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Everything posted by FutureMrsLewis

  1. That report is absolutely disgusting. If she seriously is taking him back after that, then she is a stupid, stupid woman. If she thinks he still loves her, she has issues... You don't do that to someone you love
  2. I think you're on to something Cattie... MOH's always seem to flake out, or do a complete flip and become control freaks... I seriously only started thinking about this now... My oldest sister got married in 2005. Her MOH was a complete crackpot, to the point where I wanted to poke her in the face and never speak to her again. She drove everyone bananas and shortly after the wedding her and my sister stopped talking. My other sister (middle child) got married in 2007. She picked a girl from Alberta (where sis was living at the time) to be her MOH. About 6 months before the wedding, they have a HUGE fight, cut all ties, and then my sister finds another girl for MOH, who didn't do anything more than the rest of us bridesmaids, if not less. She couldn't even make arrangements to have the same gown as the rest of us, so she showed up in a different, slightly off-colour gown, and we all just went with it. I haven't picked a MOH yet, I have two sisters who I can't choose between, and both are married so I can't do Matron/Maid, and I don't have any "close" friends here in town. Now I'm worrying if my MOH, whoever she may be, will flake too. It seems to be a trend lol
  3. The closest thing I found was this: Here's the URL: Coordinated Accessories for your Monogram Cake Topper - Toppers With Glitz.com
  4. Why is it whenever I have someone great happen in my life someone else feels the need to on my parade?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Oh not across the right actually wrapped round it lmao He said i'll do that and then put it on my dog tags! I said oh do you wear them on your hands now lol I warned him he didn't have to have one and neither did i lol He said no therefore he's stuck with it lol He hates wearing any jewellry a watch is about all he wears lol when we went to try one on he said i think this fits flicked his hand and the ring shot out of the shop door into the mall! I thought I was going to pee myself laughing I couldn't speak lol One of my best mates wears his but when he comes up here for a night out it vanishes lmao LMAO He'd look cute with dog tags attached to his hand. I think I would have died if I saw the ring go flying, that's something FI would do. FI doesn't wear ANY jewelry, no watch, no chain, nothing, so it's going to be fun trying to convince him to wear a ring at all lol And if he ever comes home with his ring in his pocket, he'll be wearing it as a choker lol
  6. lol He could always take it off? Just don't be like my bil and forget to put it back on, he always gets a smack for that one lmao I'd like to see the big strip of electrical tape across his finger though, that'd be hilarious. Not quite as funny as trying to get the goo off the ring though lol
  7. Why is it that if there are three seats in a row, someone always sits in the middle seat, therefore making anyone else sit RIGHT next to them? I need space people lol
  8. You'd actually need an encoder to transfer the file to an mp3 format. I don't know if there's a free encoder around to download, but it would need to convert from AAC to mp3, not just .wav to .mp3 (which is what most encoders do)
  9. lmao @ Harty That's one thing I thought about too, if he's THAT forgetful, he might even forget that it's actually the ring burning his finger, or he might forget what it's even for lol
  10. Chris Brown is apparently now going to plead self-defense? On MSN Canada's "In Music": A source revealed, "Chris is already building his case. He's saying she threw a phone at him, then hit him in the head and basically just lost it. He's saying she attacked him." On the other hand, Rihanna, 21, told the police that Brown had hit her inside the car, and that he threatened to kill her, and strangled her until she lost consciousness. The fact remains that Rihanna was left beaten and bruised, and I don't remember anyone saying Chris had a scratch on him... I'll use one of FI's analogies: (He's 6'8", 350 lbs) "If some guy comes up behind me and punches me in the head, I'm not going to feel it. If I turn around and punch him in the face, he's left bleeding on the ground and I don't have a scratch, so when the cops show up, I'm the one in handcuffs even though he started it." So did Rihanna possibly hit Chris or throw a phone at him? Maybe. But I doubt she did any actual damage. Plus, you're never supposed to hit a lady, everyone knows that
  11. I think they'd be cute as a little accent on a wall, or a border around the room or something. Anything to get rid of these all white walls lol I have a few pictures up, but it doesn't hide the fact that the entire apartment is drab-white.
  12. Instead of yelling at him and making him sleep on the couch, get him... REMEMBER RING!!! It apparently heats up to 120 degrees fahrenheit for 10 seconds every hour for 24 hours until your anniversary. So say if your anniversary is February 10th, then on February 9th it will heat up for 10 seconds and continue to do so every hour until the 10th. And it charges its internal battery using the heat from your hand. I'm a gadget nerd, and I think this is absolutely ingenious!! Silly? Yes. Brilliant? Definitely. Thankfully FI is great at remembering dates, so his finger won't be burning anytime soon, but this is hilarious for anyone fed up with hubby forgetting their anniversary/birthday/whatever. And if he forgets multiple dates, just buy multiple rings! lol He'll just have to remember which finger is which lmao I just had to put it here, because this one is definitely a "funny" Curious? Here's a link: Remember Rings- Never Forget an Anniversary! - Alaska Jewelry - Free Shipping 1-800-360-5744
  13. Why is it that whenever I'm home alone and I've finally decided what I want to cook for myself and get it all cooked and served, as SOON as I sit down to eat it, the phone rings and it's someone who wants to babble for half an hour? Aggggh!!!
