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Everything posted by *Nadine*

  1. Its totally fine. I think you should ask however many people you want. I originally had 8 bmaids and my FI had 7, but now one of my girls cant come cause she is prego, so now we are even. I wouldnt have cared either way tho. Its more important to both of us to have who we want and not sacrifice just b/c of it being uneven. good luck
  2. ok im finally back on the working out train. I totally fell off after my vegas bachelorette in july. whoopsie. back to 6 days a week at the gym. Tonight is legs day, my least favorite day. Oh well, wish me luck!
  3. I think it depends on how many people you have walking and how far you have to walk. I dont think this can be decided before hand. I think your wedding coordinater should be able to help out and switch songs (fading in adn out) when needed.
  4. yah agree with some of the other girls.. I think most of the stuff you find on BDW is untraditional! Our bridal party (girls, not sure of guys yet) will walk to 'somewhere over the rainbow' I'll walk to 'Feels like home' - edwina hayes Recessional - 'I'm yours' (jason mraz) and i think our first dance will be 'In your eyes' - Jeffrey Gaines (as of today anyways)
  5. ah! Thanks Autumn! Im glad you have seen it done before. I have seen it done at a head table before but not all tables. not like it matters, we are in mexico Diana - I wont be doing parasols for sure.. I just think its too much
  6. Ah crap jamie! I was just going to ask you about your bouquets turning into centerpeices b/c thats what I was thinking! I have 7 girls so i think it would be too much having 7 parasols at the front. And 7 bouquets costs an arm and a leg, so if anything I was thinking of them going into 7 vases on our 7 tables at the reception-and obviously mine on our table. hmm. I'll have to think about this as well.
  7. I heart crest whitening strips and swear by them! I recently just bought GOSmile kit though for FI to use. He cant stand keeping the strips in his mouth for 20-30min so this kit is supposed to be twice a day for 10 days, and only in your mouth for 1-2 min. Ill let you know how it goes
  8. ah I tried to get into it but im still not feeling it. Which is weird b/c I watch like every show on tv.. Ill try one more week!
  9. Hey girls.. my TA was just down in huatulco and met with Gabriella (WC) and is going to be emailing me a bunch of info. I'll make sure I share when I get it!
  10. Wow you looked beautiful and I loved your flowers as well! Congrats and thanks for sharing!!
  11. I am pretty sure FI and I will just stay together the night before. I dont really believe in superstitions. If thats going to be the doom of my marriage than I think there are bigger problems!! I also heard if your single and try on someones engagement ring its bad luck??
  12. Welcome Josies mom You have a fantastic daughter, we love her!
  13. I'm just over 6'1" and he is just over 6'3".. im gonna wear flats though so im comfortable
  14. He said his gr.3 teacher was a mrs. Speers? Hes 27 though so right in b/w them, and thought Geoff rang a bell but wasnt sure. He's one of the 'Griffith Twins' (seems to be how they are know), Jesse. Not sure if your FI would know him?
  15. echo2_62; small world, Im in calgary as well and my FI is also from brandon!!
  16. it looks awesome on you!!!! The only thing is I love your freckles and they all disappeared when you got the make up on. But really natural and looks fantastic!
  17. Im so excited for all of your weddings and my own too!!! I sometimes just want to let out a little woot woot for no reason b/c im so excited!!! yay!!
  18. Me too! Esp b/c most resorts give you a four hour reception so you have to fit; dinner, speeches, first dance, father/daughter dance, and then actual dance into that timeline! The only thing i know for sure will be: Introduction of wedding party Introduction of bride and groom Straight into first dance, followed by father daughter dance MC talks a bit, then dinner will be served. Probably will do speeches b/w courses?
  19. Well your wedding is still a bit away. People could give them to you closer to your wedding or even at your wedding. At least thats what I would do. I always give a shower gift (off the registry, for the couple) and then give money as a wedding gift to the couple.
  20. I actually think I'll forgo the bouquets for my bmaids. Its really expensive for something they will hold on to for maybe an hour. IF we do bouquets we will find a way to incorporate them into centerpeices I think. Like have an empty vase and then they will each place one in a vase at the reception. I've seen it done for head tables and it looks nice
  21. panythose? I'll be putting as little as possible under my dress b/c of the hot weather in mexico!
  22. I think you just go ahead and ask her and if she wants to say no, or is concerned, she will talk to you. She can still be a bridesmaid and participate in all the other things that bridesmaids help out with, but just not come to the wedding. I am sure, since she is one of your bffs, she knows how you are and knows you are sensitive to her situation. Then again, you also know her best and know how she would better handle it (i.e you giving her an option to say no or not)
  23. Congrats and welcome to the forum
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