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Everything posted by beachbride89

  1. welcome, if you have any questions there are a lot of answers! Congratulations!
  2. Thanks to all of you, this seems to be a great place for information. I am so glad I found it!
  3. I was just wondering if anybody out there has planed or is planning a dw for more then 60 people...My Fi and I have extremely large family's, we knew we wanted a dw, even though it would be big but now were worried that this might be getting out of control? Any help would be great, we have a guest list of 150+ people and we already know over 50 will be coming...are we over our heads?
  4. I totally forgot to go and get one...thats what happens when your trying to plan a huge wedding?
  5. ok...I have probably bugged you guys enough...but where do I start? Is it better to book through MP or get a TA? Which have you guys found simpler? I just have know idea what to start with first...
  6. Thanks to both of you, I just don't understand why its so hard to find a TA in IL..lol I sapose I will have to go out of state. But how will that work, will it be all on the phone and e-mail?
  7. Hi everybody... I have been looking online for some time now and I just cant find what I am looking for. Do any of you know of a Travel agent in IL, Chicago Suburbs that will deal with DW? I am just having the worst time getting the ball rolling.
  8. You are so creative! I wish I could be so organized, I am just getting started and have so many ideas and now you have given me even more. You are simply amazing, very well done!
  9. You all have so much information, I was just wondering if anybody knows if you have family members who are members of palace, do brides get any perks or how dose that work, because both sets of my grand parents are members. I just don't even know where to start. Mabye its just me but MP website just seams very confusing and not very helpful. Thanks in advance for the info.
  10. I really like the mug with the handle on it, guests might find that more helpful. I also like the stainless inside, I agree plastic absorbs the flavor.
  11. Hi all!! My name is Bethany My wedding date is Oct 30, 2009, and I am hoping to have the wedding at Moon palace in Cancun. I am super confused and overwhelmed. If anybody has some help I would love it! Thanks and I hope to talk with most of you! ~beth
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