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Everything posted by *Lo*

  1. THAT IS ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGEOUS!!! Who does that? Seriously. People do crazy things when they are upset. She clearly felt she needed to get back at you. Which is immature. Even if she doesn't do anything at your wedding, she knows that just by going there it will upset you.
  2. I think this thread is very interesting. It is typically such a taboo subject. But even with the money aside it is really cool to read about the cool jobs everyone has! I am a chartered accountant in a small but growing rapidly, public accounting firm. I have a contract to be partner in 4 years, so by the time I am 30! I just got really lucky finding this firm and working with the people I do. I make 6 figures, but as mentioned taxes in Canada are quite high. I am also doing the CPA designation, and typically the more qualifications an accountant gets, the more their billing rate increases, so hopefully they will give me a raise! I have to say though that teachers are waaaaaaaaaay underpaid. I know they get summers off, but for the other 10 months they put up with so much. And it is pretty much one of the most important jobs!! I know I don't have it in me to do that job.
  3. My FI and I will probably make the same amount this year. (In previous years he made more) Although in Sept he started school full time. He is sponsored by his former employer for school and will be returning to a job there when he graduates for a much higher salary. At that time though we will make about the same... and he will have an MBA from an Ivey league school.
  4. I just bought mine last weekend. It came to just under $3,000. I think about $2,970 or something. It did say that doesn't include alterations which my mom mentioned to me after. But the sample size actually fit absolutely perfect, so I ordered that size and most likely won't have any alterations at all! Unless I get lucky and lose 10lbs.
  5. I think it depends on where the flights are from...but I would expect to pay that for 7 nights at an upscale all inclusive for a week. Especially if it includes the tax.
  6. Ya you are kind of right in the center of it Yamille! My FI is in grad school as well and so it is a bit tougher than previous years. He also found out he won't receive his loan money next year...because he is an international student, and he would need a US citizen to co-sign!! Outrageous!! I guess worst case scenerio is he has to get a loan up here in Canada, but he will lose out with the currency exchange. Hopefully he will get by without the loan next year, it is more just as a cushion. When I was just coming out of school, I did not even think about my future or saving. It actually took until I met my FI and his saving methodology I guess somewhat wore off on me so I opened a savings account! I could probably learn from everyone on some ways where I can cut back but not really impact my life much!
  7. I guess I am of the opposite mindset. Don't get me wrong I think it is fantastic that you are all working hard and cutting back. I think whatever plan you choose, it needs to make you feel better and secure. That is the most important thing. I feel that if everyone cuts back, ie) not sending laundry out, not eating out, not buying things, then the economy shrinks. If you stop sending your laundry out, and everyone in your neighbourhood does as well, then that drycleaners goes out of business. And then they can't support their families. If I don't buy any shoes this year, and enter shoe rehab like everyone else, then salespeople will lose their jobs because they are not needed. If I stop travelling, taking taxis, etc, then more people could lose their jobs! I know I am exaggerating, but it is just how I feel. (Or how I am justifying spending most likely). But then more and more people will sell their investments to make ends meet perhaps. And the market will continue to decline. My job is 100% secure, so I guess that is why I feel this way. If I was more concerned about the even remote possibility of being out of work for awhile, I would definitely cut back. I did increase my monthly savings going direct into my savings account like most of you...If it is out of my checking account, then I won't spend it!!! But I don't plan to cut back really. I guess I will single handedly stimulate the economy! One pair of shoes at a time. Hopefully my FI never reads this! He is a saver!
  8. I paid $120 for the 2. I got a slight deal through work as they are our seasons tickets. But now I have to go to Boston to write a stupid exam and will be away that weekend!
  9. Hey! Anyone in the GTA area, I have 2 tickets to the So You Think You Can Dance show at the ACC Oct 26th. They are good seats, Section 103, row 21. I can't go to the show anymore and I am sad but I am hoping someone might want them? It is a sold out show so if you missed out on getting tickets, PM me!!!
  10. Ya I would ask them if they can rush order an ivory one. You HAVE to love your wedding dress!
  11. I have been during spring break and I found it was actually more families with children. But I agree with what was previously mentioned, the more expensive the resort, the less spring breakers you will find partying there!!! Avoid the Oasis resorts...they are HUGE for student travellers and are pretty much all partying during those times.
