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Posts posted by AlmostaSeif

  1. Hello hello! I am now a Vegas bride! We were going to have our wedding in Cabo and then the swine flu happened and we had to cancel two weeks before we were supposed to leave. censored.gif We lost tons of money and are now planning a small wedding at the Bellagio with dinner to follow at Sensi. We will have about 50 people attending. Planning a Vegas wedding has been SO much easier! I wish we went this route in the first place. I noticed no one is getting married at the Bellagio! Is there something I don't know about it?!? worried2.gifworried2.gifworried2.gif

  2. Thank you ladies. Just after I wrote this I got an email from my wedding coordinator confirming that she has canceled everything. I am at work and had a melt down. I can't stop crying and shaking. Thank you so much for your support ladies, I can't tell you how much it means to me right now. I think we are going to plan something for Vegas (something I was so against before) and then jump on a two week mediterranean cruise. Not sure yet though. I don't want to plan another wedding, that's for dang sure. frown.gif

  3. I am devastated. I can't begin to tell you how horrible all of this is. We began the process yesterday of canceling everything. I feel like I am in some sort of nightmare or something. With the amount of guests that were canceling, it didnâ€t make sense to have it anymore. My mother is recovering from breast cancer and canâ€t afford to get sick, so she wouldnâ€t have been there. My FIâ€s parents canceled, my sister canceled. Ugh. We had 41 people planning on attending our wedding that is less than two weeks away. I know we could have just gone and had it been who ever showed up, but we couldnâ€t. FI also didnâ€t want to risk anything. I know all is fine in Cabo, but we were worried about the travel there and back. I am sure we all would have been fine, but why take any chances? It would have been a constant worry the entire time we were there and then when we got home. I was told by my bosses not to come back to work for awhile to make sure all was ok if I did end up going. To me, that isnâ€t what all this is about. I stopped crying about it now and am just numb now. I feel like crawling under a rock and staying there. Thanks for letting me vent ladies. I need some pick me ups right now. I canâ€t stop thinking about the amount of time, money, tears and sweat that I put into this wedding and fear all would have been just fine had we gone. I hate the swine flu. shots.gif

  4. I want to trust her too, but she knows just as much as we all do. In reality the airlines that most of my guests are using is Mexicana. A mexican airlines that has flown to Mexico City. I know this is taking it a step further, but those flight attendants could have came in contact with the virus. I am thinking worse case senario here. We are going to give it a few days. We are working on Plan B, and can only sit and wait. It's just so crazy.

  5. I don't know what to do. We haven't had anyone cancel yet, but I feel like its just a matter of time. I have everyone freaking out about it. I don't blame them though. I talked to my wedding coordinator who is there and really isn't that worried about it. I really don't know what to do. My FI wants to cancel...go to Aruba and only have a few of us. We have 41 people booked and all I can think about is all the planning I have put into everything to make this the wedding of our dreams. It almost figures that something would ruin it. =(

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lolkitteh View Post
    Last time I was in Rome, the picture hawkers that were carrying instant cameras around Trevi Fountain weren't carrying Polaroids - they were carrying Fuji Instax cameras. As you may know, Polaroid has or will soon stop making instant film! The Instax cameras are cheaper than the Polaroids. I found this one on amazon for around $50. Amazon.com: Fuji Instax 200 Instant Film Camera: Electronics

    Hope that helps!
    Do you think that the film for the Instax is the same size as the Polaroid film? I tried to search it, but can't seem to find anything on it.

    This is the guest book I want to get, but am worried the film won't fit!

    Personalized Instant Photo Guest Book
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kgeen View Post
    Well Iâ€m now VERY STRESSED!!! I have to say reading this thread up to now I have felt for you some that where having problems with different issues and people with issues. I have had a really easy ride. Until now!! My MOH is separating from her husband, two of the girls dresses donâ€t fit, and two other couples that were traveling with us are now splitting up too!! My one BM that her dress doesnâ€t fit I havenâ€t talked or heard from her in 2 months…after calling and messaging her. Iâ€m about ready to have a break down!! Man I honestly canâ€t believe this. My bridal shower is next week-end and it needs to be moved and I still have a crap load of things to get ready for the wedding but I feel horrible asking my MOH to help me because of her situation. How can I be happy about my next step when her world is crumbling?? Help…and thanks for listening/reading!!
    I am so sorry you are going through all that before your wedding!! Try not to let it all stress you out (I know, I know...easier said than done). This is about YOU. Remember that it will all work out in the end. I have been freaking about everything too and a good friend told me that it doesn't help anything. We have to be able to enjoy this time in our life. smile03.gif
  8. Ladies!! I have been missing. Damn work has been keeping me away from wedding planning and the forum!


    I can't believe we leave for Cabo in a little over a month (1 month, 4 days and 19 hours to be exact!) ha.


    I still have so much to do. My main focus right now is getting the stuff for our guest book. I am trying to find a decent priced polaroid camera. Fun times. I did order our favors today and also scheduled my last fitting for my dress for this Friday! Ya!


    Now I need to go back and read all the posts that I have missed. I'm a little behind!

  9. I am so sorry you are going through this! I had something similar at the Sheraton. We basically locked ourselves into a much higher room rate with the contract. I recently found the same room for $100 less. The wouldn't do anything about it. They basically told me "oh well." I hope your wedding day works out, as I am sure it will. It will be over soon.

  10. I just booked Suzanne. She is amazing on the phone and speaks very clear English. She will be coming to the hotel. I am really excited because she will be coming a little early and will do a mani/pedi before everyone gets started with hair. My make-up artist is coming to the wedding, so I will only be using Suzanne for hair, but I don't think I will be dissapointed. I paid a $200 deposit yesterday and will need to pay the full balance 10 days before the wedding. I was worried about that, but feel better knowing that she can be trusted.

  11. Hey Ladies!!


    I ALMOST forgot to take pictures of my bridesmaid gifts. I gave most of them to the girls on my bachelorette party weekend a couple weeks ago, but then realized I still had a couple up in the closet (for the girls that couldn't make it). So, I took pictures and thought I would share!


    The company that I used for the personalized items is amazing. I can't say enough good things about them. VERY good prices and everything was of very good quality.




    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    I ordered these necklaces from Overstock for $17.99. They are really nice. I should have taken them out of the package, but you get the idea. I even ordered one for myself (not to wear at the wedding).


    Click the image to open in full size.


    I got these from Pier One for like $5 each:


    Click the image to open in full size.

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