I agree with Carly, I would prefer the wristlet.. Even when I get a nice makeup bag I feel like its all dirty and dingy in no time. Then again I LOVE clutches/wristlets/purses and rarely wear the same one two days in a row when I am going out
I leave on Christmas Eve I have my second fitting on the 14th so I hope its done. I am thinking about adding straps to my dress though. I am waiting for my pashminas, brochures and another dress to arrive in the mail any day now. And still have to make my tags for the pashminas and OOT bags. Oh and this weekend Im getting my extensions cut and colored so they are ready to go!
Wow angela when do you leave?! So soon!! EEK! We are having HORRENDOUS weather here in Calgary that I am so excited that we will be on the beaches in a matter of weeks now.
Totally true, and i do think most likely she had an off day b/c the day I bought my dress at her big sale she was very sweet and nice. But if it weren't for that sale I wouldn't have went back again b/c of the first visit. Either way its done and I did get my dress, which is the most important part.
KRama- Tell me about it! With the snow fall this past weekend all we keep saying is THREE MORE WEEKS and we are in sunny mexico!! WOOT!
yep like some of the other girls said, just because we get married it doesnt mean life stops for other people. And although our weddings are important, starting a family is usulaly more important than that. I was sad when one of my best friends/bmaids got pregnant and now isnt coming to our wedding -b/c I would personally put off getting pregnant if it meant missing her wedding-but we are all different with our priorities and we have to understand that.
AND thats the choice/risk we take when we plan a Destination wedding..
It will be ok and your day will STILL be beautiful no matter what!
I heart you nikki, and heart you more for the fact that you bought flip flops off ebay. For some reason that gets me. Thanks for sharing!! And I must say, that pic of your dress on the model DOES NOT do it justice, it was completely stunning on you!
holy crap Autumn, you really went all out! Wow, everything looks fantastic and I cannot believe you posted this at 1am this morning on the day you leave!! HAVE A BLAST!! BTW, I did the EXACT same brochures and just ordered them yesterday!
ah i was confused! We are having our legal ceremony on Dec 17th! Wanted to have it as close to our wedding as possible, so its exactly one week before we leave.
Every year we have just taken turns at each others in laws, its been pretty easy. And this year our wedding is on dec 29th so we will ALL be together in Mexico.. perfect solution
I dont think you should wear a necklace but thats just my personal opinion! I think there is already so much going on with the top of your dress that just wearing earrings and your grandmothers ring would be perfect..