  12. Well I did it! I know my wedding is a long ways away...just went browsing today with my mom but ended up putting a deposit and ordering it! It was the dress I had been coveting. We forgot to get photos because we were so excited. But attached is a pic with the model wearing it. (It might be super small this if the first pic I have posted) I always wanted a short dress because I have never worn a long dress for anything in my life so I think it really suits me
  13. My FI just went back to school full time in Sept. He saved up for it though...so that he had some extra money to get by with just my income. He cannot work during the year but he will work fulltime for 3 months in the summer. So if you get the summers off that is a great time to make some money! I think the waitressing or catering job sounds great though because you can most likely have the flexibility you need, plus depending on where you work the tips can be substantial!
  14. Congrats! Hope it was a very special day. Looking forward to photos when you return!!
  15. I am truly so sorry. You must be in shock right now. Know that we are all hear for you and will help you through it! I can't really make a suggestion on my opinion of what you should do because I don't fully know what it is like to be in your situation. I would probably think that waiting a bit before making any big decisions about anything is a good idea though.
  16. Hope you have a fantastic day Yari! Yay you're a married woman!!
  17. Hahaha I love that YOU brought them with you so they didn't forget them! Really smart! Boys I feel do everything last minute. And we worry about things going wrong but they don't. I think in their minds, if they don't have the size in the shirt that is desired they will just settle on a different shirt and it will be fine. I sometimes wish I was more like a boy because then I would never get anxious about this stuff and I could just relax more and go out for a beer two weeks before my wedding!!! Totally hearing you on the frustration though...maybe just go grab the shirts yourself if you are worried about it not happening!
  18. I would try changing the colour first if you dislike it. Cause that you can change in time for the wedding!! And you never know maybe you will really love it and won't want to cut it! Loooove the pic with the crown and the drunk FI!! Haha so cute!
  19. I would say I have followed this US campaign very closely. It is very interesting, and it is hard not to since it is all a lot of the networks show!
  20. Well I believe we just voted not that long ago (maybe 2 years ago I can't remember). We don't really have the every 4 year thing, they can call elections whenever they want. They announced this election about 3 weeks ago so they don't do the crazy campaigning. It is the exact same leaders of the parties (more or less) that they had in the last election. The leaders are not very interesting I guess...noone is inspiring or will make a huge difference to be honest. We don't have the war issue really or the same economic situation as in the US so the issues are kind of bland. I will bet most people don't even know there is an election coming up!
  21. I didn't realize the rescheduled other shows ahhh!! But I am looking forward to watching as well. In Canada we are all following what is going on quite closely, and even though we can't vote, it is WAY more interesting than our election. There is actually a Canadian debate tonight between the leaders and our election is in 2 weeks. But it is honestly so boring!
  22. I haven't decided (and I have a ton of time to figure it out) but I know what you mean about the everyone standing in a line. I really only want candid photos of our wedding and no posed ones. I think I might get one of the entire group (approx 30 people) but not sure how I would want it. I think it is just a nice reminder of everyone that shared the special day with you! I may come up with a creative way to do that though. Ie) Everyone with their glasses up toasting the celebration. You are not alone in not enjoying the police line-up photos though! We are going to bring a photographer with us who is a friend of a friend and we have been at weddings he has shot. He takes all candid photos and they are amazing!
  23. Which resort are you thinking of? It varies by resort...I have travelled to Cancun/RM a lot and stayed at all inclusives and the price did vary by resort. From Toronto we paid $2,000 for a week at the Riu Palace Mexico in RM in Feb. I have paid $1,400 for a week in August (Hurricane season) and I believe that was in Cancun at one of the smaller resorts. Booked both through Itravel2000. Also did one trip where we used aeroplan points for flights and just booked the resort so did not take a package...it ended up being about $500 cheaper, and typically the chartered flights are around $500-$600 in the packages (per the person I talked to) so it does end up being cheaper as a flight from Toronto can be up to $1,200 depending on when you travel and book. Also when we booked separately we had to take taxis from the airport and that was an extra $60 each way. It seems like any 4 or 5 star resort is around $1700-2000. If the majority of guests are students, there is a student travel agency called Travelcuts...they give you fairly significant discounts if you have a student card. Hope that helps!
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