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Everything posted by FutureMrsLewis
I wanted to start a thread like this but thought I might be the only Nintendo nerd lol I only bought my DS a few months ago, but I LOVE it! So far I've played Brain Age and Brain Age 2 (BA2 is MUCH better IMHO), Clubhouse games (never really gets boring), and my current addiction, The NEW Super Mario Brothers. I bought it about three weeks ago and it hasn't left my DS yet, I play it at least once a day lol I also played Spyro: Eternal Night, but if you've played Spyro for console before, it sucks. It's okay if you're new to Spyro, but it really didn't live up to my expectations. I REALLY want to try Millionheir, but I keep getting mixed reviews
best (or worse) wedding accident video
FutureMrsLewis replied to boscobel's topic in Just venting or funnies
I would FREAK if this happened at my wedding! I'd be out for blood... The BM had better watch his back for the rest of his LIFE lmao Quote: Originally Posted by carly I wonder if it's for real, or just a fakie, like so many other videos you see these days... It kinda seems fake, the spectators aren't really that shocked, it was like they knew it was going to happen. And the BM's apology "Oh, I'm sorry" doesn't really seem legit, and if he knocked over a bride, it had BETTER be legit! lol Plus, she REALLY doesn't seem upset enough lol She looks more like he stepped on her train or her toe, not that he just tried to drown her lol -
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, it's more fun to open! 2. Real tree or Artificial? I LOVE real trees, but I'm only allowed artificial in my apartment 3. When do you put up the tree? Usually on or around my birthday, December 2 4. When do you take the tree down? After Old Christmas Day (Jan. 5th) 5. Do you like eggnog? Nope. Reminds me of sour milk 6. Favorite gift received as a child? Probably my drawing desk 7. Hardest person to buy for? FFIL 8. Easiest person to buy for? My Mom 9. Do you have a nativity scene? Nope 10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail, e-mail doesn't seem as personal... 11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Clothes that are WAY too small 12. Favorite Christmas Movie? A Muppet's Christmas Carol 13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? November, I always start late lol 14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not recycled really, but I've said "So and so gave me this, they'll never come visit anyway, and I'll never use it... Want it?" lol 15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My mom's sweet pudding! Yum! 16. Lights on the tree? But of course 17. Favorite Christmas song? Oh Come All Ye Faithful... I have no idea why lol 18. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? I love staying at home, but I also love Christmas with my parents 19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph 20. Angel on the tree top or a star? I put a christmas teddy topper on mine 21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning, FI keeps wanting to open them Christmas Eve and gets all pouty when I say no lol 22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Crazy people in the malls 23. What theme or color are you using? for what? No real theme or colour in my house 24. Favorite for Christmas dinner. Sweet Pudding 25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Peace on Earth... Or at least Peace at my sister's house lol 26. Who is most likely to respond to this? Whoever reads this thread? 27. Who is least likely to respond to this? Whoever already has lol
Are you Brand loyal for household products?
FutureMrsLewis replied to Alyssa's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
I don't have many, but I have a few: Mouthwash - Crest Pro-Health (No burn! ) Toilet Paper - Charmin Ultra Strong Air Freshener - Febreeze Laundry Detergent - Tide Free (FI is allergic to EVERYTHING) Dish Liquid - Palmolive (Works great and smells great too) Rice - Minute Rice (Uncle Ben's just doesn't cut it lol) Chicken Nuggets - Country Ribbon (FI will not eat anything else lol) Soda - Pepsi/Crush Chips - NO no-name stuff, has to be Humpty Dumpty, Lays, Doritos, etc. Pretty much everything else is whatever's cheapest lol -
Christmas compromise? (Warning: Long!)
