with cherry blossoms after seeing your great success
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 lol you switched again? hehehe thats hilarious!! LOL I know! FI is just like "Fine! Give me a time, and a place, and I'll show up! I'm tired of keeping track!" Oops? lol
  13. Hello ladies (and the random gentleman! lol) I've been wondering about this lately, and photographers are filling up quick, so I really need to figure this out soon. What's a better idea? To take a photographer from NL with us, or to get a photographer in Orlando? To bring one from here means that I have to pay for flights and accomodations, which means more money, but it also means that my photos won't have to travel in the mail and possibly get lost and I won't have to wait as long to receive them. Plus, I can be close to their studio for picking photos and such. I can find a beautiful photographer either way, but do I spend the extra money for the convenience, or should I just get one in Orlando? I can see the pros and cons for either side, and they kinda even out from where I'm standing... Any advice?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Jodeen Newfoundland bride here. Getting married September 22nd at the Iberostar Laguna Azul in Cuba!! Yay! More Newfies! We were going to get married at ILA too, but I just couldn't let go of Disney so we switched back lol
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Shoesiesluvr Wow!! Youre right, our rings are really similar until you flip it upside down lol I would have thought the same thing....Beautiful ring! Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 Ladies! Your rings are beautiful! Stunning! Thanks ladies I drool over rings on here all the time, but I wouldn't trade mine for anything
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Shoesiesluvr Ooh really?? I would love to see pictures of your ring! I posted a pic a few pages back (a LOT of pages back, and I'm too lazy to search lol) but I just took a couple of new ones so I'll share Everyone's rings are gorgeous We're some lucky ladies on here!
  17. I just noticed that this is a Mexico thread... lol Oh well, at least now I know I'm not the only early bird
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by dawnkyeknod why is it that people who get up early tell me that I am wasting half of the day , then they go to bed at 9pm? Psh, they're wasting the BEST part of the day! Why is it that people who have NO teaching experience at all suddenly think they're the best instructor in the world? Why is it that when I buy a book, that cost me $50, and it comes with an electronic copy, everyone thinks that I will give the electronic copy to whoever asks for it? I had to pay $50 to get this damn book!
  19. Sounds like "Mom" has a jealousy issue and needs a swift slap in the back of the head... Her poor daughter is going to have self-esteem issues up the wahoo if she doesn't knock it off... She needs therapy lol
  20. I LOVE Disney (in case getting married there wasn't indication enough lol) I think a Disneymoon is an excellent idea... However, I don't have any help in regard to the daughter thing... I think on her own, she would probably be kinda upset at first that she wasn't going, but she'd quickly understand that it's your honeymoon (I mean, she's 10, not 5). However, with a meddling mother, she'll twist that COMPLETELY the wrong way and make it 1,000,000 times worse... So I think this may need a compromise with her... Maybe "Well, we can't take you to Disney now, but we'll go back at this time instead" or agree to bring her back something awesome. I know, it sounds like bribing... And I guess it kinda is.. But kids respond to bribes when all else fails lol
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Shoesiesluvr Here's Mine...ive had it since my birthday (June) and it still takes my breath away every single time I look down at my hand. We will be purchasing 2 wedding bands for me, since the band on my engagement ring and wedding rings are kind of thin (FI's idea but im not complaining ) Holy crap, if you hadn't posted the side view, I'd say that was my ring lol Mine just looks slightly different from the side, but I have to agree that it's gorgeous, and I still stare at mine ALL the time
  22. I haven't checked in on this thread in a LOOOOOONG time. I was going to start this diet and never did. How have you ladies been doing with it? Is it hard to stick to? I really need my butt kicked. I lost 10 lbs and can't lose another one to save my soul lol
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