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Everything posted by FutureMrsLewis

  1. I just found this website: truth about pet food, pet food ingredients, toxic grains, by products in pet food, human grade pet food and now I'm worried about what I've been feeding my girls. This may not be 100% true, but even if a small percentage of it is, then I've been a bad mommy I'm definitely looking at ingredients from now on, and buying something that's good for them. All this time I'm worried about what me and FI are putting into our bodies, and I didn't ever think about what my kitties were eating... Thanks for helping me realize that cat food is filled with so much bad stuff, or I may have been feeding them garbage forever and then be completely puzzled when they got really sick. Thanks again ladies!!
  2. Holy crap, thanks binzer! I just looked at the ingredients for the Iams I've been feeding my girls, and it has Rosemary extract, Chicken by-product meal, and corn meal. It does say that it meets AAFCO guidelines though, and the first ingredient is chicken, so I guess it's not THAT bad. But I definitely know what to look for from now on. And I'm not sure if I can find that brand of cat food, I've never seen it in stores, but I'll keep my eyes peeled
  3. One of the comments on that page: "90 days of Obama and Bush is back in NJ" LMAO Sorry, had to say it. I think this is stupid, what gives them the right to choose where a woman has hair on her body and where she doesn't? If they ban brazilians in salons, then all these women are going to start doing them at home instead of being able to go to a professional. Why not start worrying about real issues, like the economy, or war?
  4. Hmm, I might try putting something in her bowl, just to see if that will make her slow down. I like the idea of a food puzzle too, but I think she'd be too lazy and would just start crying at me until I fed her normally. We've been feeding them Iams proactive health with hairball care, and that didn't help at all, so now we're trying just the regular proactive health, and it's not helping at all. We tried switching to Meow Mix a few months ago (it had something for hairballs too) and it didn't help either. FI likes buying Iams because it's a good name and it's vet recommended, but I think maybe we should look into another brand. Oh, and we only feed them dry food, wet food makes her sick even more, and is a LOT harder to clean up, and they're both very happy only eating dry food (with lots of water of course). Thanks for all your help ladies
  5. My cat is driving me bonkers. She's a 9 year old short-haired tabby, and she vomits EVERYWHERE! We have blankets covering our couch and extra blankets on our bed because she likes to eat WAY too much food and then throw it back up. But here's the kicker: If you feed her small servings, she inhales it as if it will be her last meal. If you give her food from one of those self-filling bowls with the bottle of food attached, she eats until she can't possibly eat another bite. So what the hell do I do? I washed the blanket over our loveseat yesterday (after a barfing incident) and tonight she throws up over it AGAIN! Aggh!! I keep telling FI she needs to see a vet (we adopted her from FI's parents) and he keeps saying "Nah, there's nothing wrong with her, she's been doing that her entire life" and his mom says the SAME thing. I love animals, especially my two cats, but the thoughts that go through my head when I'm scrubbing the remenants of her vomit from the carpet are NOT nice and I needed someone to vent to who won't respond with "That's just Shadow..." I can't even bawl at the cat because she just puts this look on her face: which makes me even MORE mad. *sigh* Thanks for listening!
  6. Don't be fooled, I'm not brave either. Yesterday I had two glasses and today I had one, so I'm SLOWLY giving it up, I was too weak to drop it all at once, I needed some time to say goodbye lol
  7. I'd tell your cousin that it's a bit too much to ask of you. You expected your cousin and your aunt, and that was it. He wanted to bring a guest, fine, I'd be able to overlook that, but then add on 4 more people on top of the extra guest? That's not fair.
  8. Move to Newfoundland, it's only -2 here, and it's supposed to be 2 and sunny tomorrow lol I'm glad I live on "the rock" and not the mainland, because I would FREEZE if it ever even reached -30, let alone -38. Brrr! Don't let it get you down too much though, just get the biggest, coziest sweater you own and be glad you're not in the Northwest Territories lol
  9. I voted a bunch of times (I have too many e-mail accounts lol) Good luck!
  10. I want to keep ours a secret for the big day, but I'm SUPER worried about his grammar (among other things lol) so I'm going to get FMIL to go over them and make sure they're okay before he's allowed to read them out lol Then I know they're suitable, AND they're a surprise!
  11. Thanks ladies!! The program is called "Information Systems Specialist +", it's basically network administration with a bunch of other stuff thrown in, and I'll have a bunch of certifications when I graduate (MCP, MCSE, A+, Network+ and CNA for any other IT 'nerds' out there). I'm stoked!
  12. I hope you can find someone soon, you need to start taking care of you, because like FMIL put it to me: "Nobody else is going to look out for you, you need to do that yourself." And don't think of the therapist as someone who is going to tell you what to do, the point of therapy is to help you figure it out for yourself Good luck sweetie!
