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Everything posted by litl_april

  1. Awe sweetie, I'm so sorry he's missing yet another anniversary! I agree with ebredhawk, he better give you an even better evening than you originally had planned! You deserve it. I hope he follows through and celebrates with you that weekend. So sorry, hun!
  2. Congrats and welcome! You will find a lot of information to help make your decision.
  3. Thank you everyone! It was definately a way for us to be able to include our dog who won't get to be there.
  4. FI and I decided to go with Etsy seller lynnslittlecreations for our custom-made cake topper after reading so many rave reviews and seeing such cute pictures on here. I couldn't be more pleased with the results and just had to share!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by FoxyBride I stopped into Target today for some light bulbs and an ice bucket and came out with these! They were just hanging right in front of the handbag section and they were all on Clearance. The original price was $17.99 but I snagged them for $4.48 each! They are pretty big. They would certainly hold a beach towel and some other goodies so if you ladies need something like this, be sure to check out your local store today before some other crazed bride steals them all! I only need 3 but they had 4 so I have an extra for myself or in case of emergency. My colors are orange and blue so I am loving these. Target should rename itself "BDW Girl Land of Great Deals!" So I have to ask...did you at least remember the light bulbs and the ice bucket? Because if so, you're good to go!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by FoxyBride Oh this is soooo true! You go in for toilet paper and come out with a comforter, new towels, a dress, shoes for the kids, new towel bar & a Starbucks coffee. Or maybe that's just me. :-) Quote: Originally Posted by nibsmom Oooo! i like that bag. I already bought my bridesmaid's bags, but maybe I could use one...ahem...ANOTHER bag. We need milk, I could say, hunny, we need milk, let's go to Target! And then I could 'discover' a great bag to buy. Good thing Target sells milk now! And our Target has a Starbucks in it too! You're all right. Target is evil! I really shouldn't even spend another 4.48!! So funny because it's WAY too true! We were in there tonight....ummm....yeah, way too much money later...and 2 1/2 hours later, we escape. Probably because it was closing time !! On the bright side, it was FI as much as me, and we did find some awesome deals haha...just way too many awesome deals.
  7. What an awesome thread! We're in a time crunch so this is helping a lot! One that I love, that I know have been in a lot of wedding videos is "Better Together" by Jack Johnson.
  8. You know, it is possible that some people will complain about flying down on a Monday...BUT, you're going to have complaints from some people no matter what you do! I think they'll be more thankful for a wedding later in the day when the temperature isn't so high even if they don't realize what the other option would have been. Make sure you please yourselves first! I think you're absolutely right in wanting a later time and you're definately not being a bridezilla!!
  9. Congrats and welcome to the forum! We're date twins!!
  10. Jacilynda it is such a beautiful dress, but I already have the one and only I'm allowed lol (no separate TTD dress for me). I'm sure someone will come through and take it off your hands!! Sending good vibes your way!
  11. B2B--I second mummergirl for the help she's provided me this month (Now FI just has to get my car running for us to get up to the closest K&G but I'm excited to get there!) Mrs--again, a second for Betsy for offering her assistance on DIY projects I may have coming up as my day draws near! Thank you, both!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by J2K Did you look at kohls.com too? Sometimes extended sizes are available online that aren't in stores. That's where we got our pants from too, and they were nice Thanks for the suggestion. That is where we found the ones we really like but we still need about a size or two larger than what they offer for my brother in the style we like. I did check online as well and it was the same sizes. We are going to go back and see if there's some regular khaki style that will work just as well if the other options fall through!
  13. Thanks for the update! I do hope that the antibiotic works its magic and that it is just an infection! Buddy sure is a cutie!
  14. You did such an amazing job! You look very beautiful in your dress! I love all your jewelry and your OOT bags and contents! Congratulations!
  15. Awe, it's so cute! And I absolutely love your story behind it! So sorry you can't get more because of state law!
  16. Sending thoughts your way that Buddy is fine!! Keep us posted!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by JPJCWedding Thanks for this post! In addition to my wedding, and my best friends wedding where I'm the MOH in July, I'm also standing up for a wedding in August - and the bride is just like this!! Worst of all, I'm not even her MOH but she calls me pouting that she wants to have 3 bridal showers (1 family, 1 friend, and 1 grooms family)!! She wants me to put together a "friend shower" for her and also come to both of the other 2 showers!! I like that 3 of my friends are all engaged and we are all SUCH different brides. Its good to be able to vent and know other brides in this forum are also standing up for people with some crazy needs! Thanks for sharing your story...just had to let you know I can relate Isn't it interesting to see all the different needs of friends when their weddings come around?! I've actually had some tell me that I should be requesting more, but this is just the way I am. I shared because I know that I like to hear the actual story of why someone tells me they can relate, so it's possible others like the same, rather than the standard "I know what you mean." lol. That's crazy though, 3 weddings in 1 year! Girl, I feel for you, my own has been more than enough to plan for!
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