I am currently working with a wedding coordinator. I don't want to disclose her name just yet and throw her under the bus, because I may be overreacting.
I contacted this person and we had an amazing phone conversation. She then emailed me and it seemed like we were right on the same page with everything. She knows exactly what I want and is extremely thorough. My father has been out of town for the last five weeks, so I asked if we could hold off on the payment until he returns (which was about 3 weeks away at this point). She said it was no problem at all and she continued to work with me. We started working on everything. She emailed me a few photographer ideas, DJ, florists, you name it. She had stated in her last email to me that we need to get people locked ASAP. I agree with her and am anxious to get this ball rolling. I sent her a really long reply with tons of questions and never heard back. This was September 16th or 17th.
I started to worry about her and sent her an email to see if she had received my email and I heard nothing back. I waited a few more days, sent another email and still nothing. I finally saw an email in my spam folder from her (it was an out of office reply) telling me that she was going to be on vacation until October 9th! I had NO clue she was leaving for so long and would have appreciated an email telling me that she would be away. I don’t mind...just tell me so I am not freaking out!
THEN, I got an email from her on Monday telling me that she would respond to my questions later that afternoon and I have yet to hear anything. We are ready to pay the deposit, but I am worried now. What should I do? Am I overreacting? Is it typically like this? Did I freak her out? Haha! Help!