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Everything posted by *Nadine*

  1. Congrats Shivani! Man do I hear you on the travel agent front, but not going to get into that. You looked beautiful and thanks for sharing some pics!!
  2. Congrats & welcome Lizette! You will find lots of information on here to help plan your wedding.. Check out the islands section on the main page and see if anyone in there is getting married in Anguilla! Good luck
  3. *Nadine*


    Congrats & welcome to another December bride
  4. Congrats and welcome to another alberta bride!!
  5. Congrats & happy planning! If you do a search for budget, you will find threads where a bunch of brides have laid out their budget for all different locations! Good luck
  6. *Nadine*

    Newbie :)

    Congrats & Welcome Jennifer!!
  7. Congrats & welcome Huey!!!
  8. *Nadine*


    Welcome to the forum Andrea and congrats on your upcoming destination wedding
  9. Welcome to the forum & congrats on your engagement!!
  10. *Nadine*


    The moon palage will be gorgeous!! Congrats & Welcome!!
  11. *Nadine*


    Hi Morgan and welcome to the forum!!! Congrats on your engagement
  12. ok i dont even know how i came to this thread and then ended up in a thread with a bunch of dressed up ferets.. but im dying.
  13. Awesome review! I was so pumped for pics but there weren't any so post some soon!! CONGRATS
  14. Im not having one but im marrying a manitoba boy so i know all about them Actually one of his friends is having one in October but I dont think we will make it.
  15. Ive seen quite a few destination weddings where the b maids were wearing long flowy bmaid dresses as well. As long as they weren't stiff and tight, i think they would be very cool! I know I wear long sundresses when i go on vacation
  16. ok I confess that I want to bop you Shitters who say you feel left out on the shoutbox, on the head!
  17. We did the same with one bag per couple or one per single. And then tried to keep it simple other than choosing one *main* favor, which is our travel mugs. The rest are dollar type items (puzzles, pens, spf lip balm, anti bac lotion, gum etc). good luck!
  18. Congrats & welcome to the forum! You have definitely come to the right place
  19. 1. Where is your cell phone? purse 2. Your significant other? Incredible 3. Your hair? straight 4. Your mother? BFF 5. Your father? amazing 6. Your favorite thing? salt 7. Your dream last night? forgotten 8. Your favorite drink? wine 9. Your dream/goal? family 10. The room you're in? office 11. Your ex? loser 12. Your fear? sharks 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy 14. Where were you last night? volleyball 15. What you're not? short 16. Muffins? bran 17. One of your wish list items? purse 18. Where you grew up? small 19. The last thing you did? email 20. What are you wearing? skirt 21. Your TV? mounted 22. Your pets? none 23. Your computer? imac 24. Your life? fulfilling 25. Your mood? hungry 26. Missing someone? always 27. Your vehicle?SUV 28. something your not wearing? socks 29. Favorite Store? jcrew 30. Your summer? crap 31. Like someone? everybody 32. favorite color? changes 33. When is the last time you laughed? today 34. Last time you cried? yesterday
  20. HI Jennifer! Great choice of resort, welcome to the forum & congrats on your engagement!
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