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Everything posted by LoriCalleWed

  1. Hi -- I'm in need of finding bridesmaid dresses fairly soon because my first choice fell through -- long story. But, I found some that would fit the bill being sold online by a boutique in Akron Ohio called "Coming Attractions." Has anyone used or heard of this boutique before? I'm a little leery of ordering online from a place that's 1200 miles away that I've got very little info on. any info would be great! Thanks!
  2. While I have faith that the economy will recover in the long term -- if the people in charge decide to care, that is -- what I'm concerned with is the short term of planning a wedding in the middle of the economic chaos. We have money saved for the wedding, but my parents insist on contributing even though they are both retiring in the next year on now depleted 401 k's. So I feel bad about taking money from them (and will try to convince them to contribute less). And, even though we are in fairly good financial shape at the moment, we work for the same company, and that company has had lay offs in the last year and might have more before it's all over with. Also, I am pretty sure this is going to keep a lot of our potential guests -- who otherwise would be there -- from coming considering the cost and their other financial priorities. The beauty of a destination wedding is having a more intimate wedding and inviting only the people you really care about, so the people on the list are really important to us and we really want them to be there. I'm honestly considering whether I should postpone the wedding now while we would lose some money but before we are in so far that we lose a whole lot. And then rescheduling for later when maybe things will have cooled off with the markets. And possible even ditching the destination and doing something domestic that would at least be cheaper for the guests. Is anyone else having these thoughts? And have you had your guest lists dwindled to fewer than you had expected?
  3. Wow! Thanks guys. These are really good ideas. I see a few I'm definitely going to try out and i'll let you know how they work!
  4. Hi! I live in New York and am getting married in Jamaica. My mom lives in my home state 1200 miles away. Because so many things are done over the phone and online in destination planning, and because it won't logistically be able for my mom to come up and help with things like dress shopping here, I'm having a hard time including her. Even though she's keeping a brave face, I can tell she's disappointed that she can't be as much a part of the wedding planning as she'd like. I've emailed a couple of pictures just for the sake of letting her give an opinion on something. On a selfish note from my end, I would like having my mom's help too. My bridesmaids are scattered across the country as well, so i'm short on helping hands. I'm sure many of you ladies are in similar situations. What kinds of ways are you getting your moms (and long distance bridesmaids) involved?
  5. Nikki, your photos are beautiful! It looks like a magazine spread! Sandra E. .... Where did you get your wedding web site? It is fantastic!
  6. Wow, this is really informative. It's a little worrisome about the Rose Hall area in general to me that everyone has said that these guys are unresponsive. Have you tried Half Moon? They were horrible! They didn't reply to a single email and I had to play phone tag for almost three weeks just to find out that they only had the expensive suites available for the weekend I wanted to hold my wedding because the single and double rooms were booked out to a conference. I felt like I was getting the runaround. so, in comparison, the guys at Rose Hall have been very responsive. They've sent me some price quotes and menus and replied to emails. I was warned by friends who've had destination weddings that you have to get a running start on anything you need done in a certain amount of time because of the WC workload and the relaxed island atmosphere, so I'm prepared for a bit of a delay. And I've found that with other resorts I've tried to contact as well. But the complete radio silence from Half Moon made me almost relieved when I found out it wouldn't work there. It's great to hear from people who have gotten married there and enjoyed it. And Erica, I'll PM you. Thanks!
  7. Hi Erica, I wish i could help you with the band, but I'm looking for info on this resort too. Rose Hall is on the short list for my wedding, and my fiance and I are going to check it out next month. What did you think about it specifically? which location are you going to chose and did you get to taste any of the food or see the reception locations? Does it look as nice in person as on the web site? I'm sure you know it's hard to find infor on this place from people who've been married there. Any feed back on it would be great!
  8. Hi -- I'm a newbie getting married in the either (hopefully) the last wkd of April or first of May. Right now we're aiming for Jamaica and will be going there in a couple of weeks to check out sites. Any input on the Rose Hall area of Montego Bay would be most welcome. We just found out our top choice (Half Moon) has no rooms at the inn, so we're looking at Rose Hall Country Club and Resort and maybe (looong shot!) the Ritz-Carlton there. Also, since the front runner bowed out, i've started reading up on Negril. Any ideas for about a 50-person wedding there would also rock my world. Thanks!! And hope to post again soon and also doll up my sig when I have a little more time!
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