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Everything posted by litl_april

  1. So glad you have found out that you don't need them and everything will continue as planned!! Here's hoping you smooth sailing and no more stress for the rest of your trip and for your wedding!!
  2. I really like the 1st and 3rd pairs! But voted #1 because I think they look more "bridal"
  3. Yes, we did this and it did end up helping with a couple!! Definately a great thing to do!
  4. Your stuff looks great!!! I really love your table numbers! You did an amazing job on them!
  5. Congratulations! You'll find so much helpful information on the forum to help in your decision of a location. And so much more!!
  6. So after reading posts in this thread, I went and bought the first of Emily Giffin's book, "Something Borrowed" and finished it in 2 days! What a great read, thank you! I can't wait to go get the next one now!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by GracieBebe I agree with all of the above posters. Also, what he's doing to you is a form of verbal abuse because it tears down your self esteem and is emotional manipulation. I am so very very sorry that you are going through this, sweetie. My heart is truly breaking for you. My post may be long, but I think it is important. Some of this may hurt to hear, but please listen. Here is my take on the situation based on what you've told. As was said above, the way he is talking to you is abuse. It may not be visible on the outside, but it is abuse. Honestly, I feel it is the worst kind of abuse. I know from experience. You can (and should) have a good talk with him. BUT, it really does need to come in the form of being under supervision of a counselor/therapist, etc. That part is important, because from what you've wrote, if you do it alone I believe that he is only going to cut you down and make you feel like you are the one who is wrong. You don't need that, not now, not ever! If he refuses to see someone to work things out, it is time for you to move on. I realize you say you don't know who you are without him. Trust me when I say, I understand this feeling. It is probably one of the worst feelings to get over, but I promise, it will pass. You don't realize who you are without him because he has convinced you that you are nothing without him. Don't believe it, dear!! It is the furthest from the truth!!! No man in love with a woman should ever feel embarrassed by her. If he cannot or will not change this, he's not the man you deserve, and by far, he does not deserve you. If things cannot be worked out between the two of you, I am sorry. It will be a difficult thing for you to walk away, but you will come out a stronger woman. Put on some upbeat, woman-rising-to-the-top type music, it's crazy how much it can help! Finally...a strong reason I sense he's emotionally abusing you...feeling you need to apologize to us for posting this thread. Sweetie, all of us here, on BDW, are here for you every step of the way and never do you need to apologize for needing a shoulder to cry on! Hang in there and keep us posted. We're worried about you and would love to know if you're doing okay.
  8. Oh no! I went to look right away! I haven't found their government website yet but here is something I found! Marriage requirements in Mexico | Yucatan Today From what I read I think you do need them! Is there anyone still at home you could contact and get to express them to you somehow?! I'm so sorry, I hope everything works out!!!
  9. Looks like you had a lot of fun! The box is very lovely!!
  10. The pink shoes sound like so much fun! Don't pass them up if it's what you want! I think they'll look great with an ivory dress!!
  11. Shelley, everything looks wonderful! Your DIY jewelry is amazing!!! Can't wait to see pictures of the wedding day!
  12. Love the pics! The purple corset is gorgeous on you! Like others have said, the heel holding up the thong picture...SMOKING HOT!!! Your FI is going to love love LOVE them!!
  13. Wowza, Shannon! The pictures look great!! Your man is going to be pleased with the results! I especially love the pics with the red! The cowgirl outfit is very cute too and the computer pic is awesome!
  14. I've had problems come and go. First when I went there to look at dresses. I didn't even buy from them and still got awfully spammed. Then with a friends wedding who I'm MOH and our dresses, etc all came from David's. I recently got a phone call from some place asking me to purchase tuxes from them. "Sorry, the men won't be wearing tuxes." So they tried suits then. Nope, none of those either. Goodbye! So annoying!
  15. Oh no! So sorry this has happened to you. My ebay account was hacked a few years back but was caught by ebay before any damage was done. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now! *hugs*
  16. I feel like I completely know and understand your pain! I am getting married in June and am MOH for a friend in August! She has been very specific about what she wants and I don't know how to approach her in saying I just can't afford some of what she wants. She's the type who, even not as a bride, expects to get what she wants and holds a lengthy grudge if she doesn't get it. She is not attending my wedding so it sure doesn't feel like much of a "trade" as some have mentioned. It is definately painful as she also has not even offered to pay for a single expense I've had with her wedding thus far. I don't think she'll even be purchasing our jewlery. I wish I had advice for you, but really just my own story to know you're not alone in this. I hope your friend comes around or at least some of her bridesmaids and realizes you can't pay for this alone!!
  17. So sorry to hear that your TA can't do anything productive about this! I would say it might not hurt yet to try contacting the airline you're using. Some might work with you. It may be just a credit for other flights, but hey, that could be better than nothing! It really is a bummer that the prices dropped that much on you!
  18. So sorry to hear that your TA can't do anything productive about this! I would say it might not hurt yet to try contacting the airline you're using. Some might work with you. It may be just a credit for other flights, but hey, that could be better than nothing! It really is a bummer that the prices dropped that much on you!
  19. Ayita, so glad to hear they accepted most of the changes. The ones that are important to you! Reading your story made ME want to cry so I'm glad things are getting back on track!! *hugs*
  20. Well Lisa, that makes two of us then!! But don't worry, you were helpful!
  21. Wow, thanks for such a fast response Lisa!! There's not a K&G here but we're planning to go somewhere that I found there is one so I'll definately be checking that out! Thank you!
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