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Everything posted by litl_april

  1. All very pretty dresses, but I agree with Desiree and Yael. I absolutely love #3 on you!! It's very stunning yet still flowy
  2. We'll just barely be missing each other! Well, you've come to the right place. This forum is AMAZING!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by britsytoll WOW!!! I love them. Did you just use an 81/2x11 piece of card stock and fold it in half? Or what are the dimensions for eveything? Thank you. We actually found completely blank cards and envelope sets at Michael's (they can be found at Hobby Lobby as well). They come in packs of 50, with the cards laying flat. They were about $10 each. The dimensions of these are 6 1/2 x 5 inches. For the front, the yellow back piece is 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inch square. We glued this piece down to the card. For the front ribbon, we cut about 8 inch strips; for the fold of the card, we cut a 1 inch section (which is just slightly longer than the width of the ribbon) to thread the ribbon through. We used a little bit of double-sided tape or ribbon glue (found at Michael's) at about the center of the ribbon to glue it to the front and then glued the ends down in the inside of the card. The white front piece, is 2x2 inches. For the palm tree, we actually used a QuicKutz die cutter to cut it out of the white piece as well as cut out blue ones to lay inside. If you were to do these, if you find a graphic or clip-art you like, I recommend that instead. Since we had already purchased the QuicKutz though, we stuck with it (found one for $30 rather than the nearly $100 they normally run for). The inside yellow and blue backgrounds are both 6x5 1/2 inches. The white invitation section over the yellow on the inside is 4 1/4 x 5 3/4 inches. The insert cards are the same size. The ribbon edges on the blue were about 3 inches and were glued down on the back of the blue using double-sided permanent tape. The AHR insert was 6 1/2 x 5 inches. Fonts used were Brock Script and Monotype Corsiva. I don't remember if Brock is a common font in Microsoft or if I downloaded this off the internet. If it comes from the internet, I did find it for free. I will add the templates if anyone is interested. Quote: Originally Posted by merocket59 They look beautiful!! Are your colors navy and yellow too?? Thank you! They are navy and yellow!! Quote: Originally Posted by destinationbridegina i absolutely loveeee your invitations!!!! sooo creative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how long did it take you to do them I wish we had kept a sheet of times because I don't remember exactly how long it took. However, a lot of our time was spent in trial and error. Once we figured out the most effective way to assemble, it went much quicker. I would say after that point we could do about 10 in an hour or two. We did about 100 of them total! We tried a few different glues...and discovered that gel styled glue is not the way to go, even if it's the craft type. We ended using mostly double-sided permanent scotch tape as well as some glue stick. If some edges were missed, we also found some glue pens that worked great (again, at Hobby Lobby). And, as mentioned above, for the front ribbon, ribbon glue (also Hobby Lobby) was used, but the double-sided tape worked well, too. Attachment 3399 Attachment 3400 Attachment 3401 Attachment 3402 Hope this helps some out! Again, thank you so much for all the compliments!!! wedding invitations template for BDW.pub Invitation front template.pub RSVP card template.pub AHR Invitation template.pub
  4. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  5. Welcome Natalie! I understand your feeling the time crunch! I'm there too! When will you be in Maui?
  6. For us, everybody is kind of going to be all over the place, because of the fact that accommodation prices in Maui is a wide range. We plan on knowing where everyone is staying beforehand and talking to those hotels/condos to see about leaving the OOT bags at the check-in desk with names they go to. If there's a place that says no then we'll plan to give the said guest there bag at either the welcome dinner or luau we're going to.
  7. Thanks so much for the info Jeni! I think I'll be making my way to Walmart!
  8. I can relate to where you're coming from. I've discovered that as the wedding date is nearing the stress level seems to be rising. The worst for FI and I was during invitation creating time...we were both very on edge at this time. Cruel words were flying, I was breaking in to tears, yikes. Haha, this lovely (PMS) week, I almost felt as though we were back making invitations as the littlest things are causing me to break down (worst part is I'm normally not even close to this bad) and this has been causing FI to freak out because he thinks I'm overreacting...and tells me so...in turn causing the water works to go even more! HA! Lovely woman problems huh? Anyways...the point is, it came down to calming down and then us discussing things mostly calmly. When I explained how I feel like there's still so much to do, he actually pulled out some paper, our checklist, and asked me what needs to be done and then asked what needs to be done soon. It resulted in him going with me to search for things (in stores he doesn't like lol) so that we could get it checked off. Once he understood what the problems were in my view, it was a lot easier to get him on board. I know, it's not easy, specifically when it feels like they don't get it, but calming down and then talking with him should help! Good luck, hope things go better!!
  9. This is a good idea...I wonder if I can find any yellow ones. Lol...will be searching in the morning!
  10. litl_april


    Hi and welcome to the forum! I recommend checking out the Maui section. Just quickly though, I did ask my wedding planner at one point if there is much of a price or quality difference between Waite and the ladies she has us scheduled for (Liz and Andrea. I believe their company is called Kiss the Bride), and she said that thus far all the brides who have used Liz and Andrea versus Waite have been just as pleased with the results. Hope this helps! Good luck in your planning!!
  11. In a way, I can agree with Sapphire, in the sense that, for designers, it makes their job a pretty uneasy one. However, if knock-offs were absolutely illegal, David's Bridal and Davinci Bridal for that matter, would be nonexistent because that's exactly what most of their dresses are. Look-alikes of designer gowns. I think that if you can have a similar dress made, can't afford or don't want to pay the hefty designer price tags, you are in no way obligated to do so. For myself, I don't think my dress was a knock-off (it's a Venus Bridal dress), but I also wasn't about to pay $1000 or up for my dress because if I did I'd be living on the street right now!
  12. In a way, I can agree with Sapphire, in the sense that, for designers, it makes their job a pretty uneasy one. However, if knock-offs were absolutely illegal, David's Bridal and Davinci Bridal for that matter, would be nonexistent because that's exactly what most of their dresses are. Look-alikes of designer gowns. I think that if you can have a similar dress made, can't afford or don't want to pay the hefty designer price tags, you are in no way obligated to do so. For myself, I don't think my dress was a knock-off (it's a Venus Bridal dress), but I also wasn't about to pay $1000 or up for my dress because if I did I'd be living on the street right now!
  13. Awwe, what awesome friends, to bring the party to you and then re-celebrate! How awful to end up being sick the first time!!
  14. So sorry to hear about what a scare your cat is giving you! I hope it turns out to be nothing too serious. It's very understandable to want to do everything in your power but just not have the money to do so. What a tough situation! Sending good thoughts your way that your little one is just fine in the morning!!
  15. How cute! You did a great job! I'm thinking I want to add some crystals to my shoes. Was it hard to do?
  16. Ah, sweetie, I'm so sorry about all the weight you seem to be carrying on your shoulders right now. I know it must be so tough to be dealing with the loss of your beloved dog and then having your FI hurt you like he's done. I understand you trying to be strong for London, but do remember, take care of yourself. Most importantly, know that it's okay to grieve. You'll be in my thoughts, and again, so sorry for what you are going through. *Lots of Hugs*
  17. Haha...I actually bought one of each. I figured, I'm in a wedding in August and for that will be wearing black heels, and probably posing in grass for some photos! They're removable too, so I figure why not have one of each lol
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