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Everything posted by *Lo*

  1. Ya I saw that rally and I was happy! Another 10 cents would make me happy since I just got back from Boston, and I am going the weekend after this one, and then to New York for thanksgiving, and then Boston again in Dec, and then Florida after christmas and then a cruise where everything is in USD. I am getting killed! Luckily I paid for the flights and the cruise awhile ago, but it is just all the extras! When it comes time to pay for my wedding, I am going to get quotes in Cdn!!
  2. I am not positive, but I would think if you have a civil ceremony in the US, it would definitely make it easier to get all the papers sorted out. If your FI is a US citizen, you can apply for a greencard and then not have to renew your visa every year! Although you should still be able to apply for a greencard even if you get married elsewhere. I don't think you should have to come back to Canada. I guess the issue is the TN is a temporary work permit and if you marry a US citizen you are sort of saying you are not really that temporary, so they may not let you enter on that basis. The other thing is, how are they actually going to know? Hopefully someone on here has gone through this and can provide you with concrete details! goodluck
  3. Hehe Congrats!! I am not sure what I am, but my favourite is "senior member". Because it sounds like you are 70...I don't think I am quite there yet but one day!
  4. This is totally me! CRAZY! And apparently getting married on the beach is not considered traditional and does not go over well with family members! Sign: Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Personality traits: Idealistic, kind and eccentric. Bridal pro: Your quirky attitude and outside-of-the-box ideas will come in handy when it comes to wedding planning. Because of your unique ideas, your guests can expect to experience a completely unique wedding celebration. Bridal con: When it comes to doing things the traditional way, expect to cross some barriers. For example, your mother may want you get married in a church whereas you have other ceremony locations in mind. Be mindful of those situations and know when to draw the line and when to compromise.
  5. Welcome to the forum! And congrats
  6. Welcome! Glad you decided to join
  7. Welcome to the forum! I am heading on a cruise this Dec/Jan to some of those places so let me know if you have any questions or things I might be able to check out for you!! Goodluck with the planning
  8. Thanks Maura, I am going to think about this some more and talk it over with my FI. We may then end up doing what you did.
  9. Thanks so much for this info! We had planned all along to have a symbolic ceremony as we are going to get married at city hall before leaving, however a phone call this weekend and my FI's mom is saying his grandma is inquiring about having the ceremony officiated by a catholic priest. This is very important to his grandma and his grandma is very important to him. I am not Catholic however, will this be a problem? I am very interested in doing the "closest thing to a catholic wedding" at Dreams. I think if we can incorporate SOME catholic aspects and then some symbolic aspects that would be great. marcoloscabos, can the ceremony still be conducted by a Catholic priest? We don't need it to be a legal service. And it doesn't have to be heavily Catholic, I think it is more for appearances.
  10. I am in sort of a similar situation, I guess I see my FIL's at least 2 times a year, maybe 3 or 4 if they make visits out to Toronto. One thing I did, was keep in touch via email with my FMIL. She has told me she really appreciates keeping up to date on our lives as my FI is TERRIBLE at doing that. He calls her about once every 3 or 4 weeks! And rarely emails. He loves her to death but is just busy and isn't really the Share-y type with his mom. So her and I have developed this email relationship, she updates me on what is going on in Calgary, and I tell her about new wedding stuff, sent her photos of the dresses I was considering, she has 3 boys, so I think she is excited about having a daughter!
  11. Wow thanks that is great info! I have the EXACT same eye prescription as you and astigmatism as well. I am still able to wear contacts but I went from about May-Aug this year where I couldn't due to that stabbing eye pain. But now they seem to be fine. My only fear is that I have been told that if your eyes get worse as you age, you cannot have the surgery again. And you end up back with glasses. Also I hate anything eye pain related so I might be too much of a baby to get it
  12. My FMIL is amazing! She is the sweetest person I have ever met, and she basically raised my FI by herself so I can see now why he is so sweet Her husband, my FI's stepdad is a great man, and he makes FMIL so happy so that is what is important. They are both so caring and kind. She is sooooo excited for her oldest son to get married it is ridiculous. We don't see them that often because they live in Calgary and we are in Toronto, but they have met my parents a few times and everyone gets a long great! My FI has two brothers and they are great as well. One of them now has a girlfriend in Toronto and flys in almost every weekend (he works for an airline). So I see him a lot. He is the same age as my brother and they get along well too. I guess I really couldn't ask for a better situation. Everyone is looking forward to the wedding, and are very supportive of whatever we decide!
  13. Welcome! You have come to the right place! I think I have seen a thread for the Azul Sensatori brides so make sure to check it out!
  14. Welcome to the forum!! Maui seems like such a beautiful wedding spot!
  15. Welcome to the forum! Yay another Ontario bride-to-be! Congrats
  16. Welcome to the forum! Everyone here is willing to help with questions and provides helpful feedback!
  17. If you have an accounting background, (depends on how much you like it) you could try being an 'independent' bookkeeper. We work with lots of bookkeepers who have several clients, and they either go to the site once or twice a week, or they are able to do everything from home! They can also pretty much work whatever hours they choose. You can then charge an hourly rate for services. In Canada I have seen $50/hour for the standard, however not sure what the going rate would be in the US. It may not be the most exciting but it does provide some flexibility, and the ability to deduct expenses against that income!! Writing off part of your home and paying less tax is always awesome. Also if you have several clients, it provides some variety.
  18. I looooove shopping missions. Here is a site I found that looks to carry his size. You could check it out. I browsed and there are some decent sandals that might be appropriate. There is a nice pair of flip flops that would go with khakis but not sure if that is too casual. Also some shoe options! I will keep looking! Mens Size 18 Shoes - 2 Big Feet .com
  19. Wow! Sounds like a crazy last few weeks for sure! Glad to hear you're in Toronto!!! It is way better here I know you've met Heather, but we should all go out sometime for a drink! I am hopefully getting married at Dreams Cabo as well so we will have lots to chat about!
  20. I totally get where you are coming from Casey! I would feel the same way. I wouldn't say anything to my FI, but I would definitely be where you are. My FI already mentioned his friends here are going to have a big bachelor party for him for sure. They may even do the Vegas thing. It is so far away so I am clearly not worrying about it, but even when he mentions it I change the subject. I don't know why it bothers me but it does. I just keep it to myself though. With respect to the porn issue, I don't really care. I know he views it...especially with us not living in the same city now! If it was like ALL the time and constantly then ya I would probably say something. I just try to make sure that I don't criticize it, make him feel bad about it, or ashamed or embarassed. He was soooo embarassed to admit to me that he checks out some online sites. I just want him to be comfortable talking to me about that stuff. And not hiding it.
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