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Everything posted by FutureMrsLewis

  1. Wow, not many Newfies on here We're a rare breed it seems lol
  2. I did the same thing last week, that's how I knew how to fix it lol And you're very welcome, glad it worked
  3. Lucky for you I just started my IT program and the course I'm doing right now SHOULD be called "The dumbest shit you never cared about for Windows XP" lol You have Active Desktop enabled by the looks of things. If you right click, go to properties, and then go into the Desktop tab and Customize desktop then click on web and uncheck whatever is checked off there, then that SHOULD cure it. If not, then I'll ask my prof, he'll know
  4. I chose agnostic/atheist. I'm not against religion, don't get me wrong, but I've seen what some religions do to people. When I was in University I was living with a roommate who was Pentecostal, and on my 19th birthday (Legal age here) me and my other roommate invited two other girls over and we sat down and drank some coolers. Nobody even got remotely drunk or buzzed, so we didn't have a big booze fest, and my "religious" roommate locked herself in her room because she thought we were all possessed by Satan to even be drinking alcohol. We knew she didn't drink and wouldn't drink, so we would never ask her or pressure her to join us, we just wanted her to sit around the table with us and chat, but she couldn't because the devil might jump out of a bottle and grab her... Now I know that not everyone who practises her faith is this crazy, in fact few are, but she just took it WAY too far and kinda made me think "Hey, wait a minute, something isn't right here..." But I grew up going to an Anglican church and I took "Sunday school" for two years and was Confirmed, I just didn't have a big push toward church, the only one who would go with me was my grandmother, my parents went to weddings and funerals, in fact my father didn't go to my own Confirmation. I believe there's something out there, I just don't really know what and couldn't really be bothered to go looking. I believe do onto others as you would have them do onto you and I believe in fate and karma, that's pretty much it... Damn I talk too much lol
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette I LOVE that ring! Quote: Originally Posted by Jamaica0619 Wow!!!! Your current ring is gorgeous, and the replacement ring is really unique. I think they are both incredible engagement rings. Quote: Originally Posted by Danyelle And FutureMrsLewis.....I love your orginal ring!!! Thanks ladies I need to take a pic of my "new" ring, because it looks much nicer than the old faded out one. I think I'll do that now actually Edit: I'm just going to replace the old image with the new one Edit #2: Done It's a crappy picture, you can tell it needs to be cleaned lol But still better than the old faded one!
  6. My current ring is a pink topaz I just recently had it replaced and it looks MUCH better than this pic. But since topaz is known to fade, I'm thinking about getting this replacement: I just can't bring myself to do it right now because my "old" ring looks FABULOUS again!! lol
  7. Why is it assumed that EVERYONE is a morning person?!?
  8. I've never been to a wedding with an open bar, it's always been a cash bar (Or BYOB) with only wine provided for toasts (And usually 1 bottle for 20 adults, which doesn't go very far!) If any of the weddings I've been to had an open bar, there would be a LOT of people passed out in the middle of the floor in drunken stupidity. Chalk it up to immaturity? Anyway, I think it's completely your choice, as the other ladies have said. Plus, most of your guests will likely think like you and not expect alcohol at the wedding, so they won't even notice. And as for the ones that do notice and complain, you can't please everyone There's so many other things to stress over when it comes to wedding planning, don't let this be one of them!
  9. I've never been to a wedding with an open bar, it's always been a cash bar (Or BYOB) with only wine provided for toasts (And usually 1 bottle for 20 adults, which doesn't go very far!) If any of the weddings I've been to had an open bar, there would be a LOT of people passed out in the middle of the floor in drunken stupidity. Chalk it up to immaturity? Anyway, I think it's completely your choice, as the other ladies have said. Plus, most of your guests will likely think like you and not expect alcohol at the wedding, so they won't even notice. And as for the ones that do notice and complain, you can't please everyone There's so many other things to stress over when it comes to wedding planning, don't let this be one of them!
  10. I think this is absolutely crazy! There are so many better things that taxpayer's money can be used for! I got laid off last year and even while I was receiving unemployment I put out resume, after resume, after resume, and in less than 3 months I put out over 50 resumes, all while I was in constant contact with HRDC telling them that I needed help because nobody would hire me. I was very fortunate and am now sponsored to return to school, which I am treating as a job. I don't show up late, I don't fart around and waste time, I show up and am very professional, afterall, I've been given a small portion of taxpayers' money to do this! I was only given $20,000 and I'll forever be grateful for them helping me better myself and wouldn't DREAM of wasting even a cent! But to just take HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars and give to people who already live in the lap of luxury? Come on! Help out all these people who just got laid off and help some of them return to school to either re-train in their field and upgrade their education, or help them receive training in a completely different field! This is NOT the time for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer!!
  11. My choice for Mrs. was already mentioned, but for B2B I nominate Harty. She is one funny gal! (And cynical, but that makes her MORE funny lol) And I think a Vendor MotM would be a good idea, it would be a great way to showcase some great vendors for us b2bs
  12. I swear, some people were only put on this earth to piss the rest of us off lol I don't think he should be allowed to say who you hire or who you fire. Hopefully the meeting goes well tomorrow, because this guy is being a complete arse and needs to get told!
  13. If your contract is null and void, then how can you be held accountable for anything that's in it after that date? I know NOTHING about the legal side of things, but I just think that common sense would dictate that once the contract is null and void then it doesn't matter what's in the contract... Very weird situation, and his wife sounds like a horrible woman who will get what she deserves because as big3n09 said, Karma IS a motha lol
  14. How about instead of "unexpected" using casual? I can't think of any examples right now, my brain is off and probably won't reset until the alarm goes off tomorrow morning, but I was just looking up "unexpected" in the thesaurus and casual kinda jumped out at me.