FutureMrsLewis replied to FutureMrsLewis's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
I can't just go in the morning and come back that night because I don't own a car. I'm spoiled by metro transit and have never needed one, so I avoid that expense And I can't leave the cats with my middle sister because the baby is very attached to me and won't stay with anyone else. I'm still going for Christmas, and FI doesn't mind the rest of my family, it's just my oldest sister. And I can't blame him, because I hate her too. She's done everything in her power to break us up and is pissed that it hasn't worked. I'm going, and we're spending the evening of Christmas Eve, Christmas day, and part of Boxing Day with my parents. My middle sister will be over too along with her husband, so I've got more people to concentrate on and talk to than just the old bag lol And I already told Mom that if she doesn't want to give the dogs to my other sister, that's fine because we're taking the cats and they're staying in our room, but I'm inside the room and open the door to leave and one of her dogs sneak in without me being able to catch it, then don't blame me when Shadow kills it, because she will. She's a HUGE cat, and she's very strong, and VERY dominant, and if one of her dogs sneak in and try to start shit, it will only take Shadow one smack to kill the dog, so if she cares about them at all, she won't let them stay in the house. -
Christmas compromise? (Warning: Long!)
FutureMrsLewis replied to FutureMrsLewis's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 This is going to sound really harsh and I am bound to get a slating for it lol however I just have to say it lol No-one is perfect but look at it this way if she is that fat and has that many health problems and won't do anything about it she won't be around for long so your problem will be solved lol yeah I know bad Harty but its a fact lol ROFLMAO FI said the same thing a while ago. I don't care what she looks like, I just wish she'd actually CARE about her health. And I said to FI a while ago, "Do you really think she'd be dumb enough to get pregnant?" and he's like "Hopefully, then she'll kick the bucket and I won't have to deal with her anymore". Horrible. lol -
Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Ok cool...I'll definitely check it out! Thanks! No problem
That little one with the red collar is still trying to sleep lol What a cutie. Even after being trampled a bazillion times (s)he's still there cuddled up
Aww, I want one! lol They are adorable!
Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO I've seen the warranty cards in the boxes at Apple. So if I buy my Ipod from someplace other than Apple, can I just then go into Apple & buy the warranty in the box & get full coverage on it? I'm pretty sure you can, because we used to sell just the warranties too if someone bought an ipod somewhere else. You can always ask just to make sure, but I'm 99% sure you can buy it anywhere
The one with the light yellow collar is going nuts, and the other one in the bed is like "Can you PLEASE buzz off?" lol
Did you meet your fiance online?
FutureMrsLewis replied to nicmicj's topic in Share your Wedding & Engagement Stories!
FI found me on mIRC lol We were in a music room, and he saw "NewfieGal" pop up because I had just logged in and though "Newfie? There are no Newfoundlanders in here!" So he did a WhoIs? and found out that I was in St. John's and decided to message me. I was dating someone at the time, so I was going to set him up with one of my friends lol But then about a week later the guy I was dating started acting like a complete a$$ and kept it up for two weeks so I dumped him and snatched up FI before my friend had the chance lol -
I'd say let her choose something, then you KNOW she'll be happy lol 13yo's can be finnicky, and what was cool yesterday is totally lame today lol I'd say tell her to choose a few and then you can narrow down which one you'll get
I'm kinda in the middle. It really depends on the product. If it's only a two year, where it will cover it for two years, including the one year manufacturer's, then I don't bother, but if it's two years on top of the one year, so three years total, and a good price, then I will. I used to work at The Source by Circuit City (KINDA like the american CC, but not quite) and we sold warranties on EVERYTHING. If I thought it was worth it, I told the customer, but if they came in to buy a usb cable, I'd still let them know it was available, but I'd be like "You dont' really need it" lol On an iPod, I'd probably go for it, especially if you really LOVE your ipod. I didn't, because it was my first one and I wasn't sure if I was really going to like it, and at the time it was $50 to extend it to two years in total. But if you can find the "Apple Care" warranty, you buy it in a little box (at least here in Canada anyway) and it even covers the apple phone support, so you can call apple whenever you have a problem and talk to them for free (or pay by the call without it). Not 100% sure if this is still available as I worked at The Source about a year ago, but it was much better than the store-offered warranty, plus it was directly through Apple, no middle man When it comes to other electronics though, ask about the details of the warranty and what it covers. On a laptop computer, we used to offer a free battery replacement when your battery began to die (which, in three years, if it hadn't died, you could still bring it in anyway) so that was huge seller because the warranty was $99 and you eventually got a $150 battery for it, but for a desktop computer it was MUCH harder to sell, and not really worth it. I was too honest to sell many warranties lol
Aww, this is so cute, thanks for sharing And I think they're soon going to be all awake lol There was one awake, now there's four lol
Christmas compromise? (Warning: Long!)
