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Everything posted by litl_april

  1. Wow! This checklist is awesome!!! You did an amazing job on this and I am now going to use it! Thank you so much!!! Much better than what I had been using!
  2. For a friend of mine in which I'm her MOH, I've been thinking of doing a lingerie party at a hotel as well. Other ideas included a spa day "in" at a hotel room with facials, mani's and pedi's. There's always the idea of getting a party bus. If the appeal of Vegas for you is the gambling you could find a nearby casino that has fun things going on and maybe a spa on site and have a little getaway in that fashion.
  3. Okay, I think the Typing Race is going to be a bad thing...talk about slightly addictive haha
  4. Welcome and congratulations! The Maui section has been great in helping me plan, I'm certain you'll love it!
  5. A wedding I was in, each of us BMs had one large rose and it looked really cute. I love the idea of a big gerbera daisy!
  6. Sorry your brother and friend have acted this way towards you. I understand how difficult it is. I have an aunt who convinced my grandma I'm selfish for having a destination wedding. She said to my mom it's just wrong because she (the aunt) will never get on a plane so she can't come. Ha, she said that early on, but what she didn't know, is she wasn't going to be invited to the wedding anyways (long story short, she's done and said some very cruel things about my family and I'm not interested in her --and many other relatives from that side of the family--drama on my wedding day. They'll be invited to the AHR. We're 2 months away and I have a bridesmaid who still hasn't booked...I'm starting to wonder. Also, in the beginning (and still sometimes now) my dad was very against this and said he's not going because he can't afford it. My mom of course is paying for him and my siblings, although she took on a second job to pay for it herself. One sibling has set aside a lot of money to help her out too. But it is hard...to hear all of that negative crap. We, like you, decided on a DW for the financial reasons. Because of all the people we would have had to invite at a home wedding (we're from one of those small, everyone knows everyone, towns) the cost would have very easily topped anything we could afford and eliminate any hopes of a honeymoon. Keep your spirits up! I realize how tough it is, but when the day comes, there should be no regrets!
  7. Sending prayers your way!! The economy is really troublesome right now! Keep us updated. Will be thinking of you today.
  8. JC Penney has some cute dresses right now. I tried on a really cute white one actually this weekend! I'm pretty sure this is the one. JCPenney : Eyelet Sundress This one's also cute JCPenney : American Living Floral Eyelet Dress
  9. JC Penney has some cute dresses right now. I tried on a really cute white one actually this weekend! I'm pretty sure this is the one. JCPenney : Eyelet Sundress This one's also cute JCPenney : American Living Floral Eyelet Dress
  10. Very cute! I really like #7, and I was thinking it would be adorable in a circle...and then I get down to your monogram and ah ha lol! The flip flops traveling up on #1 is super cute as well! I think you've got yourself a great start with any of these ideas!
  11. I, too, had originally wanted to first see each other at the ceremony however after some of the things I've read through, I'm okay with doing them beforehand. I am an emotional person, and it may be a good thing to get that out of the way if I can, and have time for makeup touch-ups lol. It turned out that our ceremony is scheduled not long before sunset so we will have pictures just the 2 of us, sunset on the beach. Our pictures beforehand will start out with just the two of us as well, in order to share that alone-time before the festivities begin. My photographer did mention that majority of group pictures can be done before the wedding even if the bride and groom doesn't want to see each other...bride with her family, bridesmaids, groom with his family, groomsmen, etc, and then do the larger group pics afterwards. So that's something you could consider too, I'm sure.
  12. Thank you, Betsy! If I need any assistance I'll let you know! I also designed our STD's, my siggy pic is the one side of it. I'm also figuring on doing our programs, however I'm borrowing a template for that as of now! So glad so many of you love them! I was really worried, probably from all the trial and error that went into them lol!
  13. I think the ideas listed so far are great. My brother is 15 and absolutely loves video games and cars (he actually buys cheap, broken down cars, repairs them and then sells them just because he enjoys working on them). For him I am thinking car magazine(s), the little bag or something with quarters in it, and definately the snacks. I think the key is to figure out what the kids/teens enjoy and use that for ideas. Example, my other brother who recently turned 18, is pretty different and loves sports so for him it will probably be a sports magazine, maybe a football or something along those lines.
  14. I'm so sory he's acting this way towards you. I hope you get this all figured out and get to enjoy your trip with your daughter!
  15. I have no idea what is going to happen. I, too, bawled like a baby when he proposed so I'm crossing my fingers I can keep it in...but I highly doubt it. I'm just going to live with whatever happens lol! And hopefully, just in case, my makeup artist uses waterproof makeup!!
  16. WOW! Absolutely love the teasers! Looking fantastic! I wish I could do a BD for FI
  17. Welcome and congrats! I'm getting married in the Wailea area so don't recall a lot about the area you'll be in. We're going to the Old Lahaina Luau near there though. Good luck in planning! Check out the Maui section, you should be able to find lots of information there!
  18. Very agreed! In fact, before we were completely sure of doing a DW all I saw were such gorgeous ocean-side pictures and couldn't imagine getting married back home! All I could think when a friend talks about her wedding at home is how even though she's got the best photographer from our home area, they're still going to be such standard, non-exciting pictures! Ah, I'm probably evil for saying so lol
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