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Everything posted by *Nadine*

  1. Yah we are having one of FI's best friends, who is not in the wedding party, do it for us. He also knows us together as a couple the longest so that works out nice too
  2. What the heck?! Thats just weird. Have they booked this trip now? You dont have to invite them to the wedding.. they can still come and hang out with your friend and everyone but the actual wedding day will still be your wedding day and they wont be involved. At least thats what I would do. I wouldnt pay for three more guests that I wasnt even friends with, or that i didnt invite to the wedding. But I would be ok with other people coming and being at the resort since my wedding is only one day of the week. So I guess I would just tell my friend that thats great that her friends are going too but that they wont be coming to your wedding and that you still want her to be a big help and part of your day, since she is a bridesmaid.
  3. hahahahahahha um I guess I would rather have toes for fingers Would you rather have a lisp or a lazy eye? ** Keep in mind when answering these you can't just say you would do something cause you could get a surgery or do this or that, there would be no remedy for the one you choose, if that makes sense **
  4. I would have to go with number 2 for the same reason you and everyone else said. I feel like there is something else thats better/catchier than just 'Our Fabulous Friends' tho.. I just don't know what?!
  5. I ordered mine from etsy seller ohmydeer (ohmydear?) I also asked for it to be a bit smaller, more like 3 inches rather than 4-5.
  6. do you want them sautered together? My ring is kinda similar to yours, in that its a three stoned ring but I just plan on wearing a band that does not fit into my e-ring.
  7. what about yellow and white calla lillies or some white orchids?
  8. I agree with what Jessica said. You will have a few surprises and a few disappointments. Its how it goes. And b/c you don't have a TA with a price set and a deadline to get a deposit in it could be awhile before people actually book. Our wedding is this december and we got our rates last year in August and people had two weeks to put down $200 to hold the rate and their spot, so we had about 60 people do that right away. Since you are going a dif route and leaving it up to your guests, it could be pretty close to the date before they book so don't stress. People like to shop around and wait for deals.
  9. hahhaha Rather have steam come out of my ears when mad (i dont get mad often!) Would you rather be a girl giant (over 6'5) or midget (under 4'10")
  10. Im having a phone meeting with her on sunday morning once she has everything all together and emails me all the pics and info. I will definitely forward you everything via email as well Nicole. I am almost at 3mths, I am so ready!! Going to get bands next week (or talk to our jeweller about what we want made)! Anything new with your planning?
  11. Seriously? um how ugly is ugly?? haha ok i guss I would rather be ugly and live until I was 100. Would you rather snort sand or chew on gravel?
  12. I agree with Stacey.. at the engagement party thrown for us, everyone brought us a card and a couple people brought us a bottle of wine.. Nothing crazy
  13. I love them! I got the same bags as you for my guests and I haven't look at them since I bought them so it was nice to see that I still love them!! Nice work
  14. Thats awesome! I dont even know how much we can bring, i should check it out!
  15. Congrats on a wonderful wedding and thanks for the review!
  16. *Nadine*


    Hi and welcome to the forum! I am not familiar with any of those locations but I am sure there are brides on here who could help! From what I have seen I love the Azul properties tho..
  17. hahah nice Autumn. ah Jill, I love spinning! I havent been in awhile. ILl have to try to get there either this weekend or next week tho! I hate it the whole time im spinning but man you feel so good after!
  18. whaaat i love this shyte!!! Thanks for the info, share the links please!
  19. Thats awesome Jeni!! I got my nicole miller gown at a 'moving locations 'sale for $100 and i was blown over. I plan on taking it to the salvation army or goodwill after my wedding, so hopefully someone else will eventually get mine for even more of a steal then i did Can't wait to see pics!
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