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Everything posted by *Nadine*

  1. Jcrew all the way.. they have some super cute dresses right now.
  2. My fiance just bought a beige linen suit this past weekend. Its perry ellis and was very affordable, and hes also planning on getting all his GM the same pants but a dif white collared shirt. I think I also remember seeing a nice grey and blue suit that were light as well.
  3. I do not know how I did not see this store until just this past weekend. Or read about it online? Anyways, for anyone in the calgary area this store carries wicked bmaid dresses and simple (perfect for destination wedding) dresses! Frocks Modern Bridesmaids Check it out!
  4. Hey Ashley, I just got back from Arizona and my fiance got his linen suit there (pants and jacket could be bought seperate)! Its Perry Ellis and I know the Bay carries it (not sure if they carry the full line though). It was super affordable and looked great on him and the pants are nice looking -not suit'ish at all, and make his bum look great Maybe check that out? I'll see if I can find a picture to post.
  5. Thats one of the dresses I am doing for my girls! I am letting them pick any of the three chiffon dresses, in the clover green They all love them. BTW what colors are you using with the green?? I cant decide!
  6. Have a great wedding Ang!!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back Hope everything goes perfect for you!
  7. try jcrew, victorias secret, banana, revolveclothing.com, shopbop.com, pinkmascara.com, bluefly.com...
  8. Holy wow your stuff is amazing! Where/when did you get those two dresses from BCBG?! I LOVE BOTH of them-esp the all white one with flower applique on the bottom!
  9. I need help! I cannot find a dress for the life of me. And its not for the lack of trying - I have been to over 10 shops in Canada and the US. I have now been engaged for 10 mths and still have nothing. Im thinking of having a dress made and was wondering if anyone else had theirs made? If so, can you show me pictures, and if your from Calgary can you let me know who did it for you? I appreciate anyones help! So frustrating!
  10. oops i meant jenny lee.. but both those designers I told you are definitely above $1000.. good luck!
  11. I feel your pain! I got engaged last April and STILL havent found a dress I have been to 11 dress stores in two provinces and four states. I am starting to think about having one made b/c what I want is NOT out there. I just want a very simple dress - Mermaid style, v-neck/v-back, no lace, no beading, not satin/silk, one that still holds a good shape thats not heavy. And it doesnt exist.. Check out Amy kuschel. She has the one dress that I am going to buy if I don't decide to get one made.. The reason I am torn is b/c its strapless and I REALLY dont want a strapless dress. Also check out Jenny Yee.
  12. Thanks thanks thanks Andie!!!! YEs please send me pics!!! [email protected] Everything sounded so so awesome and it makes me so much more excited now to hear from someone who actually got married there! And now im thinking we should move our ceremony to the terrrace instead of the beach, b/c you said it was more private. Cant wait to see the pics, send me as many as possible!! hehe
  13. I am not doing a bouquet or garter toss.. But I might wear my grandmas garter b/c its blue We'll see when I decide on a dress, to see if it will work out or not!
  14. When we first decided on a destination wedding I thought about just having my sister and him have his brother, bc it would be a smaller wedding than if we had gotten married in Calgary.. Then we thought about it more and realized we really wanted to include our friends, like we have been included in some of our friends weddings. I have had such amazing experiences in the four weddings I have been in, I feel like its the best part of the wedding being with your best friends and we are both fortunate enough to have a group of friends where there is NEVER any drama! We are going to have b/w 80 and 90 guests and 14 will be at the front with us (7 and 7). I think just do whatever you want and it will be perfect for you!
  15. HI Stacey, Did you get pictures sent to you? I will send you what I have, but I dont really have much of actual 'wedding pics'.. I think Silver maybe does tho? Both Andie and Jenluvsmike got married, but never came back on here to give us a review Might have to wait for the first march brides?? Please give us a review when you get back!!!
  16. I think they are great! Plus, its not the like guys will actually use them.. or at least I know the single guys at our wedding won't be using their bag! But this way they won't feel quite so girly carrying it to their room.
  17. I swear by shopbop and revolve for clothes! I totally agree, canada really does suck for shopping! Love the foley & corinna dress, I love their dresses and swear by them!
  18. we are doing the same as you Fanny. Most of our guests are arriving Friday, the rest on Saturday, so both nights we will be there to greet everyone with their OOT bags, and then will just carry the night on at the lobby bar or something. Definitely low key, but the most budget friendly esp since we will have around 85 people.
  19. btw, we have 'better together' as our song on our ewedding website...love it
  20. hahahah Don't hate me when you start having UPS show up at your door every two weeks like I have.. .. We are getting my girls bmaid dresses from there (not the typical bmaid dress and the chiffon dresses are great and can totally be worn again -at least i think so since I own two of them!) Make sure you sign up on their website b/c then you will get their promos/discounts. They always have something (free shipping, 20% off, 30% off etc).
  21. Well, Im pretty much 6'2" when I wear shoes (I wish I was 5'10",then I could wear 3 inch heels!!). I dont ever really have a problem finding clothes, but I tend to shop mostly online. For jeans I swear by Rock and Republic (which are pricey but man they fit great), and Joe's jeans (style rocker and twiggy come in 36" inseam). For dress pants I find Zara always carries a 36" inseam in alot of their pants. And I shop at jcrew and banana alot for tops as well. Gonna try jcrews pants right away. btw I hated being tall until I was about 21 or 22 and just really grew into myself, now I love love love it
  22. We are trying to figure out the same thing too! We just planned on waiting until banana came out with their spring/summer stock, but we have until december for our wedding so time is on our hands. A friend of mine who got married last year, got his suit from Harry Rosen (pricey though), other than that I wouldnt know where to look? Jcrew ships to canada, lots of the time for free, and will be getting their spring/summer stuff soon too?
  23. I think I remember someone saying $10 pp or $12 pp for all guests over the 20 that were included in the pkg. For one hour of cocktail service. And yah, I know the reception can only go till 1030pm but if ours starts at 630pm I want it to be the full four hours, so i would need to pay for the additional hour. What time are you guys getting married? I think we had planned for 430 or 5pm cause i know the sun sets at around 6pm the time of year im going. So our reception would start at 630pm after pictures.. then again, I guess if we did an hour of cocktails then we would only need the three hours for the reception. BUT I think its crazy to pay $10/12 a person for cocktail hour considering we are at an ALL INCLUSIVE resort. Man. I am thinking Jen or Andies reviews will help alot wtih these questions!
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