FutureMrsLewis replied to FutureMrsLewis's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
Quote: Originally Posted by YoursTruly It sounds as if your sister is miserable and unhappy with self and her life. Please recognize that and do not allow her to ruin time you want to spend with YOUR parents. She wants you to be frustrated so that you do not show and you are playing nicely to her shenanigans. Go see your parents and ignore her. Be saccharingly sweet to her even though you could smack the ish out of her. That alone will set he straight as you can't give her too much power of even knowing she rattles you! Good luck----in time it will blow over. Unfortunately we cant divorce our family. If we could divorce our family, I would be the happiest divorcee you have EVER seen lol My sister is miserable, because her marriage is falling down around her feet and if she can't be happy, then nobody is allowed to. No good men exist on this earth besides our father (according to her) and they are all liars. She is also VERY self-conscious and we have all been worried about her health lately and my Mom has been taking (dragging) her to Weight Watchers for the past month. Now before I seem like I'm being rude or ignorant, I myself am overweight, as is my entire family, but she is beyond morbidly obese, almost to the point where she cannot move around anymore. She can't do housework, she cannot fit inside a vehicle smaller than a truck or minivan, and she has a plethura of health problems already (high blood pressure, cholesterol, edema, sleep apnea, pre-diabetes, and menstrual problems) all of which her doctor attributes to her weight, and now she's frustrated because she's trying to get pregnant and can't, and she believes that it's the only way she can hang on to her husband. Okay, so now that I'm done rambling about that and got it all off my chest lol I think I'm going to take your advice. I'll show up for Christmas and I'll sleep at her house even, and I'll be the happiest little shit disturber in the world lol -
Christmas compromise? (Warning: Long!)
FutureMrsLewis replied to FutureMrsLewis's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Harsh as it sounds you need to dump her chick or she is going to ruin everything you try and do x And I was ready and willing to do that, but the problem is she's hosting the family Christmas at her house, and I'm expected by my parents to be there. So I'm just going to let her explain to the folks why I didn't show up because I cannot stand her anymore, she's caused enough problems for me to last a lifetime -
"Twilight" Series and Movie Discussion--WARNING! Spoilers!
FutureMrsLewis replied to lovefreddy's topic in Random Thoughts
Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 I wasn't sayin anything bad about the author. She's an author and can write whatever she wants. I was only talking about all the parents our there that are LDS who judged the book by the author. I'm an author . I should say I'm a published author so I totally understand writing from different viewpoints. I do it in my writing. I like to write from the other side of things. It makes it fun and you learn more. So that's totally fine. I wasn't saying she should keep sex out of books at all. Just that people were judging her based on her religion and reading them based on that fact. Sorry I make no sense and am again rambling. I'm thinking we should make a thread discussing what we like and don't like about the book. I think I might of spoiled and gave stuff away to people who haven't finished. I'd love to discuss some other stuff. Especially that name. UGH! How do you even pronounce it?!?! Not to bring this up again, but I completely understand what you are saying. LDS are letting their kids read it because they assume it's a good book because the author follows the same religion. But I think the parents really need to be careful because she may have grown up LDS, but might not follow it now, and they may just market her as LDS to attract that group of readers, kwim? In the same way that someone who practices the Roman Catholic religion can write a book about murder, something their religion is completely against (and society in general), someone who is LDS or any religion for that matter may not write EVERY book about something their church would approve of. I'm rambling now too lol But I understand what you're saying, parents need to be careful of what their children are reading, not just about religion, because I think most parents would be freaked out if their 8-10 year old was reading about sex, no matter what religion they are. -
I did three years of University, completed a year and a half of the nursing program, something I wanted to do since I was about 10 years old, HATED it, so I dropped out. In the past two years, I've contemplated doing interior design, hairdressing, engineering, architecture, acupuncture, massage therapy, business, accounting, and now I'm FINALLY going back to do the Information Systems Specialist program. So are you alone? No. Are you crazy? Definitely not lol
Some nursing schools have specific requirements for shoes too. At my school they had to be closed toe, closed heel, completely white, and rubber outsole. So make sure you know if her school has any requirements too. I bought a pair of "Nurse Mates" my first year, and never wore them after my first clinical day lol They're collecting dust in my closet
Christmas compromise? (Warning: Long!)