  13. Since I got laid off last May, I've been up and down emotionally. Fights with my parents, struggling to pay bills, stress out the wazoo, and it's just been a gross year. BUT, things are finally looking up! And I'm so excited, I'm ready to scream! (With happiness of course ) Also, rather than hijack lil_miss_frogg's thread anymore than I already have: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t38574 I figured I'd start my own So here's what's going on right now: 1. I'm starting school on Monday, after finally figuring out what I want to be when I grow up lol And I graduate on October 29, 2010, so the wedding has been postponed for the umpteenth time lol But I'm being funded for the program of my DREAMS, and I can't wait to get down there on Monday and get to it! 2. The DW is BACK ON! I was going to have a local wedding (in Dildo. Snicker, it's okay) but I was only doing it to please my parents, I went along with it because it meant I could have my big dress and my great cake, not realizing I could STILL have that stuff with a DW. But now that I'm realizing that life is about ME and MY happiness, then I'm having MY wedding, MY way! And that makes me SUPER excited!!! 3. I'm finally getting my butt in gear and getting healthier! No more putting it off until tomorrow and getting depressed when I go clothes shopping and nothing fits, it starts TODAY! (And no more soda, which is going to KILL me, but I'm going to be strong! ) So here we go! New life, here I come!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg FutureMrsLewis.....IT CAN BE DONE! Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or just need that little nudge to get you through the day! It truely is an awesome feeling! I was actually considering the bypass surgery because I wasn't sure that 150lbs was possible, but I didn't want to drop it TOO quickly so I decided to hold off. I have a lot of changes to make, and I think I might start taking pictures too and measuring in inches, not just pounds, to keep myself motivated And I'll PM you if I need to, no worries
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg I am glad I can be an inspiration to you. Loosing weight is a hard, long, and bumpy road. If you can try and find a doctor that is a Bariatric Physician and specializes in weight loss. I do have to tell you that going to this type of doctor isn't cheap and my doctor doesn't accept insurance....cash or check only. I think it's about $700 a year just in office visits and about $600 in meds....depending on what the doctor gives you and if you do generic vs name brand. I had to wait till I saved up the money....I did cheat a little, I used some of my tax refund. But I figure that I paid off all my credit cards and it's my money and I can do what I want with it. Good Luck if you 'get your butt in gear' I know you can do it! I'm going to see if my family doc can get me an appointment with a specialist. I'm not sure if the doc would charge any extra here, we have free healthcare with MCP, but the drugs would still be a lot. But at this point, any amount of money would be worth it, I've been this size my entire life and I want to see how it feels to be "normal". And thanks for the push, I needed it
  16. I think your thread may have given me the inspiration I need to get my butt in gear I'm about 300lbs right now, but I'm 5' 10" and have a big frame anyway, so I look like I'm about 200 (so everyone else says). Nothing has worked up to this point, and I've just been wondering if I could do it, but after reading this, I think I may have the inspiration to try again Thanks! And good luck to getting back to your pre-pregancy weight! It sounds like you're well on your way
  17. He's gorgeous Congrats! And I just noticed that Angel and Kelly are a day apart lol
  18. Yay! More Canadians! Welcome, you'll find lots of info here
  19. Shouldn't it be iDIM, as in, I do it MYself? lol Sorry, had to say it. That's a great site though, thanks for sharing
  20. I read "The Word of Mouth Manual: Volume II" (I'm a BzzAgent, any other agents would probably have read this too) and they actually mentioned the Head-On commercial in the manual. The commercial is VERY annoying, that's obvious, but it's also VERY effective. First, you need to hear about something three times and then you remember it (although they say it WAY more than three times). The first time, you ask "What is it?" The second time "What of it?" and then the third time, you're fully aware of it. Also, because the commercial is SO ridiculous, and it drives you up the wall, you end up talking about it (like you ladies have been doing throughout this thread) and therefore spreading news of the product through word of mouth If anyone is interested, you should read the WOM manual, it's actually quite interesting (and explains some crazy marketing trends of the past). You can find it here (Along with some info on BzzAgents): The Word of Mouth Manual: Volume II
  21. I NEED a DVR. FI loves to watch RAW every week (wrestling) and I swear that it's during that show the worst commercials ever begin to air. I have to mute the tv for the entire time.
  22. I have a LOT of commercials that drive me up the wall. It's to the point where I barely watch TV anymore lol The pizza pops commercials, like the one where the robot explodes because he throws a pizza pop at him, and the Whiskas commercials with "Hubert", and those DAMN DOGS EATING!!! Those stupid dog treats commercials and the guy speaks really low so it really emphasizes how loud the dog is chewing... AGGGGH! I may have commercial-related anger issues lol
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