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Everything posted by AlmostaSeif

  1. Ugh, I can't open the attachment because I don't have enough points! Boo.
  2. Thanks Ana. I am so bummed though! She was amazing! She is in my budget and I don't want to start all over! Ugh. I sound like a baby, I know...I guess I should start looking for other WC's now!
  3. I am currently working with a wedding coordinator. I don't want to disclose her name just yet and throw her under the bus, because I may be overreacting. I contacted this person and we had an amazing phone conversation. She then emailed me and it seemed like we were right on the same page with everything. She knows exactly what I want and is extremely thorough. My father has been out of town for the last five weeks, so I asked if we could hold off on the payment until he returns (which was about 3 weeks away at this point). She said it was no problem at all and she continued to work with me. We started working on everything. She emailed me a few photographer ideas, DJ, florists, you name it. She had stated in her last email to me that we need to get people locked ASAP. I agree with her and am anxious to get this ball rolling. I sent her a really long reply with tons of questions and never heard back. This was September 16th or 17th. I started to worry about her and sent her an email to see if she had received my email and I heard nothing back. I waited a few more days, sent another email and still nothing. I finally saw an email in my spam folder from her (it was an out of office reply) telling me that she was going to be on vacation until October 9th! I had NO clue she was leaving for so long and would have appreciated an email telling me that she would be away. I don’t mind...just tell me so I am not freaking out! THEN, I got an email from her on Monday telling me that she would respond to my questions later that afternoon and I have yet to hear anything. We are ready to pay the deposit, but I am worried now. What should I do? Am I overreacting? Is it typically like this? Did I freak her out? Haha! Help!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by franeve Well I finally got a hold of them, after my outside WC harrassed them for me Was $500 the initial quote they gave you or did you negotiate down to $500?...they quoted me $575 but that was like 6weeks ago...maybe people weren't booking it so they lowered the fee? We are using Pacific Sound DJ Joaquin.... Don't feel bad about lagging with the planning...I started in June and am getting married in November!! Also just so you know no one ever contacted me from the sheraton...it wasn't until I had a question for them...and then it took several calls and emails before I finally spoke to someone 3 weeks later and only after I had my outside coordinator call them for me!! My planner has been awesome...I am using Gaby from Baja Wedding... aside from this little glitch with the hotel, she has made everything SO EASY for me! Are you going to use an coordinator other than the hotel person? Here is the email that I received from Viviana about the bonfire: You can have a bon-fire after the reception; it has a cost of $500.00usd plus 10% of tax and the charge for one waiter $50.00usd plus tax per hour (the music is allowed in out door areas up to 10:30pm). I seriously can't understand why it would be so expensive! It is a freaking bonfire. I don't buy the whole "need to pay the government" bit at all. Maybe I am wrong though, but there is no way we are paying that. I don't have an outside coordinator. I was hoping for one, but we are so far over our budget at this point that I have a feeling it won't happen. I was finally in touch with Oscar at the Sheraton. He responded right away and was very helpful. I am hoping it continues that way. How much are you paying for your WC?
  5. I was shocked that the bonfire was so much! $500 for a bonfire on the beach? When I heard that I about fell over. I tried to negotiate that price, but was told that the $500 is just to have the fire on the beach. Then they wanted us to pay for drink service. When I asked if we could bring our own alcohol we were told no. SO, we decided to say screw them and are planning to party in one of the suites (buy alcohol at Costo). I just couldn't bring myself to pay so much for a fire. What DJ are you using? We are having approx. 30-35 people as well and don't want to do the ipod thing. I still haven't heard from the wedding corrdinator at the Sheraton which worries me. I haven't tried to contact her, but it would make sense for her to email me and introduce herself/hiself. After we signed the contract last month, I haven't heard one word from them. I haven't done any wedding planning either. haha. I need to get back on the ball!
  6. We don't have a WC outside of the Sheraton. I printed some information on WC in the area and need to sit down and really research them. We are already over our budget by about $3,000! We are paying for 11 of our family and friends to fly out and their hotel for two nights which is really putting us over. Why we agreed to do that, I have no idea. Everyone says that after the location is booked, everything will fall into place. I don't feel that way! I am so stressed with everything! K, I am now done with my rant. lol.
  7. Well, we went ahead and booked with the Sheraton after all. I am happy with the decision, but worried about dealing with the WC. We got over the fact that they were not going to work with us on pricing and said to heck with it and booked. I am happy to have it done and over with! Just hope it all works out!
  8. I have been negotiating with them for the last couple of weeks. They came down on their room rates by $5 a night, which I dealt with. Now we are trying to get them to work with us on food and beverages and they lowered the price by $3 for the open bar. NOW, we just told them that we would book tomorrow (mind you, this will bring their hotel $10,000 + over two days) if they would throw in the wedding cake (a total of $265) at no charge and they won't budge. I don't get it. I just want to book the hotel, but I don't get why they are so unwilling to budge on anything!
  9. I have been talking to Vivana there about pricing, etc. I am in love with the Sheraton! I think we may book there soon. I didn't know about the bon-fire idea. I love that! I have searched for more information, but haven't seen much. Thanks for posting this.
  10. Jodi - let me know when you get your dress in. I would love to hear how it looks! I am sure you will love it!
  11. Thanks so much ladies! I am going to check out one more dress shop this weekend and then order it if I don't find anything else. This is my second dress shopping trip and this is the ONLY dress that I liked and felt comfortable in. I will let you know when I order it! I have pictures in it, but they are on one of my bridesmaids cameras. I will share and get your opinion when I get the pics.
  12. Great idea to look different ones online!! I didn't even think about that! I think it will be fine. I have friends and family telling me not to do it, but I want this dress!! Thanks ladies. I think I will just go ahead and order it then!!
  13. I went dress shopping this weekend and found my dress! I didn't buy it though because they only had it in white and I want it in ivory. I am afraid that ivory will look different and will change the beading (the way it looks). I called all around and no one has the dress in ivory. It is also a new dress, so no one has even ordered it for me to come and look at. What should I do? Should I just order it and go for it? They (David's Bridal) said if I hate it then I could exchange it for something else in the store, but no refunds can me made. Help! Here is a link to it: David's Bridal - Bridal Gowns D9538 Halter taffeta pick-up gown with draped bodice and beaded lace empire.
  14. Hey Ladies!! I have been engaged since last November and still don't have a place. It is a slightly long story, so I will give the really super short version. We had planned on a huge wedding in California (we just moved to Texas less than a year ago from there), decided we didn't want a huge wedding (after some insane drama - almost 5 months worth), and are now researching destination weddings! We talked to a travel agent (with Beach Bum) and kinda got screwed (I told him my budget ) and he ironically came up with a plan almost right to the penny on everything, so we said no way! I still don't know where (we know it will be in the Mexico area). We are thinking May of next year...but now it is time to figure out where!
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