FutureMrsLewis replied to FutureMrsLewis's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
So I try to contact my oldest sister by phone, she won't return my calls. She lives an hour and a half away, so I can't go visit (I don't have a car) so I have to e-mail her. I send her a SUPER long, heartfelt e-mail, about twice the length of my original post, and I get her reply today: I'm sorry you feel that way. Thanks for letting me know how you feel. AOUIHGAPVHAPWGHUAILGUHAPWGHUAPSOUHGA;SODNALSUHVDAW !!!!! Can you believe this woman is 11 years older than me? It seems like she's 11 rather than 11 years my senior. So I told her to forget it and she can explain to Mom and Dad why I'm not there for Christmas, because at this point it is ENTIRELY her fault!! I'm so mad at her right now!!! -
Christmas compromise? (Warning: Long!)
FutureMrsLewis replied to FutureMrsLewis's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
Thanks girls I had a good chat with FI last night and told him how important it is to spend Christmas with my parents (not siblings) and he agreed. First he wanted me to go on my own, but I told him that I really needed him there for support and he finally told me what was REALLY wrong... He hates my oldest sister. I can't blame him, I hate her right now too, and I'm DREADING having to stay at her house, but it's the only way to spend Christmas with the folks because they're staying at her house until April, and we're living in an apartment, so there's no room for them to stay with us. And as for the cats vs. dogs problem, Dad is going to tell her she needs to give the dogs to Lisa, and if Dad says "jump", then Terri asks, "How high?" So it won't be a problem. She'll grumble and complain about it, but she's going to grumble and complain anyway. The only girl I've ever met that has two other siblings and yet has "only child" syndrome lol FI is an only child, and he's more considerate of others than she will ever be lol -
I know I'm always posting for advice, but with my wedding so far away, I have nothing else to focus on lol Okay, this one is going to be a bit of a long story... Not sure if anyone remembers, but a while ago I posted because my family was being very unfair and unaccepting of FH so I sent them some e-mails (they live too far away to do it face-to-face, and they would have never heard me out over the phone, either interruptions or hanging up before I was done). I have since talked to my mother and we've sorted everything out, and I'm talking to my Dad again and my middle sister. My oldest sister hasn't talked to me since I sent the first e-mail and she travelled two hours just to yell at me. I was very hurt as she never travels the two hours to actually VISIT me, and that's why we haven't talked since. ANYWAY, Getting to the point of the post lol FI is still hurt over what has happened in the past and refuses to see or talk to any of my family. My parents live about 1000 km's away and we've never spent a Christmas with them in the three years we've been together. The first Christmas I went home alone (me and FI were together for a little over a month at this point) and then the following two years we spent Christmas and New Year's Day at his parents house (they lived here up until March when they moved) because I was working retail and worked Christmas Eve until 6 and then on December 27th at 8 AM, so no time for a 10 hour drive each way to my parent's house. Well this year, my parents are coming to my sister's house for Christmas, I'm not working, and FI will be finished around 6 on Christmas Eve and back to work on the 27th, so he will have Christmas Day and Boxing Day off. It's expected that I will be there for Christmas, but as of right now, me and my sister aren't talking, and I'm still VERY hurt by her and some of the things she has said, and FI wants nothing to do with them. Plus, we have two cats (Shadow, 9, and Boots, 1) and Boots gets VERY lonely when she's left alone. But my sister has two evil little yorkies that HATE cats and would try to fight my cats at first sight, and she refuses to let my middle sister, who lives five minutes down the road from her, take the dogs for a couple of days (who the dogs actually like better anyway) so I can bring my cats out to spend Christmas with us and not be lonely. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE animals, I've had cats and dogs my whole life, but I am not allowed to have dogs in my apartment, only cats, therefore I don't have a dog. I can usually get along with the biggest, nastiest dog around, but those two are savages, biting and barking at anything that moves and you can't even pet the male without him snapping at you. Okay, I'm straying from the point. I just really don't know what to do. After two Christmases away from my family, I would LOVE to spend Christmas with my Mom and Dad, I love how my Mom decorates for Christmas (my parents are living with my sister over the winter) and I would really like to go, but FI still resents them and wants to have our own Christmas. I would love to have Christmas with just FI as well, but since my parents are finally close enough to celebrate with, I really want to be there. But how do I convince FI to go? I mention the idea and he gets mad and doesn't want to talk about it, and if we do go, what do I do with the kitties? I don't want to leave them in a kennel somewhere, Shadow is a cat that keeps to herself and didn't even want Boots around, let alone some other strange cats. She's used to Boots now, but she would never get along with another cat, or especially a dog. She's huge, and very strong, and she would kill the male yorkie before he could even finish his first bark, let alone have the chance to snap, so putting these four together would prove to be a disaster. My middle sister, "Lisa" was living with my oldest sister, "Terri" (if this sounds strange, I'm the youngest of three girls) when she adopted the dogs from a friend, and "Lisa" spent her days at home with the dogs while she was looking for work and an apartment, so the dogs got to really know her and love her, and she's an animal person like myself, so the dogs took to her really easily. But "Terri" is allergic to pet dander, hence why she got yorkies, and she has NEVER been an animal person. She hated the dog and cats I had growing up with my parents, never spent any time around them at all. So why would it be a big deal to let Lisa have the dogs for a couple of days? She lives about two minutes away, literally, and she can see them whenever she wants, and Lisa would LOVE to have them for a couple of days, she visits Terri every day to come see them anyway, so I don't see why Terri is kicking up such a fuss about it. It seems like she's not doing it just to f*** with me so she's not "bending" for me at all. Even Mom doesn't know why she refuses to do it and tells her she's being an idiot, and she never has a good reason as to why she wants to keep them there. So between her being stubborn, and FI being stubborn, is there any chance of a Christmas miracle that they'll compromise and I'll finally get to spend a Christmas with my parents, or will I never have another Christmas with my family again?
I said that the office software was sometimes hard to find because of personal experience. In major centres, the software may be available everywhere, but when we ordered our iMac, there was no option to order it with office pre-installed, and in rural Newfoundland, trying to find a copy was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Even stores in the capital city were out of stock. They'd get one copy in and it would sell within the week, sometimes within a number of hours. It's a little easier now because I have a few connections, but I was just making a statement that, depending on where you live, it MAY be difficult to find. I've also got a friend who runs linux on his mac, and it works perfectly, and he can run any windows program with ease.
I haven't switched, but I SO want to! I used to do a lot of video editing, and they're AWESOME for that! I love Macs I actually remember the guy who used to show me how to do more advanced editing saying that Macs are like computers for dummies lol They're not, they're actually very advanced machines, but they're also very user friendly, so if you don't know how to do something, play around with it and you'll figure it out most of the time Now it is a little harder to get specific software for it, and if you're doing a lot of spreadsheets and word processing and those types of things then you may get frustrated trying to find a copy of Microsoft Office (which does exist, just usually in short supply) but if you're the least bit computer savvy at all (as in, you can do a little more than turn the darn thing on lol) then you'll do just fine