  14. Actually putting the plans into the computer would be awesome!! I've been drawing it out on a piece of paper and trying to re-arrange it. Not good lol I didn't know I could get a free one, that's awesome, thanks!! I was thinking of some new curtains or something like that, I was also thinking about the little mini wall-paper things, I think they're called wall pops or something, and they apparently come off really easily, has anyone tried those?
  15. Ooh, red sounds exciting! I love bright colours, but I also kinda like basic/neutrals (red, blue, black). I watch HGTV and W Network (I think W is Canadian?) and you'd THINK something would rub off lol Nope, not a chance. And I thought about stretch covers, mainly because my cat likes to leave "presents" on the couch (hairballs) lol I just think I need to re-arrange my living room, I just don't really know how. I tried having my couch on the opposite half-wall from where it is now, and it didn't really work. So I'm almost out of ideas. And my heater is right below my window, so that kinda shags up that wall too... Agggh... lol
  16. Ooh, red sounds exciting! I love bright colours, but I also kinda like basic/neutrals (red, blue, black). I watch HGTV and W Network (I think W is Canadian?) and you'd THINK something would rub off lol Nope, not a chance. And I thought about stretch covers, mainly because my cat likes to leave "presents" on the couch (hairballs) lol I just think I need to re-arrange my living room, I just don't really know how. I tried having my couch on the opposite half-wall from where it is now, and it didn't really work. So I'm almost out of ideas. And my heater is right below my window, so that kinda shags up that wall too... Agggh... lol
  17. I don't have any pics, but I did manage to make this: Sorry if it looks a little squished... And the green blobs in the living room are lamps lol I'm not a decorator by any means (as you can tell). I can't paint the walls, and I can't afford new furniture, and the whole house (with the exception of the kitchen and bathroom) is covered in a light tan indoor/outdoor carpet. And the countertops are more burgandy, not orange lol My couch set is like an ivory with pink/red/green flowers, and all of our furniture (coffee table, tv stand, etc) is a dark wood stain. So my main problem is, what would make a good accent colour? I tried green, but it doesn't quite work. Then again, it's more forest green...
  18. Me and FI share a small, two bedroom basement apartment, and we had planned to get a house this year, but since I'm returning to school (in two weeks!!!) and won't graduate until October 2010, we decided that we'll stay here for the next two years and then instead of renting a house, we'll try to buy one So since I'm stuck in this basement for two more years, I want to liven it up a little I just have no idea how... So I figured you ladies would definitely be able to help me figure it out Any ideas? TIA!
  19. I'm in the same boat my darling Whenever I ask FI about anything regarding the wedding (Big stuff, like WHERE? DW or Local?) He's like "I don't care, as long as in the end we're married. Besides, you're the one with the theme song" (Here comes the bride) So I've decided that I'll make all the decisions and if he doesn't like it, too bad. He gave me permission long ago to do whatever the hell I want, I just have to give him a time and place to show up lol
  20. I'm having fuschia and black, and back in 2005 my sister had red, black, white and silver, she even had black roses in her bouquet, and it was gorgeous And my mom thought that black was just for funerals too and was appalled at my sister for choosing it, then she saw the ideas she had and how it all turned out and now thinks black is beautiful at weddings lol
  21. Holy crap, you've got a busy life for the next little while! And if he's the type to put you down in front of your own children, then he doesn't deserve to see them. Harty may be a little more blunt than the rest of us lol But she's totally right. And I agree, if he sees you riding off on the quad, give him a wave, and a one-fingered salute lol
  22. It sounds like he might be blaming you for Larry's predicament. He doesn't realize that you're actually HELPING his son, and that the only person to blame for Larry's current position is Larry himself. Stand up for yourself, and that quad is rightfully yours, so make sure you get it back. FIL will eventually realize that you're not the bad guy, but for right now, hang in there girl *hugs*
  23. I really hope that he can get the help that he so desperately needs. Hopefully when he does get his day in court, even if he has already served his time in remand and won't need any extra jail time, they send him to rehab or something similar, because he needs to know the severity of his alcoholism and will never lead a satisfying life until he can get past it. And it's great to see that you're staying so strong and that you've already realized that you did the right thing. You did what was right for yourself, your children, and also your husband. You're awesome, and one day I hope he'll thank you for what you're doing for him right now, because he needs this more than he'll ever know.
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