  15. How about instead of "unexpected" using casual? I can't think of any examples right now, my brain is off and probably won't reset until the alarm goes off tomorrow morning, but I was just looking up "unexpected" in the thesaurus and casual kinda jumped out at me. Or maybe even genuine? Kinda like when you take those "in between" pictures, that's the genuine person, not the person they're trying to portray in the "professional" pictures. KWIM?
  16. If it was poop or pee, she would be wearing a diaper lol Funny looking? Yes. But it's the only way I could do it because I'd never be able to get rid of her, as much as I'd like to sometimes (but that's only until the anger subsides).
  17. If it was poop or pee, she would be wearing a diaper lol Funny looking? Yes. But it's the only way I could do it because I'd never be able to get rid of her, as much as I'd like to sometimes (but that's only until the anger subsides).
  18. We got engaged in December '06 and right now MIGHT be married by early/mid 2012 lol So no worries girl It's completely your choice, don't let anyone else make it for you!
  19. Well, I think maybe some of the responsibility lies on the person getting waxed too, watch what the person doing it is actually doing, make sure they're not "double dipping" just like when you get a tattoo or a piercing you make sure you see their autoclave or that they're opening a new package for the needles. But I agree there needs to be certification. Nobody wants girls trying to wax their own vajayjay lol
  20. LMAO I'm SO scared there's going to be someone topless or in a speedo in my wedding photos. I'm making sure my photog (whoever that will be) avoids any nasty pics lol I agree with hiring a professional. My middle sister hired a friend of the family's daughter who had just finished photography school and the photog let her younger cousin play with her camera the day before and broke the flash on her camera so about 90% of my sister's pics are dark and blurry. This past summer I went to my cousin's wedding and was COMPLETELY ignored. My mother has one sibling, and it was his oldest daughter that was getting married. With only having THREE cousin's on your dad's side, and having them all travel over 1000 km's just to be there for your wedding, you could at least say "Hi, thanks for coming". My uncle came over and was SO glad to see the three of us, but my cousin didn't leave a place for our family to sit (There was 6 of us and we almost had to sit at two different tables on two different ends of the hall) and we ended up sitting with complete strangers who were very, VERY rude, we weren't included in pictures, and my Dad was so upset that we had spent so much time and money to show up to her wedding and got ignored that we left after only being there a couple of hours to avoid him telling her off lol I know that having a DW means that everyone will be travelling and spending a lot of money, and I plan on thanking each and every one of them with OOT bags, excursions, and personalized thank you notes after the wedding. I never want anyone to feel as left out as me and my sisters did.
  21. LMAO I'm SO scared there's going to be someone topless or in a speedo in my wedding photos. I'm making sure my photog (whoever that will be) avoids any nasty pics lol I agree with hiring a professional. My middle sister hired a friend of the family's daughter who had just finished photography school and the photog let her younger cousin play with her camera the day before and broke the flash on her camera so about 90% of my sister's pics are dark and blurry. This past summer I went to my cousin's wedding and was COMPLETELY ignored. My mother has one sibling, and it was his oldest daughter that was getting married. With only having THREE cousin's on your dad's side, and having them all travel over 1000 km's just to be there for your wedding, you could at least say "Hi, thanks for coming". My uncle came over and was SO glad to see the three of us, but my cousin didn't leave a place for our family to sit (There was 6 of us and we almost had to sit at two different tables on two different ends of the hall) and we ended up sitting with complete strangers who were very, VERY rude, we weren't included in pictures, and my Dad was so upset that we had spent so much time and money to show up to her wedding and got ignored that we left after only being there a couple of hours to avoid him telling her off lol I know that having a DW means that everyone will be travelling and spending a lot of money, and I plan on thanking each and every one of them with OOT bags, excursions, and personalized thank you notes after the wedding. I never want anyone to feel as left out as me and my sisters did.
  22. It's pretty much going to be trial and error from here on out. I'm going to find something that's good for them, but they also have to WANT to eat it. The little one (on the right in my pic) will eat anything, but Shadow (left) is quite fussy so it will be fun trying to find something she actually likes.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by panther Are they indestructable? I would be concerned that if anything happened to my FI's hand they would take off his finger as it would be easier to get off then a carbon fiber ring...... Think about it, if the metal couldn't be "cut", then how could they shape it into a ring?
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg AHH, I didn't see this, this is just a little set back. Now get up and do that jig I was talking about....just do it with some crutches. I'd look cute trying to do a jig with crutches lol And I'll definitely keep you posted, you were the one who gave me the kick in the rear I needed lol This is as close to a jig I could probably do right now: lol
  25. I have the worst luck ever, I swear... On Wednesday, I go to orientation at school and they give us free backpacks. So I'm travelling by bus and don't want to take a big backpack AND my purse, so I stuff my purse in my bag. Then before I get to the bus stop I thought about my pass being in my purse, so I squat down and put my backpack on the ground so I can get my bus pass. So when I stand back up, I get about halfway up and my right knee locks. I look like a COMPLETE idiot standing on the corner downtown half standing half squatting, then my knee finally lets go... With a loud POP!.... So I finally get to a doctor yesterday, I damaged the cartilage in my knee. So now I get to start school on Monday with crutches, and I have to start physiotherapy ASAP... I swear if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have ANY lol
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